Multiple homicide in Chapel Hill


Hall of Famer
Apr 7, 2006
Just saw a twitter report from some reporter that three people are dead in CH. that is all I have at this point .

Anyone closer to the situation than I am here in NOVA got further word on this story???
Is homicide rare in Chapel Hill? I'm just curious. We seem to have one twice a week or so here.
I would think that ANY homicide in the Chapel Hill area would be rare, much less a triple homicide.
Hate crime. Some psychotic lunatic shot 3 Muslims- a husband, who was a dental student, his wife and a sister. May God bless and keep them.

Just awful news. Apparently the shooter hated either Islam or all religions, but whether or not he had any connection to the victims is unknown. We should give him to The Iranians and let them perform their kind of justice on him.

This post was edited on 2/11 7:13 AM by UNC71-00

WRAL story
Sad story to hear, this guy had a lot of hate inside him . .
Originally posted by UNC71-00:
Hate crime. Some psychotic lunatic shot 3 Muslims- a husband, who was a dental student, his wife and a sister. May God bless and keep them.

Just awful news. Apparently the shooter hated either Islam or all religions, but whether or not he had any connection to the victims is unknown. We should give him to The Iranians and let them perform their kind of justice on him.

This post was edited on 2/11 7:13 AM by UNC71-00
The tip of the iceberg. Religion and race are such dividing topics right now. I anticipate seeing a whole lot more stories similar to this one in the not too distant future.
Awful news. Cory, to answer your question.....crime is not rare in Chapel Hill (there's a lot, actually, more than you'd think) but homicide is rare.

gsd -- you're right.....I feel like more stuff like this is bound to happen. Religious tension and conflicts is reaching critical mass right now, it seems like.

As for the nutjob murderer......bro, you have this much problem with Muslims, Christians, foreigners, etc etc, and you live IN OR NEAR CHAPEL HILL??? Pretty dumb planning on your part. There's tons of other places in N.C. you could go and not have to "subject yourself" to people you don't like. Idiot.
Latest report is that the shooting was the result of an ongoing dispute about a parking space. The police haven't ruled out the possibility that it was a hate crime, though, and are still investigating.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Latest report is that the shooting was the result of an ongoing dispute about a parking space. The police haven't ruled out the possibility that it was a hate crime, though, and are still investigating.
Who gives a shit if it was a "hate crime" was MURDER plain and simple! Get the guy to trial, find him guilty and make him pay for his execution! This will drag out for years, the media will make up all kinds of hype about it and who knows who will try and fan the flames of racism etc....the bottom several accounts decent and good people (doesn't matter ethnicity, politics or religion) were murdered by a lunatic who was full of hate.....needs to be dealt with quickly!!!!
Originally posted by GACMAN:

..... make him pay for his execution! ....
Dean Smith abhorred capital punishment and lobbied hard for it's removal in NC.
Originally posted by Ozheelfan:
Originally posted by GACMAN:

..... make him pay for his execution! ....
Dean Smith abhorred capital punishment and lobbied hard for it's removal in NC.
I'm aware.

And I strongly disagree with his stance on this issue. I'm a big supporter of the death penalty. Hero worship is well and good -- it's great, actually, if you can worship a great man like Dean Smith. But that doesn't mean you have to mirror all of your opinions and beliefs to match that person's beliefs. That would just make you a hypocrite.
RIP, so tragic. They were friends with Abu and Staats Battle on the State basketball team.

I am also with Dean Smith. I'm against the death penalty, in the rare occasion someone's existence is a risk to the welfare of the nation (treason, enemy combatant).
Originally posted by Ozheelfan:
Originally posted by GACMAN:

..... make him pay for his execution! ....
Dean Smith abhorred capital punishment and lobbied hard for it's removal in NC.
Another reason I admired Coach Smith. Murdering a murderer is... um... murder.
I hate Hate crimes. Sorry to hear of this happening in CH. However, I am not surprised. Hope the killer is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
...... Hero worship is well and good -- it's great, actually, if you can worship a great man like Dean Smith. But that doesn't mean you have to mirror all of your opinions and beliefs to match that person's beliefs. That would just make you a hypocrite.
Fair call. I'm not anti Capital Punishment because of Dean Smith, but I'm stronger in my beliefs after reading the story of how he lobbied against it. I'd actually credit my dad's influence on the topic rather than Dean (though I don't agree with all my dad said either btw)

Anyway, no need to debate legal policy on this thread, rather to recognise that 3 people are dead for seemingly no reason. A tragedy however you look at it.
Damn! I lived on Summerwalk circle in 1992-1993. Finley Forest. Parking was bad back then, but this is absurd and tragic.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I believe it was the LA Times that said the perp had had multiple run-ins with other residents of the apartment complex over parking spaces, noise levels, etc. Apparently they held a community meeting to discuss how to deal with his frequent confrontations, which made many of the residents feel unsafe.

He sounds like a hateful, miserable man. For the life of me I can't understand how that translates into killing three people in cold blood over a petty argument. It's absolutely tragic.

I read on twitter than several college basketball games observed a moment of silence tonight for some combination of the three students, Dean Smith, Jerry Tarkanian, and/or Don Shea (local sportscaster). That included NC State and Pittsburgh. It's been a heck of a week. Hug a loved one.

Great showing on campus for the vigil tonight:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Originally posted by Ozheelfan:
Originally posted by GACMAN:

..... make him pay for his execution! ....
Dean Smith abhorred capital punishment and lobbied hard for it's removal in NC.
Another reason I admired Coach Smith. Murdering a murderer is... um... murder.

I just didn't like the team he coached. But he was a wise man
I'm sad for the families of those murdered. God bless them.

In regards to capital punishment, some people are not capable of being rehabilitated. And why should the general public pay gobs of money to support their existence especially when it's not much of one?
I do not like UNC. As obvious.

But the crap people are saying about how North Carolina is is full of bigots and how Muslims are not safe in CHAPEL HILL, of all places... that pisses me off. Really chaps my ass.

I'm far from right wing, but this guy was a freak and loved him some Richard Dawkins and was militant anti-religious.

Let me tell you, Richard Dawkins is a Richard Cranium. Of the worst kind. Calling NC 'NRA Land" and acting like my home state is full of a bunch of angry xenophobes with guns at every turn all over his Twitter account. Bet there are more guns down here in Miami or in Cali, and they aren't for hunting. I met Dick Dawkins two years ago at a forum at UM and I wanted to punch him. He was insulting religious people in a public forum and I called it hate speech. Because what he professes about people of faith IS hate speech... and he has provided ZERO advancement to the scientific community (I am a scientist) except paraphrasing the works of other scientists to profess an agenda.... I lost a friend of mine to cancer (he also worked for Kay Yow as her manager when I was at State) and his relationship with Jesus gave him solace and the power to fight for so long AND comforted his wife left with a one year old child. People's faith in God is what gives them strength and order and love.

Like Richard Dawkins, this murderer resents people that answer to a great cause. Eff him and all his militant religion-hating ilk.

Man, this whole situation pisses me off and the reactions in social media is making it worse. I have never met or known anyone that would kill out of bigotry. NC is not islamophobic or backwards like the media wants to spin it.

This post was edited on 2/14 1:11 AM by Raleigh2Miami