OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What do you think "documentary material" is exactly? Maybe the classified documents recovered at Mar-a-Lago a full year and a half after they were illegally taken from the White House?
I'm sorry, I somehow missed your apology to @randman1 for your knuckleheaded mistake in your last post. Could you repeat it or at least direct me to it? TIA.
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If you look at the materials seized and ignore the spin, it's quite obvious the custodian who diligently reviewed the material merely excluded from the archives those items which are not presidential records, namely agency documents, personal records, stocks of publications, and extra copies of documents.

"(B) does not include any documentary materials that are
(i) official records of an agency (as defined in section 552(e)
of title 5
, United States Code); (ii) personal records; (iii)
stocks of publications and stationery; or (iv) extra copies
of documents produced only for convenience of reference,
when such copies are clearly so identified."

The idea anything illegal or unethical or untoward is reflected on Trump having those items is absurd. Moreover, he did not direct which items were in the boxes. The custodian who boxed things up appears to have fully followed the law.
The president cannot be guilty of mishandling classified materials if he declassified them, and he can do that anytime. Even just by himself.
Just because the documents were declassified if indeed they were, it still isn't necessarily legal for Trump to possess them after leaving office. Regarding the legality of the search and seizure, it probably doesn't matter because none of the three criminal laws cited in a search warrant as the basis of the investigation depend on whether documents contain classified information.

Either way, it looks like your boy has once again screwed himself.
Just because the documents were declassified if indeed they were, it still isn't necessarily legal for Trump to possess them after leaving office. Regarding the legality of the search and seizure, it probably doesn't matter because none of the three criminal laws cited in a search warrant as the basis of the investigation depend on whether documents contain classified information.

Either way, it looks like your boy has once again screwed himself.
Yes, it is legal. And no Trump hasn't screwed himself. This is just another brazenly illegal act which have tanked public trust in the DOJ and FBI.
The idea anything illegal or unethical or untoward is reflected on Trump having those items is absurd. Moreover, he did not direct which items were in the boxes. The custodian who boxed things up appears to have fully followed the law.
What is absurd is you believing the FBI raided the joint -- knowing full well the certain pushback by Trump and his legions -- merely for some irrelevant documents of little or no consequence.
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What is absurd is you believing the FBI raided the joint -- knowing full well the the certain pushback by Trump and his legions -- merely for some irrelevant documents of little or no consequence.
Not at all. It's all about creating a false narrative by any means which is why you see so many deceptive leaks.

Keep in mind this is the same crowd who openly designated frustrated parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. Same crowd doing all sorts of outrageous things.

They know they can count on the likes of you no matter what.
Yes, it is legal. And no Trump hasn't screwed himself. This is just another brazenly illegal acts which have tanked public trust in the DOJ and FBI.
It's pointless to argue this since neither of us knows exactly what is contained in those top secret documents. After things play out and the public is made aware at least in part of what the documents do contain, I'm sure if it is more serious than you are making it out to be you will continue to decry Trump's guilt.
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It's pointless to argue this since neither of us knows exactly what is contained in those top secret documents. After things play out and the public is made aware at least in part of what the documents do contain, I'm sure if it is more serious than you are making it out to be you will continue to decry Trump's guilt.
You realize the FBI already visited Maro-Lago and just asked Trump put an extra padlock on the storeroom on top of the constantly Secret Service guarded and protected area. If you can't see this as fishy, something is wrong with you.
You realize the FBI already visited Maro-Lago and just asked Trump put an extra padlock on the storeroom on top of the constantly Secret Service guarded and protected area. If you can't see this as fishy, something is wrong with you.
You realize the FBI already visited Maro-Lago and just asked Trump put an extra padlock on the storeroom on top of the constantly Secret Service guarded and protected area. If you can't see this as fishy, something is wrong with you.
It's clear the Democrats just want people to fall in line.

The fake persecution complex is getting old. You’re not being trampled on, merely dumb enough to believe in tribalism.
The fake persecution complex is getting old. You’re not being trampled on, merely dumb enough to believe in tribalism.
The inflation rate says otherwise as did Benedict Biden last night.

Does this look like someone trying to bring the country together?

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“If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force,” Trump wrote on social media. “He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!”

“If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force,” Trump wrote on social media. “He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!”

Sour grapes.
More sour grapes.
You may not care for the rule of law but others are taking note. It's like the inflation brought on by the democrats. It will affect you as well. Same with all of their disasters foisted on the nation. Even things like capitulating to the CCP in "botching" the Afghanistan withdrawal will have repercussions here as well.
Poor demented Biden. Can't even get his own story straight. He'll be dead soon so that's a plus for all of us. Just need to make sure the equally as pitiful Kamala doesn't botch things too badly in the short time she'll be in office. No one will care even if she does though. They'll be too busy celebrating her half-blackness.

you voluntarily sign up for them to install their thermostat, but they don't necessarily come right out and tell you what they intend to do with it...and even if they do, they don't necessarily tell you to what extent they might manipulate it.

I know this because the power provider tried to talk me into one at my office; and not because they volunteered the details but because I knew what questions to ask, they stopped trying to convince me. No thank you please.
Yea I turned it down as well.
is this your least inane retort?
I was trying to let you off easy.

The fact is, the GOP became the "church" party when Reagan hit the scene. And, like it or not, that is one of the main reasons that the GOP has only managed ONE presidential election since GHWB where they also won the popular vote. Goldwater's predictions proved to be true.

Republicans rarely, if ever, reflect the majority of American voters, on a national scale. And, they deserve it for letting in the preachers and the religious extremists... not to mention the conspiracy nuts and flat-earth believers and every other lunatic fringe that exists in American society that also participate in the political process. They deny all kinds of science, and opt instead for their superstitions.
Yeah and the Steele dossier was authentic. How stupid can you get?

The president cannot be guilty of mishandling classified materials if he declassified them, and he can do that anytime. Even just by himself.

However, he clearly and publicly declassified the docs.

Moreover, he didn't box this stuff up himself. The reason you see a mix of all sorts of things is all of them were looked at to see if they met the criteria and boxed up for him based on that.
Nothing says you are protecting democracy like raiding the home of your chief political rival.
So you’re saying biden raised mal? Bahahahahaaha!!!

So let’s see, in just the last day you have:

accused dems of turning off peoples ac against their will (lie)

accused dems of being responsible for water issues in Jackson ms (lie)

accused dems of lying about the death of “Ben” laden (lie)

accused biden of raiding trumps home (lie)

i absolutely fuking love it when you so called Christians lie and slander and make yourselves hypocrites.
I was trying to let you off easy.

The fact is, the GOP became the "church" party when Reagan hit the scene. And, like it or not, that is one of the main reasons that the GOP has only managed ONE presidential election since GHWB where they also won the popular vote. Goldwater's predictions proved to be true.

Republicans rarely, if ever, reflect the majority of American voters, on a national scale. And, they deserve it for letting in the preachers and the religious extremists... not to mention the conspiracy nuts and flat-earth believers and every other lunatic fringe that exists in American society that also participate in the political process. They deny all kinds of science, and opt instead for their superstitions.
Yup. The GOP would easily be able to win on having some sort of restraint on spending and pushing back against the lunatic left's detrimental social policies if they didn't have a crazy streak of their own fighting to get the government involved in social issues that the majority of the country doesn't want them involved in.
So you’re saying biden raised mal? Bahahahahaaha!!!

So let’s see, in just the last day you have:

accused dems of turning off peoples ac against their will (lie)

accused dems of being responsible for water issues in Jackson ms (lie)

accused dems of lying about the death of “Ben” laden (lie)

accused biden of raiding trumps home (lie)

i absolutely fuking love it when you so called Christians lie and slander and make yourselves hypocrites.

Just the mention of Christianity and you are:

Yup. The GOP would easily be able to win on having some sort of restraint on spending and pushing back against the lunatic left's detrimental social policies if they didn't have a crazy streak of their own fighting to get the government involved in social issues that the majority of the country doesn't want them involved in.

I don’t think what you are saying is groundbreaking. The converse could be said too. If Dems didn’t have radical, nut jobs crying “…ism! …ism!, …ism!” at everything, they’d win every election.

It is what it is. Those are the two choices. Pick one.
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Cuz instead of being the party of fiscal conservatives you began morphing into the party of social issues then the party took a swan-dive -> bellyflop into maga-ism (extremism) and most Americans not duped by Fox are sick if the gop politicians that either extreme or are missing a backbone.
And here you only demonstrate a really bad case of LTDS. The mid-terms will be two years of No Trump and No Maga. It will be two years of Biden and "his agenda". You have the majority everywhere. Why haven't you just fixed abortion? Because then you couldn't use it in November. The bottom line is that the D's and friends in the msm can't or don't want to discuss the current president and his policies because it's a losing argument for votes. Thus, you are left with only be able to continue screaming, for the 6th year going into the 7th, that orangeman is bad and look what he did to abortion. You know, things like making speeches with marines in the background and claiming a danger to democracy when all the Dobbs decision did was reinstate the ability for democracy to control that issue.
And here you only demonstrate a really bad case of LTDS. The mid-terms will be two years of No Trump and No Maga. It will be two years of Biden and "his agenda". You have the majority everywhere. Why haven't you just fixed abortion? Because then you couldn't use it in November. The bottom line is that the D's and friends in the msm can't or don't want to discuss the current president and his policies because it's a losing argument for votes. Thus, you are left with only be able to continue screaming, for the 6th year going into the 7th, that orangeman is bad and look what he did to abortion. You know, things like making speeches with marines in the background and claiming a danger to democracy when all the Dobbs decision did was reinstate the ability for democracy to control that issue.

You can’t go too deep with the sheep. Muslims and Democrats know this.
Yup. The GOP would easily be able to win on having some sort of restraint on spending and pushing back against the lunatic left's detrimental social policies if they didn't have a crazy streak of their own fighting to get the government involved in social issues that the majority of the country doesn't want them involved in.
We've always been stuck with two parties. So, we're only as healthy as the two parties, together. I used to see the Republicans as "practical" and Democrats as "experimental." There's a whole lot more to it than that, but, just in general, those are respectable terms and categories.

Republicans used to have the most of what would be considered "intellectuals" firmly in their favor. They might be considered TOO intellectual by younger generations. They prided themselves on their restraint and taking very calculated risks, and being mindful of the growth of government. There was open consideration regarding scientific advancements and how that would best be used in political/governmental practice.

50 years later? It's just a race to see how many still refuse to believe in Evolution, and how to best appeal to the ever-shrinking demographic of people who can only live with their mythologies in control.

And, Democrats are now even more unrestrained. Not to mention, their own fringe members kicking and screaming. But, you rarely see them telling scientists that "God will show us the way!" When only ONE SIDE will consider the methods of science, we're all fvcked!

The whole time, the oligarchs just clean-up! That was probably their plan when they bought the country. Follow the fear, exploit it, cash the checks.
I was trying to let you off easy.

The fact is, the GOP became the "church" party when Reagan hit the scene. And, like it or not, that is one of the main reasons that the GOP has only managed ONE presidential election since GHWB where they also won the popular vote. Goldwater's predictions proved to be true.

Republicans rarely, if ever, reflect the majority of American voters, on a national scale. And, they deserve it for letting in the preachers and the religious extremists... not to mention the conspiracy nuts and flat-earth believers and every other lunatic fringe that exists in American society that also participate in the political process. They deny all kinds of science, and opt instead for their superstitions.
You were going to let me off easy? LOL. Stop stroking your own ego, son, it's a tad silly.

But anyway wow, what a half of the political spectrum contains particular segments, as if the other side doesn't have theirs; and you're managing to miss the point that the influence of the segment in question is highly exaggerated both in total and when one individual makes a comment referring to Christian beliefs.

The fact is that religious people tend to operate according to moral principle, and although I am not religious and completely agree with keeping religion and religious moral dictates out of government, it's actually very favorable and telling that the religious choose the conservative side of things instead of the dark side. I'd rather have them for me than against me.

So try again, and I'll brace myself for the rough letdown. I'm sure one is coming in the form of some goofy retort.. Meanwhile I'm still laughing at you citing Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater was one of the very few individuals that I would vote FOR, as opposed to voting against an opponent of a conservative candidate. And nothing in the quotes of his you provided is at odds with my beliefs or those of most conservatives. Of course I've already expressed that.
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I didnt catch the Biden speech last night. So did he offer any thoughts on helping inflation? Any mention of the border situation? How about any mention of the rising crime rates and how criminals are let back out on the street the same day? Is he still planning to send tons of money to Ukraine?
Wrong thread. This belongs in Terrible Jokes.
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We've always been stuck with two parties. So, we're only as healthy as the two parties, together. I used to see the Republicans as "practical" and Democrats as "experimental." There's a whole lot more to it than that, but, just in general, those are respectable terms and categories.

Republicans used to have the most of what would be considered "intellectuals" firmly in their favor. They might be considered TOO intellectual by younger generations. They prided themselves on their restraint and taking very calculated risks, and being mindful of the growth of government. There was open consideration regarding scientific advancements and how that would best be used in political/governmental practice.

50 years later? It's just a race to see how many still refuse to believe in Evolution, and how to best appeal to the ever-shrinking demographic of people who can only live with their mythologies in control.

And, Democrats are now even more unrestrained. Not to mention, their own fringe members kicking and screaming. But, you rarely see them telling scientists that "God will show us the way!" When only ONE SIDE will consider the methods of science, we're all fvcked!

The whole time, the oligarchs just clean-up! That was probably their plan when they bought the country. Follow the fear, exploit it, cash the checks.
you go a little off the reservation there at the end, but this is otherwise fairly reasonable.
Yup. The GOP would easily be able to win on having some sort of restraint on spending and pushing back against the lunatic left's detrimental social policies if they didn't have a crazy streak of their own fighting to get the government involved in social issues that the majority of the country doesn't want them involved in.
but that faction is a minority to begin with, and even many of the religious know to keep it to themselves or between each other. The religious zealots who want their morality coded into government get pandered to but that's about it. I know there are examples indicating otherwise but you know...the exception proves the rule kind of thing.
but that faction is a minority to begin with, and even many of the religious know to keep it to themselves or between each other. The religious zealots who want their morality coded into government get pandered to but that's about it. I know there are examples indicating otherwise but you know...the exception proves the rule kind of thing.

Those people have a disproportionate amount of power, however. And with the decline of non religious, civic institutions, especially in rural areas, they can assert their influence even further for those disaffected.
Those people have a disproportionate amount of power, however. And with decline of non religious, civic institution, especially in rural areas, they can assert their influence even further for those disaffected.
And, their ravings (with the use of social media and media coverage) just makes the GOP look worse and worse. It looks like the party of religious kooks who think medicine is poison and trying to optimize our resources is Communism. And, frankly, the GOP deserves all of it. You let the loonies in, and they aren't going to leave. Then, the ones who aren't loony- the ones leftover from when it was an intellectual party- have no choice but try and cover for them... all the while KNOWING that the loonies are an impediment. And, those who aren't loony are more afraid of what the Democrats have to offer than what the loony-laden GOP can muster.

We have to have healthy political parties, and we don't have that at all. We need each one to balance the other out. That seems to be long gone now.
It's pointless to argue this since neither of us knows exactly what is contained in those top secret documents. After things play out and the public is made aware at least in part of what the documents do contain, I'm sure if it is more serious than you are making it out to be you will continue to decry Trump's guilt.
WTF? A reasonable post from you? Hallayloooyah or however that thing is spelled.

I'm just not sure why all the verbiage thrown at this situation when the meat of the matter has not nearly been revealed. That being said, I tend to believe that there was some basis for making the raid, but that 1) that basis was only acted on as it was because of who was involved, and 2) that basis was not nearly of an importance that justified the raid anyway.

I haven't commented much on this because as I said in another post, I'm waiting for something fairly factual to surface. But that display of 'classified material' that was released is such a bullshit maneuver that it fairly reeks of 'dog and pony show'. Yet there are tons of sheeple who saw it and thought to themselves, 'my Gawd look how he just carelessly left nuclear launch codes just laying around'.
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