OOTB poster handles: anagram'd


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
For those unfamiliar with what an anagram a book.

Oh okay fine. An anagram is taking the letters of a word or name and rearranging them to form (hopefully) a new but still-fully-sensible (and hopefully, hilarious) word(s) and/or phrases. You keep all the same letters; you just rearrange them (but you can eliminate or add a space if needed). A very simple example is "leather" and "rat heel" are both anagrams of "tar heel."

Okay so now let's do some anagrams for some of y'alls handles/poster name. Below I've listed some of my favorite, with my commentary in parentheses on some :


- Dickering slung (sounds dirty)
- Clerking dingus (sounds dirtier...)
- Suckle grinding (sounds the dirtiest..!)
- Decking girl sun (not sure what this is exactly...but I'm interested)
- Cringed gnu ilks

- no anagrams found.........wait, that's not any fun. Moving on.

- Get tie up
- Gee I putt
- Pee tug it..............dang not much to work with here either. Let's try.....

keysersosay#1 (the "#" is ommitted) :
- Arose yes sky
- Okays res yes
- Ska eyes rosy (bonus point if any of y'all know what the genre "ska" is)
- A$$ ere sky yo (I can only assume this is a poet stating that you better get laid before you die and go to heaven....yo.)
Sassy re yoke

Raising Heel:
- Releasing Hi (killin' em with kindness)
- Hearing Lies
- Lease Hiring
- Geisha Liner (hmm..)
- Agile shiner
- Genial hires
- Genial shire (LOTR!!!!!!!!!111!)
- Sailing here (...or there)
- Ash lingerie

- A strumming Mr
- Ramming Ms Rut (
- Margin Mr Smut
- Migrant Mrs Um
- Sag Mint Mr Rum (basically.........all the anagrams for strum are derivations of a Mr or Mrs pretty much. This particular one sounds like a Mint Julip's debaucherous yet gentlemanly cousin....)

Feel free to add more for these handles or anagrams for other handles, or just anagrams for anything.

Happy Friday OOTB
Not an OOTB handle, but I would be remiss not to point out that "Tar Heel football" yields these two noteworthy anagrams:

- Heartbeat of Loll
- Fatal reboot Hell

Coincidences? I think not

This post was edited on 1/30 4:10 PM by TarHeelNation11
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Outstanding work.

Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:


- Clerking dingus


- Pee tug it


- Ramming Ms Rut
These shall be how I refer to the three of you forever and ever, amen.
I actually liked Suckle grinding better.

Oh, and THN11, get a life.

Lol but yep, that's the site I used too. Surely y'all didn't think I sat there with pencil and paper, thinking of anagrams :p
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Lol but yep, that's the site I used too. Surely y'all didn't think I sat there with pencil and paper, thinking of anagrams :p
Actually, I did, and I was seriously getting concerned.
Ok, gotta admit, this is pretty fun. I apparently need to get a life as well.

Ryan Switzer = Tzar Rye Wins
Art Zen Is Rye
Zany Writers

Quinshad Davis = Hand Via Squids

Marcus Paige = America Pugs
Airspace Gum
Saga Ice Rump

Brice Johnson = Born Nice Josh

JP Tokoto = no results found
THN, you didn't run one for yourself? how about these...

Alienate North (assuming you're from the south, this makes sense)
Inhalator Teen (does this describe your high school daze?)
Leather Nation (is this a fetish, or your jacket preference?)
Originally posted by coryfly:
Cloy Fry was the only one that showed up for me. Pretty lame.
Mine was lane too coryfly:

Huk Coon 57

75 Coo Hunk
Originally posted by TarHeelMark:
THN, you didn't run one for yourself? how about these...

Alienate North (assuming you're from the south, this makes sense) -- excellent!
Inhalator Teen (does this describe your high school daze?)
Leather Nation (is this a fetish, or your jacket preference?)
I'm in favor of all three of these anagrams
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Ok, gotta admit, this is pretty fun. I apparently need to get a life as well.

Ryan Switzer = Tzar Rye Wins
Art Zen Is Rye
Zany Writers

Quinshad Davis = Hand Via Squids

Marcus Paige = America Pugs
Airspace Gum
Saga Ice Rump

Brice Johnson = Born Nice Josh

JP Tokoto = no results found

A few more of our guys:

Theo Pinson = Phonies Not
He Points On
Shine No Pot
One Host Nip

Nate Britt = Banter Tit
Tar Bent It
At Rib Tent

Justin Jackson = Ninja Sucks Jot
A Jocks Inn Juts

Jeff Schoettmer = Rejects Them Off
Chef Ref Jet Most

TJ Logan = Nag Jolt

Norkeitus Otis broke the system. I had to shut down my computer.

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