

Gold Member
Mar 13, 2007
I am curious why there has not been a press conference yet, an interview with Chiz, or an ESPN ticker along the bottom talking of the hire yet?? Is it just because they are going through all the " red tape "? They have to cross their t's and dot their i's more? Go through the hire with the administration or faculty?

You would have thought something would have come up by now. I am not starting to get worried here, but I am starting to get worried here. I would hate to get my/our hopes up and this thing not come to fruition.

Or have I just missed these things?
Originally posted by berry30:
I am curious why there has not been a press conference yet, an interview with Chiz, or an ESPN ticker along the bottom talking of the hire yet?? Is it just because they are going through all the " red tape "? They have to cross their t's and dot their i's more? Go through the hire with the administration or faculty?

You would have thought something would have come up by now. I am not starting to get worried here, but I am starting to get worried here. I would hate to get my/our hopes up and this thing not come to fruition.

Or have I just missed these things?
There are rumblings that the hire has received great backlash from some of the powers that be. The backlash is supposedly because of the problems Auburn had when GC was in charge. Some find it troubling that UNC, while in the midst of the Great Unpleasantness, would hire anyone other than Mother Teresa.

While I think ultimately the GC hire has happened and will be confirmed shortly, there's definitely some things you could point to if you wanted to validate your uneasiness.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by berry30:
I am curious why there has not been a press conference yet, an interview with Chiz, or an ESPN ticker along the bottom talking of the hire yet?? Is it just because they are going through all the " red tape "? They have to cross their t's and dot their i's more? Go through the hire with the administration or faculty?

You would have thought something would have come up by now. I am not starting to get worried here, but I am starting to get worried here. I would hate to get my/our hopes up and this thing not come to fruition.

Or have I just missed these things?
There are rumblings that the hire has received great backlash from some of the powers that be. The backlash is supposedly because of the problems Auburn had when GC was in charge. Some find it troubling that UNC, while in the midst of the Great Unpleasantness, would hire anyone other than Mother Teresa.

While I think ultimately the GC hire has happened and will be confirmed shortly, there's definitely some things you could point to if you wanted to validate your uneasiness.
Those of us who have faced the probelms over the years of the group of UNC adminstrators and faculty who are rather staunchly anti-football will always fear their next strike. They will never go away. Butch Davis could have won a National Championship and our season ticket sales hit 54,000, and the anti-football crowd in Chapel Hill would still be ever planning its next move.

I think what we have going for us this time is Bubba Cunningham. He is a Notre Dame grad who began his career there. He is the exact type AD we required to have the leverage to stand off the anti-football crowd and then make it back away. ND, unlike the SEC schools and Florida State, is one with all the academic and social status to match UNC. An ND trained AD and ND as 5/8ths member of ACC football is perfect for UNC football.
Sounds like we're just waiting on the BOT at this point. No worries.

News of Seth Littrell's hiring broke on a Monday and it took 4 more business days for an official announcement. News of Chizik's hiring came out Thursday (a holiday) and it has only been 2 business days since then. Just offering some perspective.

UNC has learned some painful lessons about the importance of thoroughly vetting new hires. Like Woad said, Bubba knows what he's doing.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by berry30:
I am curious why there has not been a press conference yet, an interview with Chiz, or an ESPN ticker along the bottom talking of the hire yet?? Is it just because they are going through all the " red tape "? They have to cross their t's and dot their i's more? Go through the hire with the administration or faculty?

You would have thought something would have come up by now. I am not starting to get worried here, but I am starting to get worried here. I would hate to get my/our hopes up and this thing not come to fruition.

Or have I just missed these things?
There are rumblings that the hire has received great backlash from some of the powers that be. The backlash is supposedly because of the problems Auburn had when GC was in charge. Some find it troubling that UNC, while in the midst of the Great Unpleasantness, would hire anyone other than Mother Teresa.

While I think ultimately the GC hire has happened and will be confirmed shortly, there's definitely some things you could point to if you wanted to validate your uneasiness.
Those of us who have faced the probelms over the years of the group of UNC adminstrators and faculty who are rather staunchly anti-football will always fear their next strike. They will never go away. Butch Davis could have won a National Championship and our season ticket sales hit 54,000, and the anti-football crowd in Chapel Hill would still be ever planning its next move.

I think what we have going for us this time is Bubba Cunningham. He is a Notre Dame grad who began his career there. He is the exact type AD we required to have the leverage to stand off the anti-football crowd and then make it back away. ND, unlike the SEC schools and Florida State, is one with all the academic and social status to match UNC. An ND trained AD and ND as 5/8ths member of ACC football is perfect for UNC football.
I agree and disagree on this point. They will always be there, they are at every University in the country. Just they have "power" at UNC. That said, if we ever get to the level that we are competing for national titles, they will be so marginalized as to not be of consequence.
I'm not worried yet, but I'll tell you this:

If somehow the concerned PTB win out and the GC hire is nixed, I will email the Rams Club and tell them to kiss my annual donation and season ticket purchase goodbye forever.

I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate how, in a variety of ways, certain people associated with UNC keep trying their hardest to hamstring Carolina Football. It's why I refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC (plus political reasons which I won't delve into here).
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not worried yet, but I'll tell you this:

If somehow the concerned PTB win out and the GC hire is nixed, I will email the Rams Club and tell them to kiss my annual donation and season ticket purchase goodbye forever.

I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate how, in a variety of ways, certain people associated with UNC keep trying their hardest to hamstring Carolina Football. It's why I refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC (plus political reasons which I won't delve into here).
if they ef this up, they'll lose more current members and possible future members as well.

it'd be nice to get it right for a half decade or so.
I also refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC for what I imagine are EXACTLY the same reasons.
There are a lot of Vols fans who now expect to lose Thigpen. That suggest that they have heard from UT insiders that Chizik wants Thig with him in Chapel Hill. If they had any hint that Chizik might not get the job for any reason, they would have signalled their fans that Thigpen was certain to be with the Vols another year.
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not worried yet, but I'll tell you this:

If somehow the concerned PTB win out and the GC hire is nixed, I will email the Rams Club and tell them to kiss my annual donation and season ticket purchase goodbye forever.

I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate how, in a variety of ways, certain people associated with UNC keep trying their hardest to hamstring Carolina Football. It's why I refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC (plus political reasons which I won't delve into here).
good luck with that...

I did exactly that when they fired Butch. Was giving about $7k a year and buying 8 lower level season tickets...flew in from TX several times a season...anyway, sent a long email about why I was stopping. They didn't even bother to follow up.

Bothered me at first but then my feelings for UNC athletics simply changed...not nearly where it was before all of this. I can't even tell you last time I watched a college basketball game. Maybe a quarter of UNC football every now and then...but Fedora seems so phony, I've found that I don't care about that much either. don't even get me started on the puzzling infatuation with uniform combinations...maybe I'll get back to having more than feigning interest at some point...dunno

Now that my daughter heading to Ole Miss, I'll start going to Oxford a couple of weekends a year. Sad, I love the state of NC and love going back home...but Chapel Hill doesn't hold the same thrill for me that it had for 40+ years.
Here is a great opportunity to turn the corner in football. To get some quality coaches and wake up this damn sleeping giant we have heard so much about. I hope Bubba, Fedora and others can get it done. Hiring Chiz is step one. Ponying up the money to get Thig is 2. Then a lot of other things will fall into place. I hope we step up and take football to another level where it belongs. If the school f's this up, after getting my/our hopes up, it will be hard to show support. I am Tar Heel born and will die a Tar Heel, but my outlook of this program will change drastically.

Come on Bubba, make this right, pony up the money and get UNC Football where it belongs. Go Heels!!!
Originally posted by jcolucci:
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not worried yet, but I'll tell you this:

If somehow the concerned PTB win out and the GC hire is nixed, I will email the Rams Club and tell them to kiss my annual donation and season ticket purchase goodbye forever.

I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate how, in a variety of ways, certain people associated with UNC keep trying their hardest to hamstring Carolina Football. It's why I refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC (plus political reasons which I won't delve into here).
good luck with that...

I did exactly that when they fired Butch. Was giving about $7k a year and buying 8 lower level season tickets...flew in from TX several times a season...anyway, sent a long email about why I was stopping. They didn't even bother to follow up.

Bothered me at first but then my feelings for UNC athletics simply changed...not nearly where it was before all of this. I can't even tell you last time I watched a college basketball game. Maybe a quarter of UNC football every now and then...but Fedora seems so phony, I've found that I don't care about that much either. don't even get me started on the puzzling infatuation with uniform combinations...maybe I'll get back to having more than feigning interest at some point...dunno

Now that my daughter heading to Ole Miss, I'll start going to Oxford a couple of weekends a year. Sad, I love the state of NC and love going back home...but Chapel Hill doesn't hold the same thrill for me that it had for 40+ years.
Most people who have seen me post over the years know that the better half is an Ole Miss grad. The past couple of decades, I've spent much more time on the Ole Miss campus than on the UNC campus. The OM campus is great, and Oxford is a nice town. The Grove is ideal on a football Saturday.

But UNC is still UNC. I encourage you to contact Bubba Cunningham and tell him your story. I would hope that you get a response that you deserve.

And be certain in a follow up to damn those uniforms. They are at best something for silly boys who have the taste of teenage girls.
Originally posted by jcolucci:
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
I'm not worried yet, but I'll tell you this:

If somehow the concerned PTB win out and the GC hire is nixed, I will email the Rams Club and tell them to kiss my annual donation and season ticket purchase goodbye forever.

I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate how, in a variety of ways, certain people associated with UNC keep trying their hardest to hamstring Carolina Football. It's why I refuse to donate to the academic side of UNC (plus political reasons which I won't delve into here).
good luck with that...

I did exactly that when they fired Butch. Was giving about $7k a year and buying 8 lower level season tickets...flew in from TX several times a season...anyway, sent a long email about why I was stopping. They didn't even bother to follow up.

Bothered me at first but then my feelings for UNC athletics simply changed...not nearly where it was before all of this. I can't even tell you last time I watched a college basketball game. Maybe a quarter of UNC football every now and then...but Fedora seems so phony, I've found that I don't care about that much either. don't even get me started on the puzzling infatuation with uniform combinations...maybe I'll get back to having more than feigning interest at some point...dunno

Now that my daughter heading to Ole Miss, I'll start going to Oxford a couple of weekends a year. Sad, I love the state of NC and love going back home...but Chapel Hill doesn't hold the same thrill for me that it had for 40+ years.
interesting... how did you get started as a carolina fan? are you an alumnus? why are you still following carolina sports on message boards and posting?
... how did you get started as a carolina fan? are you an alumnus? why are you still following carolina sports on message boards and posting?
Grew up in wilmington...saturdays in chapel hill started during dooleys tenure...and a few bball games at Carmichael...graduated uncw 89...moved to Atlanta after college and hung out w buddies/UNC grads watching ball games, clubs, etc...we had a blast when Mack got us moving....started rams club contributions after starting to make decent money and season tix after temp move to Charlotte...moved to TX in 01 and stepped up contributions when butch was hired...thought we were moving in the right direction.

used to post a lot on premium site but dropped subscription when I finally got too pissed/disgusted...but hard habit to break..still enjoy the message board banter...check the boards occasionally during slow times at work. Make a snide comment or two during the season but mostly just chuckle at the bickering...
Originally posted by jcolucci:

... how did you get started as a carolina fan? are you an alumnus? why are you still following carolina sports on message boards and posting?
Grew up in wilmington...saturdays in chapel hill started during dooleys tenure...and a few bball games at Carmichael...graduated uncw 89...moved to Atlanta after college and hung out w buddies/UNC grads watching ball games, clubs, etc...we had a blast when Mack got us moving....started rams club contributions after starting to make decent money and season tix after temp move to Charlotte...moved to TX in 01 and stepped up contributions when butch was hired...thought we were moving in the right direction.

used to post a lot on premium site but dropped subscription when I finally got too pissed/disgusted...but hard habit to break..still enjoy the message board banter...check the boards occasionally during slow times at work. Make a snide comment or two during the season but mostly just chuckle at the bickering...
thanks for your reply.
If UNC does not hire him, I am pretty much done with UNC football. This political game is getting old. 90% of the mess at UNC is due directly to the academic side. They can blame athletics all they want. The reason Butch Davis was fired was Thorp's attempt to deflect the blame off himself.
You can bet your bottom dollar this administration isn't playing games with this hire. They will pull out allthe stops to land the best man for the job.
You can bet your bottom dollar this administration isn't playing games with this hire. They will pull out allthe stops to land the best man for the job.
This is the first big hire post wainstein. Of course there will be serious vetting considering all the shit that happened at auburn, which btw the posters on this board had lots of fun with and used it numerous times as an example of the sec cheating.

This post was edited on 1/7 9:15 AM by heelmanwilm
Heelman ...he should be hired ,but you are correct..Many on this board that want him so bad were calling Chizik..pure slime and a cheater when he was at Auburn...SMH
This post was edited on 1/8 11:25 PM by 2for3
Originally posted by 2for3:
Heelman ...he should be hired ,but you are correct..Many on this board that want him so bad were calling Chizik..pure slim and a cheater when he was at Auburn...SMH
I NEVER called him Slim!

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