Playground Rules

What Would Jesus Do?

Hall of Famer
Nov 28, 2010
Playground rules have probably changed a lot since I was a kid but here's the challenge....

1. You won the flip, which player do you choose first?

2. You lost the flip and the other guy grabbed the player you wanted with his first pick. Now you have the next 2 picks. Which players do you choose 2nd and 3rd?

Answer both questions. Then feel free to flesh out the rest of the teams, if you want to.

I'm guessing a lot of folks will pick Cadeau if they have the first pick. But is that true?
The scary part is everyone in the proposed starting lineup can score and all but one is potentially reliable out to 3 pt land. I am hoping both EC and Seth translate their strokes in practice to live action! (sprinkle a bit of confidence on our boys and watch out!) Our deep team should have peeps gassed by the "4th" quarter and we should then see us pull away!
Pick up game, I'm going
RJ 1
Ian 2
Regardless, so if they went with the EC taken 1st, those two for sure.
Our deep team should have peeps gassed by the "4th" quarter and we should then see us pull away!
As long as Hubert is willing to play his bench early and often. This certainly looks like a team he should be able to do that with, but we thought the same last year yet ended up with only 7 players getting double-digit PT.
Don't you get the feeling Hubs is far more comfortable and possibly trusts more of his roster than ever??/His stamp is on all of them now and they fit what he wants to do. I believe this will be the season where we see our coach find his stride and our team collectively step up!
Don't you get the feeling Hubs is far more comfortable and possibly trusts more of his roster than ever??/His stamp is on all of them now and they fit what he wants to do. I believe this will be the season where we see our coach find his stride and our team collectively step up!
That's my hope.
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EC, JWit, Ian, Seth, Cade.......EC!
OK, that is where I suspected you would go, you got your back court filled out. OK, so I need to inject some scoring and length to go along with Drake, give me Ian Jackson!
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Nice play, Sir! Thankfully, actual drafts don't work this way and I would have gotten either Ian or Drake, lol.

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Nice play, Sir! Thankfully, actual drafts don't work this way and I would have gotten either Ian or Drake, lol.

Darn good pick, I was hoping you would go in a different direction but you didn't. I have to take Ven Allen Lubin ! Now I have 7ft reach times 3 and Ian has to be near 7ft reach as well !

I'm getting smallish but I can score with anyone!
Oh man, I was sweating there for as minute! Your JWit pick messed up my plan, I really thought you would take Tyson there and I wouldn't have to pray you didn't take Seth, I couldn't let you have both JWit and Lubin! I didn't have a PG, I was going to have to use likely Drake as my PG. So yeah, I take Seth!

That gives me a huge size advantage (front and back court) and lock down defenders to make those shooters of yours get hard looks. I actually almost took Seth where I took Ian but liked the notion of both Ian and Drake as 6'6" long armed defenders that can score. And now I get the uber athlete & lock down defender that can run the point, especially in a pick up game! I am going to have Seth play ball denial on Cadeau and force RJ to create against a lot of length.

High is off the table, so you got James Brown or Claude? Now that I have my PG I am good either way ya go!
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Got to go with Claude have Mercy!

EC, RJ, Cade, Claude, JWit. I can run with that. We will be able to guard and shoot. I'm counting on JWit + Claude to be able to rebound and help protect the paint. I am most unsure of whether Cade can augment his slightly heavy feet with anticipation so he can stay in front of other 3s. I think the X-factors will be whether JWit and EC can find their strokes.

Best news is, we can form two functional teams from our current lineup!
Got to go with Claude have Mercy!

EC, RJ, Cade, Claude, JWit. I can run with that. We will be able to guard and shoot. I'm counting on JWit + Claude to be able to rebound and help protect the paint. I am most unsure of whether Cade can augment his slightly heavy feet with anticipation so he can stay in front of other 3s. I think the X-factors will be whether JWit and EC can find their strokes.

Best news is, we can form two functional teams from our current lineup!
So I get Brown, I get the second longest guy on the roster to go along with the longest guy, score for me once again! So I have Jalen as well as Lubin going against JWit and Claude as well as the middle length of Drake and Ian, the paint is mine, Cade will get blistered by Jack and Drake, he is a catch and shoot guy (Tyson), I hawk the passing lanes to him so RJ does not have a bail out! LOL

Yeah, not many teams can do this, assemble 2 solid teams of 5 to the extent that either would be very competitive in the ACC. I think we can agree, that Claude nor Brown will be lite used unless we find guys in our top 8 not available to play. I would have said this very same thing a week ago but now we have lost High, a guy I think was going to get some minutes.

The 2 keys for me (actually I think it is 3), first Tyson has to hit jump shots. Good news is that is his strength, hitting clean look jumpers, some considered him to be the best jump shooter available in the last portal. Second key for me, the most important key in my opinion is Jallen's play for more minutes than he has played in a really long time. Because his being a jump shooting threat forces the defense to spread way out and draws a big man defender out of the paint. My key #3 is Lubin, I think folks may be sleeping a bit on him. Kid is an excellent mid-range jump shooter, plays with solid physicality. Kid was forced to play as a under sized 5 in the SEC and he held his own even being dinged up early. When he got over the dings he started the season with his production went up later season. His points and boards went up nice later season, he isn't flashy but he is quietly effective. And I didn't even mention Ian, Drake, or Seth or Cadeau shooting and just over all play as a soph as opposed to his re-classed freshman season.
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I do prefer girth to length in the paint but I am old-school. I also think peeps are sleeping on Tyson's experience. He has been a bit less athletic than his peers his whole career and I bet he knows how to compensate! Not many peeps can stay in front of Cap, but I think he would stay with Drake! I also think forcing freshmen to recover from hawking ball lanes would open up drives and back doors from my seriously talented and savvy guards!

I agree 100% on Lubin and I could see him being an important cog beside OR in place of JWash!
EC, RJ, Tyson, JWit, JWash would be my preferred starting 5! (at least to start the season) I would love for Drake or Cap to force their way into starter level minutes too! Seth will be the Ace in the hole-sent in to inject energy or totally frustrate an opponent! I am absolutely giddy thinking of Lubin, Claude, and JB waiting in the wings too. The only player I am even worried might not cut it is JB and that is only until he develops! High is a little disappointing since I expected him to play his way to some real minutes. JWash and EC have serious questions but I firmly believe both will prove doubters wrong!
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I will take losing the flip, I think (1)RJ would get picked first!

2)- Washington (size), (3)Withers (versatile guy and strong)

I will assume EC will be taken next at (4). It would shore up back court with RJ

5) I would take Seth (He might not be a great PG, but I know he can defend any guard

Assuming opponent has to pick up size to match Washington and Withers so they will take Powell (6)

(7) Jackson- I think he may be better than RJ as a scorer not shooter.

I assuming again opponent takes Brown (8)

9) I take Cade

10) whoever is left for opponent

That leaves me with. Washington, Withers, Seth and Jackson in back court, and add in Cade. I'll take it.
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We think of Cade as a 3-pt specialist, but slightly more than half his shots came from 2-pt range.

And while he may not look special on the drive, the truth is he did fine. Sure, being deadly from deep means they have to play you for the trey - which can make it easier to drive. But that doesn't change the fact that he looked pretty good driving.

Will that be true at this level? Who knows. But if they still have to play him to shoot from deep, why not?

I look forward to seeing Cade play for us. Might be special.

Here's the caveat that has me a bit worried....

Everybody shot well for Belmont - both from 2-pt range and from 3-pt range. When everybody shoots well everybody has to be taken seriously. We might have a team where everybody shoots well, too. But if not, will Cade still be as deadly?
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I believe we have a team where everyone IS capable of shooting well from all three levels! I expect to see some seriously pen driving lanes and some wide open kick out 3s this year! I like our versatility and am loving how we can match up with anyone or create disadvantages against most!
We think of Cade as a 3-pt specialist, but slightly more than half his shots came from 2-pt range.

And while he may not look special on the drive, the truth is he did fine. Sure, being deadly from deep means they have to play you for the trey - which can make it easier to drive. But that doesn't change the fact that he looked pretty good driving.

Will that be true at this level? Who knows. But if they still have to play him to shoot from deep, why not?

I look forward to seeing Cade play for us. Might be special.

Here's the caveat that has me a bit worried....

Everybody shot well for Belmont - both from 2-pt range and from 3-pt range. When everybody shoots well everybody has to be taken seriously. We might have a team where everybody shoots well, too. But if not, will Cade still be as deadly?
First off, congrats to the Tar Heel football team, won one they could easy have lost, hope Max is ok.

Tyson, you may have watched the game TP & I played and felt I was not that high on Tyson, I assure that is not the case. I think he is a role player but his role seems really clear. Work hard on defense, use length to be hard to jump shoot over, block out for rebounds. On the offensive end, take and make clean looks, don't look to force anything outside of your comfort zone. When Ingram was asked last season why his shooting was so much better, his answer was because he got a lot cleaner looks than he did being one of the 2 scoring threats for Stanford. BOTH Ingram and Ryan got a lot more clean looks than they had seen in college, I suspect Tyson get's similar looks and his release is much quicker than Ingrams was.

Look, when you have Cadeau on ball creating, you have RJ that is a constant shooting threat that will have to play thru ball denial and double teams. Now we can screen to shake the ball denial but if you double RJ, where does that double come from? If you pull Jalen out of the paint you are not going to have the opposing big man there for the double, he will have to trail Jalen, put our power forward off ball side and you force that double to come from Tyson's defender. Tyson is a 6'7" long wing with a really quick shot release, was widely considered one of if not the best jump shooter to come from the latest portal.

Lot of folks would answer my question of where the double on RJ comes from and say it would come from the PG defender, just like Bama did. But you have to realize pulling Jalen out of the paint eliminates the center spot defender from being able to clog Cadeau or RJ driving lanes. That does not mean Jalen has to camp out past the 3pt line like Nance did, those mid range jumpers from Jalen drags his defender out of the paint, at times from 3yes but more often mid range. Mid range for 2 reasons, first Jalen's jumper is deadly from mid range but it also allows Jalen to cut back thru the lane for boards as the shot is taken by guys like Tyson and RJ.

See, it is about forcing the defense to do what you want them to do rather than allow them to dictate terms.

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