Not to take away from the other movie thread, what are your habits when going to catch a flick.
I usually do not go the first night it is released unless it it something I consider epic like Star Wars. I like mid afternoon movies. Must have popcorn although I am close to finished with it by the time the movie starts. I get there as early as possible to get the seat at the top mid row. We went to see Madeia year before last and was stuck on the front row. I will never watch another movie like that again. I rarely go to the movies alone. I must have lots of butter with my popcorn. The one in my home town does not butter for you. They have a butter machine for you to use after you pay for it. Sucks cause you can't get all the popcorn covered like I want.
I Dont mind saying something to you if you are loud during a movie either.
How about you?
I usually do not go the first night it is released unless it it something I consider epic like Star Wars. I like mid afternoon movies. Must have popcorn although I am close to finished with it by the time the movie starts. I get there as early as possible to get the seat at the top mid row. We went to see Madeia year before last and was stuck on the front row. I will never watch another movie like that again. I rarely go to the movies alone. I must have lots of butter with my popcorn. The one in my home town does not butter for you. They have a butter machine for you to use after you pay for it. Sucks cause you can't get all the popcorn covered like I want.
I Dont mind saying something to you if you are loud during a movie either.
How about you?