Player Predictions & Projections! (Podcast)

Mar 8, 2008
Getting ready for the season that seems so close but just won't get here fast enough I recorded a podcast with my predictions for each impact player.
I also quickly recap LNWR.

Would love for you to listen and give feedback! Where do you agree and/or disagree?
Comments, questions, and suggestions always welcome!
Can also be found on iTunes, Stitcher, or Youtube (just search UNC Hoops Talk)

Go Heels!
WoW, dude, that was an example of your being EXCITED? I mean, I listed as long as I could but your tone never changed, it went on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on and then on & On & ON & ON & ON & ON...

If you are talking about something you love, talk about it with passion & joy and if not find a topic you do have passion & joy for and talk about that. I am sorry if I come off as rude, not my intent but you offerred up something you wanted us to hear, I listened, I listened to as much as I could...
Thanks for the feedback, it is something I am aware of and know I need to work on. It's easier with someone else on the show and also when we get into actual games! Hope you'll give it another shot at some point and I do appreciate the feedback.

Go Heels!
Thanks for the feedback, it is something I am aware of and know I need to work on. It's easier with someone else on the show and also when we get into actual games! Hope you'll give it another shot at some point and I do appreciate the feedback.

Go Heels!

Sure, no problem, will check it out again.