Need some internetz/YouTube help


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
Okay OOTB, I'm hoping y'all can come through for me. I'm looking for a particular Coke Zero commercial that I have stuck in my head (a friend had to do a presentation for Coca-Cola today) and I cannot find it anywhere on the webz.

It's from the Coke vs. Coke Zero ads from 3-5 years back that feature "Coke Brand Managers" Matt and Phil. Here's an example of the commercials from this line:

The one I'm looking for is the particular one where those two guys are in adjacent cubicles and one of them turns and catches the other one drinking a Coke Zero and asks for him to hand it over. The guy hands it over and the other guy goes something like "Wow, really Matt. The bottle's empty. You drank the whole thing Matt. We're Coke BRAND MANAGERS, Matt. It's unacceptable" And the other guy is like "It tastes just like Coke, what did you want me to do?" And the guy replies "I want you to take the knife out of my back when I turn around" and the commercial ends.

Someone please help me find it lol. I looked during my entire lunch break and couldn't find it :(
I hunted around for a little while but couldn't find it either.

I did find this one, which is I guess where they filmed the commercial, they discuss the commercial - but of course there's no related videos for the actual commercial.

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I hunted around for a little while but couldn't find it either.

I did find this one, which is I guess where they filmed the commercial, they discuss the commercial - but of course there's no related videos for the actual commercial.


You remember which one I'm talking about though, right? Those dudes are hilarious because of how dry their delivery is, and the particular commercial I'm referencing makes me LOL just thinking about it, even though I haven't seen it in probably 4 years.
Should also be able to uncover it with Google search for archived coke commercials. Should pro ire a few fresh leads if 0910's link doesn't work
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If there was a joke, then I guess it did.

I thought you poasted a link to a physical location where you claim the commercial can be viewed.
I did, so you saying it didn't have the commercial is incorrect. Unless you are telling me you are currently there and they are not showing it.
Hey, speaking of Internet help... if I want to upload my own photo so that I can show it on a random picture thread or something, do I still have to go through some photo storage site like shutterfly? Or is there a quicker way to do this?

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