Prediction Contest Standings - thru Clemson


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
Clemson and Over were the winners tonight.

Kadyn930 = 105

Steat = 102

Dsouthr = 93
TeamCarolina71 = 93

EazyEd5 = 87
venom660turbo = 87

BillyL = 84

HEELS1984 = 81

imajericho = 78
Munkles = 78


Camacot = 72
keith1982 = 72
sctarheel30 = 72

srcmt = 69
yrusonvus = 69

adwood81 = 66
Hark_The_Sound = 66
montana_heel = 66
TarHeelMark = 66
TLee3 = 66

toophly1124 = 63
Travis2262 = 63
UNC Blue Hup = 63

al would = 60
northfan = 60
notashelbyfan = 60
tarh33ls = 60
Vster the rebirth = 60

alabamaheel = 57
crysdawn = 57
mahncpa1 = 57
OhioBuckeyeTarheel = 57
shane023 = 57
uncfan in ky = 57

coryfly = 54
kwtarheel11 = 54
Ozheelfan = 54
RP12 = 54
the Sky is Carolina… = 54
UNC '92 = 54

goheels653 = 51
slothrop8 = 51

Detroit Heel = 48
Heelicious = 48
heels05champs = 48
RoseHeel = 48
Sk1310 = 48

carmichael23 = 45

coachdubausee = 42

carolinabill73 = 39
ohio tarheels = 39
What Would Jesus… = 39
Jamieshaveshist = 36
racinheel = 36
Tru Blu Tar Heel = 36
Heel_in_SC = 33
Seahawk98 = 33
Spacegrass = 30
ChapelHeeled = 27
JMB18 = 27
saltee123 = 24
Super6Fan = 24
Billheel = 21
GoToHeelDook = 21
Archer2 = 12
premium1981 = 12
whitie1234 = 12
bleedin, your numbers are amazing, honestly, how the heck do you do it? I am doing pretty good in this thing this season but only due to a bit better version of luck. Ever since you began doing this for us it is extremely rare that what you set before games is more than 2 or 3 points from the final results. I don't gamble but man, if I start, I want to take you to Vegas with me cause you have some serious skills my friend! RESPECT!
bleedin, your numbers are amazing, honestly, how the heck do you do it? I am doing pretty good in this thing this season but only due to a bit better version of luck. Ever since you began doing this for us it is extremely rare that what you set before games is more than 2 or 3 points from the final results. I don't gamble but man, if I start, I want to take you to Vegas with me cause you have some serious skills my friend! RESPECT!

You're too kind. It's 25% knowledge, 25% experience and 50% luck. I have all the spread stats on UNC basketball going back 12 years, honestly it's pretty easy to predict what will happen in ACC play ... early season and post season play, not so easy.

I typically set the point spread in a way that helps to eliminate the UNC favoritism, but it doesn't always work - we still have close to 70% of the picks FOR UNC no matter what.

The over/under is more of a guess for what I personally expect - again, based on stats/history.

And yes, I do pretty well betting UNC basketball, if only I had the good sense to not bet anything else, ha!

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