Prediction Contest Standings - thru UVA


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
UVA and Over were the winners last night. Check your results. Two games left ... both will require emailed picks and the dook game will be worth double points.

Kadyn930 = 198

Steat = 192

imajericho = 183

Dsouthr = 174
montana_heel = 174

TeamCarolina71 = 165

coryfly = 162
EazyEd5 = 162
venom660turbo = 162

BillyL = 159

sctarheel30 = 153
toophly1124 = 153

Heelicious = 147
kwtarheel11 = 147
uncfan in ky = 147

alabamaheel = 144
carmichael23 = 144
HEELS1984 = 144
TLee3 = 144

UNC Blue Hup = 141
yrusonvus = 140
al would = 138
Munkles = 138
OhioBuckeyeTarheel = 135
Camacot = 132
srcmt = 132
adwood81 = 129
mahncpa1 = 129
TarHeelMark = 129
Tru Blu Tar Heel = 126
heels05champs = 123
Ozheelfan = 120
Hark_The_Sound = 117
northfan = 117
RP12 = 117
crysdawn = 114
shane023 = 114
ohio tarheels = 111
keith1982 = 108
slothrop8 = 108
the Sky is Carolina… = 108
notashelbyfan = 105
UNC '92 = 96
Jamieshaveshist = 90
Detroit Heel = 84
Sk1310 = 81
racinheel = 78
goheels653 = 75
Travis2262 = 72
What Would Jesus… = 72
Vster the rebirth = 63
Spacegrass = 60
tarh33ls = 60
RoseHeel = 48
coachdubausee = 42
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I gambled and scored a goose egg in the UVA game, but should still have a score of 150 from the moo game.
I see nothing saying it was but it looks like everyone was doubled for their last picks...

Like I have Kadyn at 198.
Steat at 192
Me at 183
Etc etc
Unless I am mistaken, last game was not a double points game? Was it?
Oh I'm SO embarrassed ... you're correct! I just had it in my head that it was double points and got right to work. I'll correct it later this evening. THANKS for noticing!