coolwaterunc Hall of Famer Oct 27, 2003 19,322 9,414 113 38 Charlotte, NC Aug 11, 2016 #1 Reactions: Raising Heel, tarheel0910 and Hark_The_Sound_2010
Hark_The_Sound_2010 Hall of Famer Nov 10, 2009 12,387 15,238 113 Boston Aug 11, 2016 #2 coolwaterunc said: Click to expand... Lol. At first I was gonna be pissed at the professor for giving him a 0, for what I assumed was a penalty for guessing, since I figured he must have at least hit some "C" answers. Until I read only A/B were eligible answers. Reactions: coolwaterunc and Raising Heel
coolwaterunc said: Click to expand... Lol. At first I was gonna be pissed at the professor for giving him a 0, for what I assumed was a penalty for guessing, since I figured he must have at least hit some "C" answers. Until I read only A/B were eligible answers.