OOTB's Political Thread . ..

no proof at all, just an indication of two things; one is that thanks to Trump and his vehement protest over the validity of the last prez election, election officials are NOW going to be on their toes looking for these fraudulent activities and two, that such activities were widespread in the last election just as I have been pointing out.
You're full of it. The only thing Trump's accusations of cheating over the past four years has accomplished is distrust in the system and a whole lot of baseless conspiracy theories. There was no "widespread fraudulent activities" in the last election but rather just a bunch of bitterness and grumbling from sore losers like yourself.
typically misleading garbage. The only thing approaching racism was the first guy, and even he can't be shown to be actually racist although I found his comments as presented to be offensive and over-the-top in pointing out whatever it was he was trying to say. What was he trying to say? Who, knows, his remarks were as usual taken out of context. For all I know, he was joking or being sarcastic in making a point counter to what his truncated remarks seem to indicate. You can't keep up with all the ways the leftists have of deceiving, so it's wise to be skeptical...

A typical libdem tactic; if what you're criticizing happens to be of some persuasion other than white, you're a racist. And calling Hillary a POS was thrown in gratis. No one can be called racist for simply being aware of what Hillary Clinton is. Hell, she lost to Donald Trump, the candidate who was given no chance whatsoever to be elected. According to libdem philosophy, you would have to be a real POS to do that.
You're full of it. The only thing Trump's accusations of cheating over the past four years has accomplished is distrust in the system and a whole lot of baseless conspiracy theories. There was no "widespread fraudulent activities" in the last election but rather just a bunch of bitterness and grumbling from sore losers like yourself.
oh, well why didn't you say so before? Why wait until now to be completely full of shit? Oh never mind, I just remembered you've always been full of shit.

To claim that what is being reported on here hasn't happened before is not just dishonst but really stupid. Of course it happened in that last prez election, the only question being to what extent. My logical claim is that the sheer number of votes, combined with the knowledge that the election as conducted lent itself to these sorts of activities, is circumstantial evidence enough that the election was guilty of being bogus.

eta...and by the way, genius, distrust is not suddenly some negative aspect of a loser. Distrust is why the very safeguards you morons use to claim the last election was fair, were put into place. Of course there is distrust in the activities and institutions that shape our environment, and it's a healthy consideration, and a distinctly American one. But if it's only a consideration not acted upon, therein lies the failure. Thank you Trump, for elevating the level of distrust enough that it is finally being properly acted upon, and serving to establish some justifiable trust in our systems.
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Which means you can obviously extrapolate that to all areas and we can all be sure that this incident is the only place in America where it's happening!
No, not at all, but such preventative measures to maintain election integrity are in practice in counties and states across the land. Worry not, my friend. Donald Trump is going to lose this election fair and square.
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oh, well why didn't you say so before? Why wait until now to be completely full of shit? Oh never mind, I just remembered you've always been full of shit.

To claim that what is being reported on here hasn't happened before is not just dishonst but really stupid. Of course it happened in that last prez election, the only question being to what extent. My logical claim is that the sheer number of votes, combined with the knowledge that the election as conducted lent itself to these sorts of activities, is circumstantial evidence enough that the election was guilty of being bogus.
Of course it has happened before in small, isolated cases. It's certainly nothing that has been a "widespread" issue that has had any significant effect on the outcome of an election. For four years you've been singing the same tune about there being enough "circumstantial evidence" to show the election was bogus and the only legitimate, so-called evidence you can come up with is mail-in voting due to the pandemic There is absolutely no proof otherwise except for your mindless, biased opinion.
Of course it has happened before in small, isolated cases. It's certainly nothing that has been a "widespread" issue that has had any significant effect on the outcome of an election. For four years you've been singing the same tune about there being enough "circumstantial evidence" to show the election was bogus. There is absolutely no proof of this, just your mindless, biased opinion.
it's my opinion and not proven fact, as I have always maintained. My claim has always been that the election as conducted was bogus, meaning it was highly questionable. My post above echoes that conclusion and it's based only on what is observable combined with some reason and common sense; things that you possess in small quantity and use in in even smaller ones..
no proof at all, just an indication of two things; one is that thanks to Trump and his vehement protest over the validity of the last prez election, election officials are NOW going to be on their toes looking for these fraudulent activities and two, that such activities were widespread in the last election just as I have been pointing out.

In that last election that was touted as being the fairest ever executed, the legitimacy of ballots was tested at the point of vote-count and not the point of application for and filling out of absentee ballots.

Don't take this the wrong way but that's some of the dumbest nonsensical dribble you have posted. Good grief, does the cult run deep in you.
I've never seen a comedian's jokes get an entire political party so shook before, lol. No wonder y'all can't meme.
It's entirely possible that the exaggeration required for something to be universally funny... was simply not achieved. Sometimes, every once in a while, cancer patients don't laugh at cancer jokes at a cancer fundraiser.

Somehow, DJT managed to lose Geraldo Rivera. I guess he finally said "Ya know, maybe Trump is too much of an asshole." That's no minimal feat given the level of BS that Geraldo can churn-out!

Bullies are the minority.
I've never seen a comedian's jokes get an entire political party so shook before, lol.
The only ones shaken today are Trump's handlers. It used to be Trump sticking his foot in his mouth that was mostly responsible for scaring away voters. Now he has a full team of morons at his rallies helping him do the job. Enjoy the losers bracket.
Don't take this the wrong way but that's some of the dumbest nonsensical dribble you have posted. Good grief, does the cult run deep in you.
and of course you have shown absolutely nothing to substantiate your opinion. That's because 1) you can't, and because 2) you're just a gasbag to begin with.
  • Haha
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Trump Campaign

Here's trump admitting he's paying for "red wave" polls. A few of less educated posters here tried to dispute this a weeks ago.

What would you like me to say about you being a gullible fool?
Jesus Christ you incredibly dumb gasbag, take a hint. Do you even know what 'substantiate' means? It's so ironic that you picked on someone's supposed lack of education.
Why did trump claim the Iowa caucus was rigged?
so you either can't comprehend or dodge the challenge to substantiate your previous opinion by asking an unrelated question. Thanks for confirming that you are an uneducated gasbag.
was that Ted Koppel? I really miss that guy. IMO the most neutral and trustworthy journalist when he was active in MSM. I don't know about now, I haven't seen him in many many years. I would sure love to see him around though.
You miss him? He's still actively broadcasting.

The content of that piece was profound. If Koppel's delivery helps drive that home, that's fine. Being nostalgic over Koppel isn't the point.

Americans seem bent on just giving it away because they're bored and ignorant, I guess. Death by confirmation bias.
Bluetoe is really slow. Just trying to help him out on a very easy question. All he needs to do is replace 2 letters (FR) with a different one (L).

50/50 he figures it out.
my gawd dude, I'm actually embarrassed for you at this point. I've never seen anyone try to squirm his way out of looking like a complete dumbass as ineptly as you are attempting to do. I love the part where you try to cover for saying 'frost' instead of lost.

lol, I enjoy it the most when the board idiots like you out themselves as such and all we have to do is sit back and watch you flail away to no effect..
You miss him? He's still actively broadcasting.

The content of that piece was profound. If Koppel's delivery helps drive that home, that's fine. Being nostalgic over Koppel isn't the point.

Americans seem bent on just giving it away because they're bored and ignorant, I guess. Death by confirmation bias.
I didn't say being nostalgic was 'the' point. It was MY point, in MY post, that I miss Koppel and his fine journalism. I got the point of the video. What's wrong with you sometimes?

Where is Koppel broadcasting, if I may ask?
C'mon, focus and follow the clues above. You got this.
I hope you're enjoying your game of message board dodge ball. I'd rather deal with someone intelligent though. Oh, and with someone who has the balls to stand up to the challenge of backing up his claims.
Agreed. I didn't think the joke was all that funny. The joke itself certainly doesn't hold a candle to the comedy that the liberal meltdown reaction to it has brought.
Laughter at the expense of other people's misery. Hilarious.

It's what I imagine needing viagra must be like. If that's what's required to get hard, the pleasure of fvcking has gotten really bad.
Laughter at the expense of other people's misery. Hilarious.

It's what I imagine needing viagra must be like. If that's what's required to get hard, the pleasure of fvcking has gotten really bad.
wait, are you making fun of other people's misery? Well tsk, tsk, whatever tsk tsk means.
These guys are a trip!

I wonder if people were always this stupid, and so easily duped... but, they just kept it to themselves. Donald Trump's presence in American politics evolved into somehow making them proud to show-off their ignorance with impunity. It's pretty amazing. Technology has really made people dumb as fvck.