Talked to Nolan DeFranco last night at around the time Dunlap committed. I told him about the commitment and Nolan said this, and I thought I'd pass it along:
"He, I and Coach Scott sat down for a while before the game and talked about UNC, and I talked to him a little about why I chose UNC."
One of the things I've learned about this class is how each of the commitments is doing some recruiting instead of a few doing a lot. Logan Byrd told me a week before Garrett Walston flipped that he was working Walston hard and trying to get him to flip and it worked. And here is an example of DeFranco working with Dunlap.
"He, I and Coach Scott sat down for a while before the game and talked about UNC, and I talked to him a little about why I chose UNC."
One of the things I've learned about this class is how each of the commitments is doing some recruiting instead of a few doing a lot. Logan Byrd told me a week before Garrett Walston flipped that he was working Walston hard and trying to get him to flip and it worked. And here is an example of DeFranco working with Dunlap.