I agree - I know any move toward a Constitutional federal government is delusional, wishful thinking on my part. Why would anyone in the government ever want to give up any power, authority, money they currently have - whether it is legitimate or not.
There is the constitutional defined government.... AND there is another entire organism of agencies (mostly in executive branch) that are extra-constitutional - and no citizen votes for or appoints anyone in these agencies. This other government organism is gigantic in numbers of people, rules, and funding. In my perfect world I'd get rid of these agencies at federal level and move the functions, if deemed needed, to the state or local level. Why should someone in DC have to govern decisions on how one lives his/her life in North Carolina or Minnesota.
The founders didn't intend us to have one big entity called America - that's why its the United States of America. Its supposed to be a collection of 50 individual states, with their own laws. If you like the laws better in South Carolina than in North Carolina, then you could move to South Carolina. But what is your recourse if you don't like the oppression or the laws of the US federal government? I'm not ready to move to another country.
Also in this regard..... I'm no fan of Hillary, Trump, or Obama.....
but I don't think it was ever intended - and it is not healthy - for a country to think that who is president OR who gets appointed to the Supreme Court should matter so much to all the US citizens. Like its life or death, invoking so much emotion and energy.
These leaders have no more rights - and no fewer responsibilities to answer to the laws and the people - than any US citizen.
I know the horse is out of the barn on this, like others have said, and it isn't coming back. I sure choose to live my life not spending every or any waking moment dependent or beholden to what some "leader" or bureaucrat in DC (or in the Capitol of Minnesota, for that matter) says or does. Live like they have very little influence over personal daily lives, as it should be.