Newest Tar Heel


Hall of Famer
May 11, 2016
On March 14th at 10:05 a.m. we I mean my lovely wife and I welcomed Cristiano Caleb Ramond Pacheco into this world. My mom who I am sorry to say is a dook fan swore he would like dook. He screamed when she said it. She mentioned state he cried. He was indifferent when she mentioned wake Forest. He started cooing and eating when she grudgingly mentioned UNC. Super excited dad here.
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On March 14th at 10:05 a.m. we I mean my lovely wife and I welcomed Cristiano Caleb Ramond Pacheco into this world. My mom who I am sorry to say is a dook fan swore he would like dook. He screamed when she said it. She mentioned state he cried. He was I different when she mentioned wake Forest. He started cooking and eating when she grudgingly mentioned UNC. Super excited dad here.

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Great news to hear of . . !

A big congratulations, Pop.

Any cigars . . ?
Double Congrats, Pop!

1. newborns are one of the best things on Earth!
2. The world is always better when a New Tar Heel is created!

Go Tar Heels!
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On March 14th at 10:05 a.m. we I mean my lovely wife and I welcomed Cristiano Caleb Ramond Pacheco into this world. My mom who I am sorry to say is a dook fan swore he would like dook. He screamed when she said it. She mentioned state he cried. He was indifferent when she mentioned wake Forest. He started cooing and eating when she grudgingly mentioned UNC. Super excited dad here.
Raisin' him right!

My mom also liked dook (the only one in the NC wing of the family) and she claimed it was my first word, but if so that's only because she gave me a stuffed dog she told me was named dook (cheater!;)). Thing is, I fell in love with the Heels the first time I can recall watching them (much to the delight of the rest of the clan), and heck, even my mom eventually came around to the light blue side and turned against the dookies because she couldn't stand K.
All is indeed well thank you. We came home today. Just in time to watch Carolina play tomorrow. Of course you know I have work first.
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Hi truetarheelraider0806, thank GOD your child was born HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL!

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for all the well wishes. I am overjoyed this is my second biological child by my wife I have two other kids that I raise as well. Needless to say I am taking a personal day and seeing as I am now my own boss u think I can do that lol

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