OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Is that what you was trying to say @pooponduke ? Was you trying to say that? Shame on you if you was.
At least you didn't question his grammar from the "1700's" like Dumbass #1. The next time you talk to @nctransplant tell him it's 1700s, not 1700's. You would think with all that education required to earn his so-called master's degree he would by now know something he should have learned in the fifth grade.

You're getting nervous. You're finally acknowledging what's coming. Trump is going to win and you're going to melt down and scream at the sky and I'm going to enjoy it immensely.
Saved to the archives.
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At least you didn't question his grammar from the "1700's" like Dumbass #1. The next time you talk to @nctransplant do tell him it's 1700s, not 1700's. You would think with all that education required to earn his master's degree he would by now know something he should have learned in the fifth grade.

Saved to the archives.
So weak. Do you plan on leaving the country when Trump returns to the WH?
OK, if you say that's what you was trying to say fine but here is what you said:

"For example, had Hitler honored the peace agreement and not attacked England, America never enters the war,"

You could replace "England" with "Poland" and your post would be perfectly fine. Even if Hitler had not attacked Poland we really don't know if he would have declared war on the US or not following Pearl Harbor.
lol, and you call me a dumb SOB? His post was perfectly fine just as it was, and as I pointed out. You erroneously inferred what wasn't intended, and it wasn't because of how it was presented I didn't have any trouble understanding and I didn't need anything to be worded any differently to do so.

Don't blame @pooponduke for your poor reading comprehension. The misfire was and still is in your midget brain.

And now you look even more the fool for trying to not seem like one.
His post was perfectly fine just as it was, and as I pointed out. Don't blame @pooponduke for your poor reading comprehension. The misfire was and still is in your midget brain.
@pooponduke's comment about Germany attacking England -- "For example, had Hitler honored the peace agreement and not attacked England" -- is too vague to know precisely what he meant. So who are you to "point out" what he was trying to say?

And there's also this:
"If Britain doesn't go to war, Hitler doesn't attack it."

How the hell would you know? Maybe you should study your history books a little closer:
The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe.
- Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda
I'm pretty sure he needs to visit a men's restroom in Minnesota and change his tampon.
I'm on this site way too often, and every time i'm here i see you posting about tampons. It is clearly more than a monthly thing for you, so what happened with tampons and minnesota and walz?
I'm on this site way too often, and every time i'm here i see you posting about tampons. It is clearly more than a monthly thing for you, so what happened with tampons and minnesota and walz?
Walz had the tampon machines placed in male bathrooms in the schools. Completely normal, right?
Dear Diary...
I'm on this site way too often, and every time i'm here i see you posting about tampons. It is clearly more than a monthly thing for you, so what happened with tampons and minnesota and walz?
^^^^ needs those tampons, I guess.
You're getting nervous. You're finally acknowledging what's coming. Trump is going to win and you're going to melt down and scream at the sky and I'm going to enjoy it immensely.
if you could only post one when that happens, which one would you choose?

@pooponduke's comment about Germany attacking England -- "For example, had Hitler honored the peace agreement and not attacked England" -- is too vague to know precisely what he meant. So who are you to "point out" what he was trying to say?
you don't have to know precisely what he meant. You just don't infer what isn't intended, and what is not intended is clearly not stated.

And there's also this:
"If Britain doesn't go to war, Hitler doesn't attack it."

How the hell would you know? Maybe you should study your history books a little closer:
The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe.
- Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda
I wouldn't know, because I don't have a crystal ball that tells a history that never happened. And if your reading comprehension and common sense was any better than @prlyles', you'd know that your question is misplaced and irrelevant. AS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED, and germane to @pooponduke's point, Hitler attacked Poland and that is DIRECTLY why Britain declared war and DIRECTLY why Germany then attacked Britain. Your suppositions here are just your usual try-too-hard inanity.

And if you had even a smidge of the knowledge of history that you pretend to have, you'd know that Hitler thought Britain would actually NOT oppose him to the extent of war. He actually thought of Britain as a potential ally. And plain common sense tells us that Germany would have no reason to start a war with an entity that would only help defeat his primary purposes, which was expansion eastward This all adds up to an extreme likelihood that Germany does NOT attack Britain without Britain having declared war on Germany.

I've enjoyed this latest installment of 'Heels Noir Tries Too Hard and Ends Up Looking Like the Dunce He Is'. Thank you kindly.
Why does that bother you so much? I couldn't care less if they are placed there or not, no skin off my ass one way or the other.
Apparently they aren't. The bill was incredibly vague, making schools put them in the girls room, then making individual schools make a decision on how to ensure they're available to gender-neutral kids (aka girls wanting to be boys) a) if these transexuals even existed and b) if the transexuals that actually existed ask for them. But i'm with you, who cares unless the worry is about the funding.
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you don't have to know precisely what he meant. You just don't infer what isn't intended, and what is not intended is clearly not stated.
People draw conclusions all the time without knowing what is or isn't intended. For all we know, poopondook could have been implying there was a non-aggression pact for all of Europe. It's difficult to tell since his statement was unclear.
Apparently they aren't. The bill was incredibly vague, making schools put them in the girls room, then making individual schools make a decision on how to ensure they're available to gender-neutral kids (aka girls wanting to be boys) a) if these transexuals even existed and b) if the transexuals that actually existed ask for them. But i'm with you, who cares unless the worry is about the funding.
I like how you glossed right over the actual concern here, that being of the encouragement of having and using mixed-gender restrooms. I also like how you refer to tampon dispensers being furnished for the benefit of transsexuals who might not even exist. Always a good idea to put tampon machines out in case that should ever happen, I guess.
I like how you glossed right over the actual concern here, that being of the encouragement of having and using mixed-gender restrooms. I also like how you refer to tampon dispensers being furnished for the benefit of transsexuals who might not even exist. Always a good idea to put tampon machines out in case that should ever happen, I guess.
There were no dispensers if the trannies don't exist. There aren't that many trannies in the world, so most schools didn't have to do anything different other than put the dispensers in girls rooms.

PS where does the bill say anything about mixed-gender restrooms?