OOTB Movie Tournament Nomination Thread: Han Solo Region


Hall of Famer
Mar 4, 2008
This thread is for nominating movies for the OOTB Movie Tournament in the Han Solo region. To see what movies are eligible for this region check the poast below. You will have until midnight on Friday to nominate movies for this region.

  1. Michael Corleone Region: Michael Corleone region will include 16 movies that would be considered dramas (such as Casablanca, Forrest Gump), epics (Gone with the Wind, Gladiator), war movies (Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan), or crime movies (The Godfather, Goodfellas).
  2. The Dude Region: The Dude region will include 16 movies that would be considered comedies (Blazing Saddles, Anchorman), animated movies (Aladdin, Up), or musicals (The Wizard of Oz, La La Land).
  3. John McClane Region: John McClane region will include 16 movies that would be considered action movies (Die Hard, The Dark Knight), adventure movies (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pirates of the Caribbean), or westerns (True Grit, Unforgiven).
  4. Han Solo Region: Han Solo region will include 16 movies that would be considered science fiction movies (Star Wars, The Matrix), fantasy movies (The Princess Bride, The Fellowship of the Ring), and horror movies (Psycho, Get Out).
The winners of the Michael Corleone and John McClane regions will meet in one half of the Final Four, while the winners of the Han Solo and The Dude regions will meet in the other half.


  1. There will be a thread to nominate movies for each region. There will be a 48 hour period to nominate movies in that given category.
  2. The 16 movies that receive the most nominations will be chosen to participate as the representatives for that region.
  3. In the event of a tie in the nomination process, the movies that advance will do so following the seeding procedures I'm listing in the next section.
  4. When nominating movies that are part of a series or franchise, you must nominate every movie in that franchise that you believe deserves consideration. So don’t nominate “James Bond,” if you are only voting for “Goldfinger.” Franchise titles won’t be counted, only specific movies.


  1. The first determining factor for seeds will be based on the popular vote during the nomination process.
  2. If two or more movies are tied in votes, we will proceed to a tie breaking formula which weighs the movies based on Oscar awards/nominations, IMDB rating, and Rotten Tomatoes score.
  3. If they were to still be tied after that, there would be a coin flip to determine the one that advances.

  1. There will be a thread for each region round by round. There will be a 48 hour period in which you vote for all the matchups in that region for that round. The winners will advance, the losers are eliminated. We will proceed in this matter until one movie is ultimately declared the champion of the inaugural OOTB Movie Tournament.
Preface: In my opinion the following trilogies should be considered as single works, but based on your series/franchise rules above, I'm listing them separately.

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Star Wars: A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi

The Matrix
Dark City
Back to the Future
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Preface: In my opinion the following trilogies should be considered as single works, but based on your series/franchise rules above, I'm listing them separately.

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Star Wars: A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi

The Usual Suspects
Shawshank Redemption
The Maltese Falcon
The Sting
Pulp Fiction
Dead Poets Society
I get what you’re saying about the franchises but I just thought it was the most fair way to go about it because judging 3 movies (or more) vs 1 didn’t seem right.

I’m not sure those other ones fit this region, might need to go in the Michael Corleone one
The Princess Bride

I listed this in the Dude Region since I think of it as a comedy, but I just noticed you had it listed as an example for this region, as a fantasy. I'll let you decide where it belongs, but it certainly should make the tourney.
The Princess Bride

I listed this in the Dude Region since I think of it as a comedy, but I just noticed you had it listed as an example for this region, as a fantasy. I'll let you decide where it belongs, but it certainly should make the tourney.
It is certainly a cross-over movie, I listed it here more because I was trying to fill out region options. I'll allow it to be nominated in both, but I wouldn't include it in the tournament more than once if it received enough votes in both regions.
Star wars
Close encounters
Back to future
First contact
Lotr (all)
King kong (original)
Frankenstein (original)
Dracula (original)
Creature from black lagoon
Blair witch (yea not popular i’m sure but the only movie that ever scared me)
Dawn of dead
Tx chainsaw massacre
Rocky horror
@heelz2345 , if we come up with additional ideas do you prefer a new poast or just an edit to our original poast?
New poast, because it's easier for me to remember what the last poast I tallied was, so if I see poasts below that, I know there is new info. If it's edited in a poast, I'll be more likely miss it. I appreciate you asking though.
Friday the 13th
A nightmare on elm street
Rosemarys baby
The exorcist
Evil dead
Evil dead 2
Army of darkness
Bram stokers Dracula
Silence of the lambs
The shining
Mad max
The road warrior
Mad max beyond thunderdome
Back to the future
REMINDER: You have until midnight tomorrow to nominate movies in this region. Keep in mind that the more poasters that nominate a movie, the more likely that movie is to advance.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Back to the Future
The Black Hole
Blade Runner
Clash of the Titans (1982)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Friday the 13th
Jurassic Park
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Matrix
Nightmare on Elm Street
The Shining
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
The Terminator
Tron (don't @ me)

Already moved from a different region:
Donnie Darko
Ex Machina
Silence of the Lambs
Sixth Sense
Evil Dead 1&2
The Ring
The Grudge
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
The Babadook
The Exorcist
The Shining
The Cabin In the Woods
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Silence of the Lambs
Back to the Future
Star Wars IV
Star Wars V
Star Wars VI
Star Wars VII
Back to the Future
Star Wars: A New Hope
Silence of the Lambs
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Jurassic Park
The Matrix
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
The Princess Bride
The Shining
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Terminator
The Shining
The Exorcist
The Wrath of Khan
Carolina football 2017
Close Encounters
Mars Attacks
Nominations for this region have closed, I will release the final bracket regions on Sunday, and we should be able to begin the tournament in earnest on Monday.
The Han Solo Region has been set. Matchups are as follows.

1 seed: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
16 seed: Aliens

8 seed: The Two Towers
9 seed: Psycho

4 seed: The Return of the King
13 seed: The Shining

5 seed: E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
12 seed: The Matrix

3 seed: Jaws
14 seed: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

6 seed: The Fellowship of the Ring
11 seed: Jurassic Park

2 seed: Back to the Future
15 seed: The Princess Bride

7 seed: Silence of the Lambs
10 seed: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Feelings of selected snubs represented by the following gifs



