Mustaches 4 Kids


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I'm sure many of y'all have heard of this before. But if not, here's the gist. During the month of November, people sign up to be "growers", solicit pledges from family, friends and professional contacts and grow whatever kind of mustache they can muster up. The best part about our local drive is that all participants choose a character they try to become through their mustache.

As was seen in the Roast Me thread, I have no aversion to mustaches nor to self deprecation. I'm trying to decide what character I'm going to pick this year. This is only the third year that M4K has been facilitated in our area (and it just so happens that my organization was chosen as a beneficiary this year) but a lot of good characters have already been done. I'm sure some people will redo ones that have been done but I don't roll that way. At the Stache Bash on Dec 2, prizes will be given out for best stache, worst stache, creepiest stache, most creative character, etc. I figured I'd let y'all help me out here.

As I said, many of the usual suspects have been done. White Goodman, Ron Burgundy, Magnum P.I., Cheech Marin and many others are old hat. So below are some pics of some characters that I'm considering. Let me know which one you'd go with and feel free to add any commentary. I'm also taking suggestions.

*This is not a Rank 'em or a poll. I didn't want to offend either camp.








Guys, guys, guys,...I have to be clean shaven when I check in on November 2. So that means there's no chance I'm growing a Dali stache in one month. That also knocks out Rollie Fingers and Yosemite Sam. Those are just too elaborate for a 1 month growth. Even Zappa will be a little tough but I can probably get pretty close with him.

Good suggestion. My 9 year old suggested this one too. In other words, you think like a 9 year old.

I thought of him too. But that's probably a little inappropriate for a charity fundraising drive for children.

he's a bad mutha...


I actually thought of Billy Dee Williams as Lando. But showing up in black face is probably a bad look.

Excellent. Because you know I'm a huge fan. I thought about Oates as a Halloween costume with a buddy of mine. But I'm going solo. And without a Darryl Hall look-a-like with me, I'm just not sure enough people would get it.

Boom. I love Ron Swanson. He's my kind of guy. Not sure he's recognizable enough though. But I love the suggestion.

Keep 'em coming fellas.

So this past weekend was The 'Stache Bash where we ended a month long fundraiser of growing mustaches. As I said in the OP, guys that participated were encouraged to show up in a costume of their favorite mustached character. I thought I'd follow up with some pics.

This is what I went with @TarHeelNation11

@UNC71-00 - don't know if you saw a picture of your boy, Ed on Facebook. But if not, here ya go.

Richard Petty was the winner. He f**king nailed it.

Here are a couple more - Magnum, Mr. Kotter and my personal favorite, Joe Dirt.



About 75 dudes raised $90k in a month for 3 local child serving organizations. I personally raised just short of $1700 (thanks in part to UNC71-00). Anyway, it's a great fundraising concept for many reasons - no staff time, no organizational monies directed towards it and it really increases exposure to those in the community that aren't current supporters of a particular organization. I know Richmond, VA and Wilmington, NC have chapters of the Mustaches 4 Kids. I encourage you to get involved if you live in those areas. And if you wanted to start one in your community, let me know and I'll put you in touch with our folks.
Excellent. Did anyone know who you were? lol

Some, but not as many as I had hoped. Bunch of rubes. I even had a can of pomade that I printed out the Dapper Dan logo and glued to the top. But a couple guys came up to me throughout the night and asked, "Gopher, Everett?" or if I was "bona fide" and shit like that. It was a hoot. I'm already planning for next year. Uncle Rico, here I come.
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