There's a few I follow who I just cannot stand, but I only don't unfollow them because they're UNC fans.
- Doc Kennedy (@DocHeelfire) -- very arrogant. Thinks too highly of his own opinions, and he Tweets about Wake County school board politics ALL. THE. TIME. *insert Pete Griffin "Who the Hell cares?" gif here*
- Countesses of UNC (@CountessesofUNC) -- these aren't affiliate with the REAL Count, and they're super annoying. Threw a hissy on me a few weeks back because I corrected them on spelling it "Tarheel" and they doubled down on their idiocy and claimed you could spell it either way.
- Ross Martin (@RossMartin_IC) -- he just comes across as a douche
- Tar Heel Nation (@UNC_TarHeelFan) -- no this isn't me. I actually mind this one the least of the four, but they're still annoying as well. They overdo the trolling thing.