Prediction Contest Results Through Purdue Game


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2006
Prediction Contest Results Through Purdue Game
Contest #1

Check your results!

Still not too late to get in with Bullet Points!
Start with next game!

Bullet Points!
For the first 22 games, two (2) Bullet points will automatically be added for any player that forgets to post a prediction for a game. Thus, as long as a player posts a prediction for at least one game, he will receive 2 points for all games that he fails to make a prediction. This is applicable even if he does not make his first prediction until the 22th game of the season. In this case, he will still get 42 points for the first 21 games that he failed to make a prediction. Bullet Points will be automatically added. You do not have to request them.

Contest #2 starts with game #16!

Click here for Prize List! Staging Page | openingdaygame3

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