OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I didn't see any history being taught.

You’re conflating the issues because you know you’re on the losing side of the debate.

It’s not necessarily “the distortion of history”. It is a focus of looking at everything through a racial lens. If I have a kid taking Geometry, I want him to be taught Geometry. I don’t want to hear that for the first 6 weeks of the semester that the class will be discussing how black mathematicians have been historically oppressed and not given the same opportunities that white mathematicians were and how Pathygorus stole an African’s thoughts for his theorem. Who gives a shit? Teach the f*ckin regular curriculum and let all that other purposeless, historical fact checking garbage be elective.
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But some of the really smart leftists here told us this wasn’t happening. Weird. I don’t know if I can believe them anymore.
maybe we should revisit the grooming of children. They said that didn't exist either, and I of course took their word for it.
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and again, all you have to offer is your usual obnoxious snark. SHOW ME what the church is getting away with. Actually explain it. I promise not to dismiss any actual exchange of ideas with a tl;dr.
It's easier to just feign agreement.
You’re conflating the issue because you know you’re on the losing side of the debate.

It’s not necessarily “the distortion of history”. It is a focus of looking at everything through a racial lens. If I have a kid taking Geometry, I want him to be taught Geometry. I don’t want to hear that for the first 6 weeks of the semester that the class will be discussing how black mathematicians have been historically oppressed and not given the same opportunities that white mathematicians were and how Pathygorus stole an African’s thoughts for his theorem. Who gives a shit? Teach the f*ckin regular curriculum and let all that other purposeless, historical fact checking garbage be elective.
Oh, so you're making shit up again. More stuff you "don't understand", so you make shit up that will reinforce your perpetual hatred of "the left!" SSDD
What am I making up?

I don’t want to hear that for the first 6 weeks of the semester that the class will be discussing how black mathematicians have been historically oppressed and not given the same opportunities that white mathematicians were and how Pathygorus stole an African’s thoughts for his theorem.
It's the bookend to what I made up about how slavery was being taught.
Remind me what you said again and how it's meaningful.
This fear of CRT is interesting. I guess it's universally understood, and/or accepted, that being racially prejudiced and oppressing people based on their race is, for lack of a better term, WRONG. No one wants to be labeled a racist or be seen as being, acting, or imposing racially prejudiced behavior. White people have collectively decided that... NOW, it's bad. It was always bad/wrong/immoral whatever.

But, then when it appears in a historical context, they are terrified of it so much that they want it removed from the curriculum. Like it never happened. They're so ashamed of it that they refuse to admit that they ever engaged in it. Which, in essence, reveals that they're not fully embracing that it was ever wrong to begin with!

Ok, so I went back and looked at our correspondence today regarding CRT. The above was your first poast. A summary would be to say that the above poast indicates you believe slavery to be bad. And that white people are now all in agreement that it is bad. The next paragraph seems to indicate that white people have removed it from curriculum.

Then I responded with "can you show me where curriculum specifically avoids teaching about slavery".

Then things went downhill. You started evading and moving the goalpost. You couldn't and didn't provide any examples of how slavery has been scrubbed from history curriculum.

I pointed to the video where public school officials in Ohio admitted to pushing tenets of CRT even though it is outlawed in Ohio.

Then you, like usual, made snarky, nonsensical comments that might have represented the thoughts in your deranged head but were poorly articulated so others were not able to understand.

Do I have this right so far?
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That's not true at all. It's difficult for you because you have this need to maintain the ruse that what really happened didn't REALLY happen. You constantly make excuses for it. That's what I expect from you. You're chained to it...aggressively chained to it. You're like an addict that refuses to admit that the substances they abused were actually substances that were harmful to begin with.
nowhere have I ever indicated that slavery didn't happen. Or Jim Crow. Or the Klan. Or anything else that black people have been exposed to. I just treat it objectively instead of dwelling on it psychotically, and I understand that the past is the past, and the present is what's important.

What difference does it make how I frame what has happened? That doesn't change a thing, and dwelling on it like you do won't either.

I have refused to view slavery as quite the evil that you want it to be. It was wrong by today's standards and the racism that sprang from believing that negroes were inferior beings was even more wrong. But at that time, and as I have pointed out, even those in the North thought negroes were inferior beings...even as they called for an end to slavery. Now we all know better, and that is what matters.

That is the reality of it, and reality is where I choose to dwell. You choose to dwell in a make-believe world where you are champion to...those who you see as being so inferior that they need your help in attaining a rightful place in society. As is typical of the liberal, you are so needful of being a hero that you don't see that you're actually casting shade on those you purport to champion.
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Ok, so I went back and looked at our correspondence today regarding CRT. The above was your first poast. A summary would be to say that the above poast indicates you believe slavery to be bad. And that white people are now all in agreement that it is bad. The next paragraph seems to indicate that white people have removed it from curriculum.

Then I responded with "can you show me where curriculum specifically avoids teaching about slavery".

Then things went downhill. You started evading and moving the goalpost. You couldn't and didn't provide any examples of how slavery has been scrubbed from history curriculum.

I pointed to the video where public school officials in Ohio admitted to pushing tenets of CRT even though it is outlawed in Ohio.

Then you, like usual, made snarky, nonsensical comments that might have represented the thoughts in your deranged head but were poorly articulated so others were not able to understand.

Do I have this right so far?
yes. Nailed it. Strummingram in a nutshell.
nowhere have I ever indicated that slavery didn't happen. Or Jim Crow. Or the Klan. Or anything else that black people have been exposed to. I just treat it objectively instead of dwelling on it psychotically, and I understand that the past is the past, and the present is what's important.

What difference does it make how I frame what has happened? That doesn't change a thing, and dwelling on it like you do won't either.

I have refused to view slavery as quite the evil that you want it to be. It was wrong by today's standards and the racism that sprang from believing that negroes were inferior beings was even more wrong. But at that time, and as I have pointed out, even those in the North thought negroes were inferior beings...even as they called for an end to slavery. Now we all know better, and that is what matters.

That is the reality of it, and reality is where I choose to dwell. You choose to dwell in a make-believe world where you are champion to...those who you see as being so inferior that they need your help in attaining a rightful place in society. As is typical of the liberal, you are so needful of being a hero that you don't see that you're actually casting shade on those you purport to champion.
What's ironic about you is... you are crystallized and stuck IN THE PAST! And, you lash-out at people like me insisting that "we" keep you in the past. The truth is, you eagerly stay in the past. It's a very strong characteristic of anyone who claims to be "conservative." This ruse of "us vs. them" is imperative.
LOL... there it is!

We can? You mean as long as we never speak of it?
we agree that it takes twelve consecutive strikes to bowl a perfect game. What do you want to add to that? Maybe you just want to repeat that fact over and over because you can't get over the idea of bowling a perfect game. The rest of us are way over it and see no need to reiterate endlessly.
What's ironic about you is... you are crystallized and stuck IN THE PAST! And, you lash-out at people like me insisting that "we" keep you in the past. The truth is, you eagerly stay in the past. It's a very strong characteristic of anyone who claims to be "conservative." This ruse of "us vs. them" is imperative.

You read that @bluetoe ? It's the conservatives that are behind the "us vs them" stuff. lol. Is it opposite day?
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Ok, so I went back and looked at our correspondence today regarding CRT. The above was your first poast. A summary would be to say that the above poast indicates you believe slavery to be bad. And that white people are now all in agreement that it is bad. The next paragraph seems to indicate that white people have removed it from curriculum.

Then I responded with "can you show me where curriculum specifically avoids teaching about slavery".

Then things went downhill. You started evading and moving the goalpost. You couldn't and didn't provide any examples of how slavery has been scrubbed from history curriculum.

I pointed to the video where public school officials in Ohio admitted to pushing tenets of CRT even though it is outlawed in Ohio.

Then you, like usual, made snarky, nonsensical comments that might have represented the thoughts in your deranged head but were poorly articulated so others were not able to understand.

Do I have this right so far?
They're not "removing it" from what is being taught. But, apparently, they are adding some elements that must be "going too far" for it to upset the whiteys as much as it does. And, someone threw together some edited clips that really struck fear into the "poaster" on OOTB.
we agree that it takes twelve consecutive strikes to bowl a perfect game. What do you want to add to that? Maybe you just want to repeat that fact over and over because you can't get over the idea of bowling a perfect game. The rest of us are way over it and see no need to reiterate endlessly.

Succinct. On point. Well done.
we agree that it takes twelve consecutive strikes to bowl a perfect game. What do you want to add to that? Maybe you just want to repeat that fact over and over because you can't get over the idea of bowling a perfect game. The rest of us are way over it and see no need to reiterate endlessly.
I have no idea what bowling and the way it is scored has to do with this, but... you're the brick wall. Knock yourself down... I mean out.
They're not "removing it" from what is being taught. But, apparently, they are adding some elements that must be "going too far" for it to upset the whiteys as much as it does. And, someone threw together some edited clips that really struck fear into the "poaster" on OOTB.

Why does anything need to be added? Like, what's the point in adding it? How are we as a collective country better off by what has been added?

I won't even get into the notion that curriculum shouldn't be altered in any way whatsoever without all constituents having a part in the amendment process. And even you should agree we shouldn't have public educators pulling a fast one on parents about their child's education. Right? I mean, you're not that much of a lowlife are you?
Why does anything need to be added? Like, what's the point in adding it? How are we as a collective country better off by what has been added?

I won't even get into the notion that curriculum shouldn't be altered in any way whatsoever without all constituents having a part in the amendment process. And even you should agree we shouldn't have public educators pulling a fast one on parents about their child's education. Right? I mean, you're not that much of a lowlife are you?
Public educators have been "pulling a fast one" on their students ever since there have been schools. And, be honest... you'd be totally okay with it as long as the "fast one" was some ideology that you embraced and wanted to be promoted. You might even go to more message boards and deride more people you thought were liberals if that was happening. That might be a stretch. I doubt you'd invest that much more effort. But, you get my point.
Public educators have been "pulling a fast one" on their students ever since there have been schools. And, be honest... you'd be totally okay with it as long as the "fast one" was some ideology that you embraced and wanted to be promoted. You might even go to more message boards and deride more people you thought were liberals if that was happening. That might be a stretch. I doubt you'd invest that much more effort. But, you get my point.

For the record, this immature poast of yours failed to address anything pertinent to what we were discussing.

I have no other option than to believe you simply have no answers for the questions I posed and you’re doing your best to run from them.

You and I both have poasted here for many years. And while I never thought highly of you, I at least considered you to be an independent thinker. But over the past few years, it has become clear that you are a programmed sheep willing to believe anything liberal ideology commands you to believe. I’m not disappointed because I don’t give 2 shits about you but I’ll admit to being surprised by it.
For the record, this immature poast of yours failed to address anything pertinent to what we were discussing.

I have no other option than to believe you simply have no answers for the questions I posed and you’re doing your best to run from them.

You and I both have poasted here for many years. And while I never thought highly of you, I at least considered you to be an independent thinker. But over the past few years, it has become clear that you are a programmed sheep willing to believe anything liberal ideology commands you to believe. I’m not disappointed because I don’t give 2 shits about you but I’ll admit to being surprised by it.
I'll take that as a "you're right!"
What's ironic about you is... you are crystallized and stuck IN THE PAST! And, you lash-out at people like me insisting that "we" keep you in the past. The truth is, you eagerly stay in the past. It's a very strong characteristic of anyone who claims to be "conservative." This ruse of "us vs. them" is imperative.
again, empty and baseless claims. EXPLAIN how you have come to believe that I'm stuck in the past. I promise you have my ear, if you'll only put some substance behind what you contend.

You obviously are stuck there, and I can assure you that our disagreement comes from me having accepted the past for whatever it was and having moved on to the present. And we don't have to agree on what it was, but we should have a similar understanding of the present. Try dealing with that.

Conservatives don't dwell in the past. They understand that change, in and of itself, isn't necessarily some sort of virtuous undertaking. The human condition, that is what it means to be human, is something that can't be changed, The forces that drive us now are the same ones that motivated Og in his cave. Only the surroundings are different. The naive don't realize that they are fighting themselves and acting at cross purposes and making matters worse by believing that we can by changing the culture become a different and better sort of animal.

Sometimes the culture needs to change and grow. But changing the culture won't change the animal. Best to let the animal adapt culture that suits it the best.
I have no idea what bowling and the way it is scored has to do with this, but... you're the brick wall. Knock yourself down... I mean out.
an average ten-year old should get what I'm conveying. You're either actually retarded or you just won't accept the plain truth that your contentions are retarded. Take your pick, it's the same to me.
an average ten-year old should get what I'm conveying. You're either actually retarded or you just won't accept the plain truth that your contentions are retarded. Take your pick, it's the same to me.
That you decided to compare apples to cinder blocks to convince yourself that you're right? Forgive me for being further along than a 10-year old. Go find a few of them to bullshit.
They're not "removing it" from what is being taught. But, apparently, they are adding some elements that must be "going too far" for it to upset the whiteys as much as it does. And, someone threw together some edited clips that really struck fear into the "poaster" on OOTB.
I'm sure it was edited. I'm also sure that what he said was not misconstrued by any editing.
That you decided to compare apples to cinder blocks to convince yourself that you're right? Forgive me for being further along than a 10-year old. Go find a few of them to bullshit.
you're far behind most ten-year-olds, who by that age understand how analogies work. If you arrange a pile of apples and a pile of cinder blocks, anyone with an IQ greater than a rutabaga sees that the common element is that both are in piles. In other words. you aren't comparing apples to cinder blocks, you're comparing one pile to another.

I'll try my best to help you with this. In my analogy, there really is nothing to add to what it takes to bowl a perfect game; how many ways can you say it takes twelve consecutive strikes? Just one, really. There is no need to discuss that fact any further. But someone like you keeps trying over and over to add something anyway, while the mature adult moves on to something else.
I believe parents should get their kids out of public schools if at all possible financially.

The end. (Succinct enough?)
Good advice.

I know several teachers, and they tell me that there is no real supervision of what they teach. And the things that are taught and the way they teach is scary. If today's kids don't grow up to be communists it will be a miracle.
you're far behind most ten-year-olds, who by that age understand how analogies work. If you arrange a pile of apples and a pile of cinder blocks, anyone with an IQ greater than a rutabaga sees that the common element is that both are in piles. In other words. you aren't comparing apples to cinder blocks, you're comparing one pile to another.

I'll try my best to help you with this. In my analogy, there really is nothing to add to what it takes to bowl a perfect game; how many ways can you say it takes twelve consecutive strikes? Just one, really. There is no need to discuss that fact any further. But someone like you keeps trying over and over to add something anyway, while the mature adult moves on to something else.
There are definitely some piles in your analogy.