Let me first say that I am so happy for the young men on the basketball team that have battled through adversity this year. I’m not always the most positive person and I wanted to say something positive. I’m also very happy for Coach Davis and his staff. I’m proud to be an alum and associates with our basketball team.
I both loved and was surprised to hear coach Davis hasn’t spoken with Coach Williams in I think he said the past month. Coach Williams is letting him swim on his own.
Having grown up around the program during the Smith era and been in school during some leaner times - I remember many final fours where the team was flat in the semifinals. Sometimes I wondered if the goal for the season was making the final four and Coach Smith was satisfied just being there. He was someone who cared more about molding his players into men and the “score” in life than in basketball.
Unfortunately/fortunately we have come to the biggest game in the history of the best rivalry in sports. There’s so much on the line.
Banchero was interviewed after winning the ACC Tournament SF and when asked who he wanted in the final - without hesitation he said Carolina. For us - opportunity to beat Coach K in his last game. For him - the chance at the sweetest of redemption for ruining his party. I just hope Coach Davis and the players prepare with the intensity and ferocity needed to win this game.
They will in my mind go down as the greatest team in Carolina basketball history if they win the game Saturday. I said after the win in Cameron the only thing that could redeem Duke is to win the Championship. And to do it beating Carolina. Oh man. I can’t wait. I hope our team comes out focused and loose!
I both loved and was surprised to hear coach Davis hasn’t spoken with Coach Williams in I think he said the past month. Coach Williams is letting him swim on his own.
Having grown up around the program during the Smith era and been in school during some leaner times - I remember many final fours where the team was flat in the semifinals. Sometimes I wondered if the goal for the season was making the final four and Coach Smith was satisfied just being there. He was someone who cared more about molding his players into men and the “score” in life than in basketball.
Unfortunately/fortunately we have come to the biggest game in the history of the best rivalry in sports. There’s so much on the line.
Banchero was interviewed after winning the ACC Tournament SF and when asked who he wanted in the final - without hesitation he said Carolina. For us - opportunity to beat Coach K in his last game. For him - the chance at the sweetest of redemption for ruining his party. I just hope Coach Davis and the players prepare with the intensity and ferocity needed to win this game.
They will in my mind go down as the greatest team in Carolina basketball history if they win the game Saturday. I said after the win in Cameron the only thing that could redeem Duke is to win the Championship. And to do it beating Carolina. Oh man. I can’t wait. I hope our team comes out focused and loose!