Your reactions please.................
Not much we can do now - the guilt already killed JoePa.
That's one of the problems with this case. Everybody looks at Paterno, and forgets about the administration. It's sort of like how everyone thought terrorism was over just because we killed bin Laden. If the administration at Penn St had done its job, they would have fired Paterno and reported Sandusky all the way back in 1998. The point of having presidents and chancellors at universities is to deal with problems like this. If administrators aren't going to deal with situations like this, then there isn't a reason to have them in the first place.
My reactions are I really don't care.Your reactions please.................
My reactions are I really don't care.
The ONLY question I've ever had or even cared about is why did the victims report their story to Joe Paterno and not the police? That's the only thing that's ever interested me about this case.
If you understood how highly he was revered, you'd understand. He should have cleaned it up, and the administration should have. They were in authority for a reason.
The real question is why in that culture did they think it wasn't such a big deal? Suggests molestation was much more widespread than people want to admit, and since so many had dealt with it and gone on, that it was looked on as not such a big deal. Certainly not worth endangering the reputation of the storied football program. It's a little like the Catholic hierarchy that kept protecting pedophile priests. They seemed to think it was just a minor offense, something to overlook and not really deal with.
My reactions are I really don't care.
The ONLY question I've ever had or even cared about is why did the victims report their story to Joe Paterno and not the police? That's the only thing that's ever interested me about this case.
Did you go to the police when you heard the Micheal Jackson or Bill Cosby rumors? If not then you made the same decision as Paterno.
The Catholic Church had THOUSANDS of Sanduskys. They even had a special center to treat the perverts. Paterno was told a rumor and his misstate was he did not believe it.
Maybe. I don't know enough about it. Perhaps you are right and Paterno did not know and this is a media witch hunt. I thought it was established he did know, perhaps saw something even.
But if he did not, can't really hold him accountable unless it was willful ignorance and negligence. Either way, whomever was told needed to take it seriously.
He knowledge was about the rumor. He did not know anything first hand. People then assume he was supposed to know if a rumor was true or false.
Do you take rumors seriously? Doubt it. Did you ever go to the police with ANY rumor. That is why the victims needed to go to the police. Until then it is just a rumor.
Paterno's mistake was he did not know if the rumor was true or false. He assumed it was false and he really was not in a position to know one way or the other. He needed to tell McQueary to tell his story to the police and then PSU would have been totally in the clear. The reality is the results probably would not have changed. It has come out that various police depts had investigated Sandusky over the years and never found anything because the victims never want to go public.
If a rumor like that was going around my house or the company that I was CEO of , then I would have damn well made it my mission to find out. I have probably never been in the same state at the same time as Cosby and Jackson of course people look the other way for them too , well for Jackson anyway. Terrible analogy.
Yes ...Really. I care about kids every where but the first thing about going to the police on a rumor is having some valid first hand info and I have never had any or even heard it until it hit the news. I guess my circle of friends just tends to frown on child molestation. Soooo I have never gone to the police with a rumor. Paterno could have done so many other things besides going to the police. 1) Call Sandusky into his office and ask him point blank "are you some kind of pervert cause I been hearing things. 2) Take a grad assistant and say I got a job for you..follow Sandusky around....3) Call in all the other assistants and say I've been hearing some very disturbing rumors and I want to know what you know.. I mean Sandusky was doing it right on campus and in athletic facilities. Paterno had unlimited resources to look in to it but chose to protect his legacy and his perverted friend. If you think Paterno had no clue , then you are just being naive or a hero worshiper.REally? When have you gone to the police with a rumor? ARe we to believe you nave never heard a rumor about someone in your state? Do you only care about kids in the same state as you? YOu don't have to be in the same state to do the right thing. You can call the police long distance.
It is funny that people all say they would do the right thing. When did you actually go to the police with a rumor? I can give you a list of rumors that just about everyone knows. Micheal Jackson, Bill Cosby, Hollywood and Corey Feldman/Haim. Did YOU go to the police? Doubt it. Most people hear the rumors but you don't really know they are true until AFTER the actual victim goes to the police. Even then you still don't know for sure. Temple University Trustee Bill Cosby had 40 women come forward and it was not until a audio was released that he admitted drugging women that people turned on him.
Yes ...Really. I care about kids every where but the first thing about going to the police on a rumor is having some valid first hand info and I have never had any or even heard it until it hit the news. I guess my circle of friends just tends to frown on child molestation. Soooo I have never gone to the police with a rumor. Paterno could have done so many other things besides going to the police. 1) Call Sandusky into his office and ask him point blank "are you some kind of pervert cause I been hearing things. 2) Take a grad assistant and say I got a job for you..follow Sandusky around....3) Call in all the other assistants and say I've been hearing some very disturbing rumors and I want to know what you know.. I mean Sandusky was doing it right on campus and in athletic facilities. Paterno had unlimited resources to look in to it but chose to protect his legacy and his perverted friend. If you think Paterno had no clue , then you are just being naive or a hero worshiper.
Zwick I think you're confusing this for a NAMBLA board.
I think you're spot on. A very sad situation that was mishandled all the way down the line. I've read enough to be sure that Joe knew definitively about Sandusky's crimes and chose to look the other way. I can't respect a man who would do that.If you understood how highly he was revered, you'd understand. He should have cleaned it up, and the administration should have. They were in authority for a reason.
The real question is why in that culture did they think it wasn't such a big deal? Suggests molestation was much more widespread than people want to admit, and since so many had dealt with it and gone on, that it was looked on as not such a big deal. Certainly not worth endangering the reputation of the storied football program. It's a little like the Catholic hierarchy that kept protecting pedophile priests. They seemed to think it was just a minor offense, something to overlook and not really deal with.
ahhh yeah if it was one of "my coaches" and anyone told me I would be all over it but you made an outrageous statement about "in my state" or even "Hollywood" and that I should report those rumors. WTF is your blind devotion to Paterno all about?. .Your point about going to the police on a rumor is you need valid first hand info???? Sounds like a contradiction. Are you saying you don't go to the police if you do not have the valid first hand info? Let's test your premise. I saw one of YOUR coaches abusing kids. ARe you now going to go to the police or will you make the same decision as Paterno? The victims are in YOUR state. You will say my info is not valid first hand. That is probably the same thing Paterno said. That is why the victims need to go to the police. Their info is first hand.
1. May have been done.
2. A GA spy? Not likely.
3. They were not friends. Sandusky retired 10 years earlier and was not an employee.