Quick stuff (dook game - NCAAT)...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...and who'd-a-thunk a tired narrative would be the gift that keeps on giving, huh?.

Before I start, endulge me, if you will, with a question for the board:
Was anyone else just annoyed that we had to play dook again?
I mean, couldn't someone else have gotten rid of the Rat and his minions? Michigan St? OK, that was on the zebras, but still... So then, what?... we hafta be the mf-ing Avengers and save the world from evil yet again? Sheesh. I dunno about y'all, but instead of enjoying being in the Final Four, I was caught up in having to deal with these jabronies. Welp, civilized world... YOU'RE WELCOME!... we just made it a better place for angels, marigolds and puppies.

Arright, back to the game....
- Candidly, we did not play a smart first half --- defintite nerves out there, incl, at least 4 missed defensive assignments and a lotta clunked shots. More fundamentally, even after getting 2 early fouls on Williams, we just eschewed pounding the rock indside, and our poor FG % and dearth of points in the paint resulted.

- Also on the negative notes, we mostly failed to take advantage of myriad mismatches. Brady, in particular, chose not to take smaller guys to the rack. We also too often got outscrapped on loose balls and/or contested rebounds. Sure, dook aways reaches and grabs and undercuts, but ya hafta be ready for that.

- As with all games in football stadiums, I was hoping for someone to find the range early, and thankfully RJ came out smokin' and frankly, kept us in it til halftime. Another key to keeping the game in range was Hubert pulling off some adept maneuvers right before the half with sets and substitutions.

- The elephant (zebra) in the room in any dook game (and something that has gratifyingly been in the national conversations this week) is the reffing, but early on we actually saw them get called for stuff they normally get away with, which of course evoked the predictable barage of beration, so yeah of course, they got the memo, starting with that full-Battier flop from WIlliams to start the second half. Just wow at that one. And yes, there were myriad uncalled Banchero travels and Boroski in particular was just killing us, but ya know what?.. we were more our own worst enemies with some bone-headed turnovers.

- Speaking of that, OMG at those awful passes. I used to call those "diagonal-up" passes, and as a coach I friggin HATED them. In practices I had a policy that if you made that pass then you'd damned well better complete it, and if the ball got intercepted or even tipped on one of those, the whistle would blow and suicides would ensue. And credit here to dook for scouting us, as we've been living on the edge all season with that looseness, and it damn near cost us this one. I'll expand on this in my wrap-up next week, but watching just that poor decision-making and execution on the perimeter will hopefully make folks here appreciate what Hubert has had to wrangle to get us where we are.

- With that said, I can't say enough positive about the character and toughness this bunch has developed. Following the aforementioned Williams flop --- something that could've easily changed the game --- our guys instead got PISSED and went on a run to grab a lead, serving notice to the arrogant dookies that they weren't stealing this one without a fight. And with all due respect to our friend Adam Lucas in his column earlier this week, that run was indeed triggered by a burst of aggression in TRANSITION -- something we'd damned well better be ready to play Monday.

- There is no overstating how big Caleb's drives and finishes AT THE RIM were in the second half (as was playing more inside-out in general), but look, I'd be lying if I denied the fact that we've lived on the edge all season --- even during our March/April run --- as in needing to make tough and sometimes gasp-inducing shot attempts, and between him and Birdy Manek welp, we did it again. OK then. Speaking of Manek, he made some big-time defensive plays down the stretch (which helped make up for those missed FTs).

- While I'm on the positives, Leaky had another defensive gem and knocked down some timely shots, and Puff gave us a quietly important few minutes in both halves (especially those 2 key FTs while Mando was out).

- And finally, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about Mando. All modern sports medicine aside, that's gonna hurt tomorrow. There was a critical sequence late on a dook miss when the rebound would've normally been all his, but Mando just had no elevation, and thus dook got a tip-out and a 3. We're gonna need the big fella at least somewhere near full strength Monday.

Anyway, following up on a joke someone started earlier, with dook eliminated, ESPN will likely air a 48-hour tribute to the Rat in protest... and to all the national "pundits" who assumed a dook win, I fart in your general direction. But seriously, this season is house money for us at this point. Cinderalla? Oh hell no -- we're a blue blood, but... this run could be fitted for a proverbial glass slipper if we're being honest. KU will be favored, and should be --- they're a legit #1 seed and easily handled nova (albeit a nova team that had no business being in the FF). But it ain't midnight yet... so shit, lessee what happens...:cool:
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...and who'd-a-thunk a tired narrative would be the gift that keeps on giving, huh?.

Before I start, endulge me, if you will, with a question for the board:
Was anyone else just annoyed that we had to play dook again?
I mean, couldn't someone else have gotten rid of the Rat and his minions? Michigan St? OK, that was on the zebras, but still... So then, what?... we hafta be the mf-ing Avengers and save the world from evil yet again? Sheesh. I dunno about y'all, but instead of enjoying being in the Final Four, I was caught up in having to deal with these jabronies. Welp, civilized world... YOU'RE WELCOME!... we just made it a better place for angels, marigolds and puppies.

Arright, back to the game....
- Candidly, we did not play a smart first half --- defintite nerves out there, incl, at least 4 missed defensive assignments and a lotta clunked shots. More fundamentally, even after getting 2 early fouls on Williams, we just eschewed pounding the rock indside, and our poor FG % and dearth of points in the paint resulted.

- Also on the negative notes, we mostly failed to take advantage of myriad mismatches. Brady, in particular, chose not to take smaller guys to the rack. We also too often got outscrapped on loose balls and/or contested rebounds. Sure, dook aways reaches and grabs and undercuts, but ya hafta be ready for that.

- As with all games in football stadiums, I was hoping for someone to find the range early, and thankfully RJ came out smokin' and frankly, kept us in it til halftime. Another key to keeping the game in range was Hubert pulling off some adept maneuvers right before the half with sets and substitutions.

- The elephant (zebra) in the room in any dook game (and something that has gratifyingly been in the national conversations this week) is the reffing, but early on we actually saw them get called for stuff they normally get away with, which of course evoked the predictable barage of beration, so yeah of course, they got the memo, starting with that full-Battier flop from WIlliams to start the second half. Just wow at that one. And yes, there were myriad uncalled Banchero travels and Boroski in particular was just killing us, but ya know what?.. we were more our own worst enemies with some bone-headed turnovers.

- Speaking of that, OMG at those awful passes. I used to call those "diagonal-up" passes, and as a coach I friggin HATED them. In practices I had a policy that if you made that pass then you'd damned well better complete it, and if the ball got intercepted or even tipped on one of those, the whistle would blow and suicides would ensue. And credit here to dook for scouting us, as we've been living on the edge all season with that looseness, and it damn near cost us this one. I'll expand on this in my wrap-up next week, but watching just that poor decision-making and execution on the perimeter will hopefully make folks here appreciate what Hubert has had to wrangle to get us where we are.

- With that said, I can't say enough positive about the character and toughness this bunch has developed. Following the aforementioned Williams flop --- something that could've easily changed the game --- our guys instead got PISSED and went on a run to grab a lead, serving notice to the arrogant dookies that they weren't stealing this one without a fight. And with all due respect to our friend Adam Lucas in his column earlier this week, that run was indeed triggered by a burst of aggression in TRANSITION -- something we'd damned well better be ready to play Monday.

- There is no overstating how big Caleb's drives and finishes AT THE RIM were in the second half (as was playing more inside-out in general), but look, I'd be lying if I denied the fact that we've lived on the edge all season --- even during our March/April run --- as in needing to make tough and sometimes gasp-inducing shot attempts, and between him and Birdy Manek welp, we did it again. OK then. Speaking of Manek, he made some big-time defensive plays down the stretch (which helped make up for those missed FTs).

- While I'm on the positives, Leaky had another defensive gem and knocked down some timely shots, and Puff gave us a quietly important few minutes in both halves (especially those 2 key FTs while Mando was out).

- And finally, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about Mando. All modern sports medicine aside, that's gonna hurt tomorrow. There was a critical sequence late on a dook miss when the rebound would've normally been all his, but Mando just had no elevation, and thus dook got a tip-out and a 3. We're gonna need the big fella at least somewhere near full strength Monday.

Anyway, following up on a joke someone started earlier, with dook eliminated, ESPN will likely air a 48-hour tribute to the Rat in protest... and to all the national "pundits" who assumed a dook win, I fart in your general direction. But seriously, this season is house money for us at this point. Cinderalla? Oh hell no -- we're a blue blood, but... this run could be fitted for a proverbial glass slipper if we're being honest. KU will be favored, and should be --- they're a legit #1 seed and easily handled nova (albeit a nova team that had no business being in the FF). But it ain't midnight yet... so shit, lessee what happens...:cool:
Good stuff Gary!! Let’s win this..go Heels!
...and who'd-a-thunk a tired narrative would be the gift that keeps on giving, huh?.

Before I start, endulge me, if you will, with a question for the board:
Was anyone else just annoyed that we had to play dook again?
I mean, couldn't someone else have gotten rid of the Rat and his minions? Michigan St? OK, that was on the zebras, but still... So then, what?... we hafta be the mf-ing Avengers and save the world from evil yet again? Sheesh. I dunno about y'all, but instead of enjoying being in the Final Four, I was caught up in having to deal with these jabronies. Welp, civilized world... YOU'RE WELCOME!... we just made it a better place for angels, marigolds and puppies.

Arright, back to the game....
- Candidly, we did not play a smart first half --- defintite nerves out there, incl, at least 4 missed defensive assignments and a lotta clunked shots. More fundamentally, even after getting 2 early fouls on Williams, we just eschewed pounding the rock indside, and our poor FG % and dearth of points in the paint resulted.

- Also on the negative notes, we mostly failed to take advantage of myriad mismatches. Brady, in particular, chose not to take smaller guys to the rack. We also too often got outscrapped on loose balls and/or contested rebounds. Sure, dook aways reaches and grabs and undercuts, but ya hafta be ready for that.

- As with all games in football stadiums, I was hoping for someone to find the range early, and thankfully RJ came out smokin' and frankly, kept us in it til halftime. Another key to keeping the game in range was Hubert pulling off some adept maneuvers right before the half with sets and substitutions.

- The elephant (zebra) in the room in any dook game (and something that has gratifyingly been in the national conversations this week) is the reffing, but early on we actually saw them get called for stuff they normally get away with, which of course evoked the predictable barage of beration, so yeah of course, they got the memo, starting with that full-Battier flop from WIlliams to start the second half. Just wow at that one. And yes, there were myriad uncalled Banchero travels and Boroski in particular was just killing us, but ya know what?.. we were more our own worst enemies with some bone-headed turnovers.

- Speaking of that, OMG at those awful passes. I used to call those "diagonal-up" passes, and as a coach I friggin HATED them. In practices I had a policy that if you made that pass then you'd damned well better complete it, and if the ball got intercepted or even tipped on one of those, the whistle would blow and suicides would ensue. And credit here to dook for scouting us, as we've been living on the edge all season with that looseness, and it damn near cost us this one. I'll expand on this in my wrap-up next week, but watching just that poor decision-making and execution on the perimeter will hopefully make folks here appreciate what Hubert has had to wrangle to get us where we are.

- With that said, I can't say enough positive about the character and toughness this bunch has developed. Following the aforementioned Williams flop --- something that could've easily changed the game --- our guys instead got PISSED and went on a run to grab a lead, serving notice to the arrogant dookies that they weren't stealing this one without a fight. And with all due respect to our friend Adam Lucas in his column earlier this week, that run was indeed triggered by a burst of aggression in TRANSITION -- something we'd damned well better be ready to play Monday.

- There is no overstating how big Caleb's drives and finishes AT THE RIM were in the second half (as was playing more inside-out in general), but look, I'd be lying if I denied the fact that we've lived on the edge all season --- even during our March/April run --- as in needing to make tough and sometimes gasp-inducing shot attempts, and between him and Birdy Manek welp, we did it again. OK then. Speaking of Manek, he made some big-time defensive plays down the stretch (which helped make up for those missed FTs).

- While I'm on the positives, Leaky had another defensive gem and knocked down some timely shots, and Puff gave us a quietly important few minutes in both halves (especially those 2 key FTs while Mando was out).

- And finally, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about Mando. All modern sports medicine aside, that's gonna hurt tomorrow. There was a critical sequence late on a dook miss when the rebound would've normally been all his, but Mando just had no elevation, and thus dook got a tip-out and a 3. We're gonna need the big fella at least somewhere near full strength Monday.

Anyway, following up on a joke someone started earlier, with dook eliminated, ESPN will likely air a 48-hour tribute to the Rat in protest... and to all the national "pundits" who assumed a dook win, I fart in your general direction. But seriously, this season is house money for us at this point. Cinderalla? Oh hell no -- we're a blue blood, but... this run could be fitted for a proverbial glass slipper if we're being honest. KU will be favored, and should be --- they're a legit #1 seed and easily handled nova (albeit a nova team that had no business being in the FF). But it ain't midnight yet... so shit, lessee what happens...:cool:
Excellent Gary, and as usual- spot on. Lol about having to play Duke again, but it was fitting that we were the ones to send him out to retirement. Regarding the passes, I was frustrated with that as well, but Hubert has seemed to loosen them up to be creative. As deep as Duke was we seemed to wear them down defensively with our drives and daggers from beyond the arc. More than anything, the teamwork, toughness, desire, and guts has pushed through on this run, and credit goes to the staff, and more importantly, the players.
Agree Gary, I'd messaged a Villanova friend after they went out saying if the Heels couldn't get it done I'd have to go for (gulp) Kansas! Wasn't enjoying the lead-up to this game and the pressure it brought... but then the game happened and it was a heart-attack, roller-coaster thrill ride!

Thankfully, the zebra's didn't impact the game too much one way or the other.

Defence was again terrific - not just Leaky who has earned every nickname possible: "Off Day" is my favourite (everyone he guards has an off day) But Brady was excellent guarding the future first round bust Banchero and with his help D... 3 blocks! Caleb and RJ too were excellent and Mando's defensive rebound positioning is superb.

I felt it could have gone any way until Caleb's casual 3 to all but seal the game... the foul-game followed, but that was the dagger.

And there in the stands Roy was cheering his heart out... loving how Hubert has made his own mark and coached his own way, with less talent and more guts than the evil empire on the other bench.
The player very clearly had been told:
- no ref arguing, Davis would do that for them (he hammered the refs all night)
- no fouls in first half, this caused some matador defense a couple times… but did seem a conscious choice

Love learning to stop the flop on the deck drive and instead finish with style around the basket has been a huge development for our run.
Ditto RJ

Love HAS DRIVEN ME NUTS for 2 years with talent, but mental mistakes… HOWEVER, he is one of the best last five minutes of the game players we have ever had at UNC!

20 rebound games don’t happen often… Bacot did it back to back

House money at this point! I don’t know what they will have left for Monday night or if Bacot will be feeling whatever… but this ranks up there and may be my favorite win a s a Tarheel!!!!!

*KU Note: Don’t forget Nova was without a main player that got them to this game. He went down at the end of their elite eight game.
Gary, excellent as usual my friend
1. I thought Boroski did a good 1st half, but as you say someone got to him at the half. Roger was Roger at crucial times in the 2nd half. I just pray we don't get Bert Smith tomorrow.
2. Kudos to HD was riding those suckers hard, ala I dare to say, Koach Kay.
3. We had 3 really bad TOs that had me kicking and screaming, the other 6 were not as back breaking IMO.
4. The long rebound you mentioned ended up in the hands of Wendell and he hit a big one. I thought that might put them over the top but thank God almighty it didn't. Can you imagine our season ending on a 3 by that overrated scrub?:eek: Another one who gave 'ol Roy the stiff arm thinking he was OAD. Yet here we are 3 years later.
5. I'm truly concerned about Armando as well. He will be very sore today and tomorrow night.
6. RJ is a rising star, without his 1st half we are down 10-12 points at the break.
7. AJ Griffin will have Leaky Black nightmares for as long as he lives.😁
8. Cockroach did what I expected, nothing, but Keels had one of his better games which did surprise me. Any team taking those guys over Love in the draft should never have any success.
One of the best games in my history of being a supporter. Did not play great but played as a team, countered every punch thrown. This is my championship. Hubert has done wonders with a team who not long ago people questioned if we were even tournament bound. Would be nice to see humble apologies from all the dolts on this board who called for him to be fired- you know who you are and IMO this victory isn't as sweet for you.
The player very clearly had been told:
- no ref arguing, Davis would do that for them (he hammered the refs all night)
We were talking about that while watching. Easily the most active I've seen Hubert in working the zebras. I was smiling as I think our Mr. NIce Guy has learned a valuable lesson this season, i.e., ya just can't let K have a solo filibuster. It affects the game (which became apparent in the immediate shift in the second half calls). Fortunately, Hubert set the stage early that he wasn't gonna passively accept that shit and we got just enough whistles late to keep it in reach,
Gary, excellent as usual my friend
1. I thought Boroski did a good 1st half, but as you say someone got to him at the half. Roger was Roger at crucial times in the 2nd half. I just pray we don't get Bert Smith tomorrow.
2. Kudos to HD was riding those suckers hard, ala I dare to say, Koach Kay.
3. We had 3 really bad TOs that had me kicking and screaming, the other 6 were not as back breaking IMO.
4. The long rebound you mentioned ended up in the hands of Wendell and he hit a big one. I thought that might put them over the top but thank God almighty it didn't. Can you imagine our season ending on a 3 by that overrated scrub?:eek: Another one who gave 'ol Roy the stiff arm thinking he was OAD. Yet here we are 3 years later.
5. I'm truly concerned about Armando as well. He will be very sore today and tomorrow night.
6. RJ is a rising star, without his 1st half we are down 10-12 points at the break.
7. AJ Griffin will have Leaky Black nightmares for as long as he lives.😁
8. Cockroach did what I expected, nothing, but Keels had one of his better games which did surprise me. Any team taking those guys over Love in the draft should never have any success.
I forgot to mention a couple of sweet notes:
- Caleb in the postgame tersely squashing that false narrative some media schmuck invented that dook was somehow his "dream school".
- And how sweet was that "assist" Banchero had to Mando for the and-1 that got Williams his 4th foul? :p
I forgot to mention a couple of sweet notes:
- Caleb in the postgame tersely squashing that false narrative some media schmuck invented that dook was somehow his "dream school".
- And how sweet was that "assist" Banchero had to Mando for the and-1 that got Williams his 4th foul? :p
Wow! Forgot about that one- big gift for us.
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I forgot to mention a couple of sweet notes:
- Caleb in the postgame tersely squashing that false narrative some media schmuck invented that dook was somehow his "dream school".
- And how sweet was that "assist" Banchero had to Mando for the and-1 that got Williams his 4th foul? :p
1. I love that Caleb set the record straight
2. And the fact that arrogant prick Banchero had a "big" assist in us closing this thing out will be remembered forever. He truly hates UNC. 😊
...and who'd-a-thunk a tired narrative would be the gift that keeps on giving, huh?.

Before I start, endulge me, if you will, with a question for the board:
Was anyone else just annoyed that we had to play dook again?
I mean, couldn't someone else have gotten rid of the Rat and his minions? Michigan St? OK, that was on the zebras, but still... So then, what?... we hafta be the mf-ing Avengers and save the world from evil yet again? Sheesh. I dunno about y'all, but instead of enjoying being in the Final Four, I was caught up in having to deal with these jabronies. Welp, civilized world... YOU'RE WELCOME!... we just made it a better place for angels, marigolds and puppies.

Arright, back to the game....
- Candidly, we did not play a smart first half --- defintite nerves out there, incl, at least 4 missed defensive assignments and a lotta clunked shots. More fundamentally, even after getting 2 early fouls on Williams, we just eschewed pounding the rock indside, and our poor FG % and dearth of points in the paint resulted.

- Also on the negative notes, we mostly failed to take advantage of myriad mismatches. Brady, in particular, chose not to take smaller guys to the rack. We also too often got outscrapped on loose balls and/or contested rebounds. Sure, dook aways reaches and grabs and undercuts, but ya hafta be ready for that.

- As with all games in football stadiums, I was hoping for someone to find the range early, and thankfully RJ came out smokin' and frankly, kept us in it til halftime. Another key to keeping the game in range was Hubert pulling off some adept maneuvers right before the half with sets and substitutions.

- The elephant (zebra) in the room in any dook game (and something that has gratifyingly been in the national conversations this week) is the reffing, but early on we actually saw them get called for stuff they normally get away with, which of course evoked the predictable barage of beration, so yeah of course, they got the memo, starting with that full-Battier flop from WIlliams to start the second half. Just wow at that one. And yes, there were myriad uncalled Banchero travels and Boroski in particular was just killing us, but ya know what?.. we were more our own worst enemies with some bone-headed turnovers.

- Speaking of that, OMG at those awful passes. I used to call those "diagonal-up" passes, and as a coach I friggin HATED them. In practices I had a policy that if you made that pass then you'd damned well better complete it, and if the ball got intercepted or even tipped on one of those, the whistle would blow and suicides would ensue. And credit here to dook for scouting us, as we've been living on the edge all season with that looseness, and it damn near cost us this one. I'll expand on this in my wrap-up next week, but watching just that poor decision-making and execution on the perimeter will hopefully make folks here appreciate what Hubert has had to wrangle to get us where we are.

- With that said, I can't say enough positive about the character and toughness this bunch has developed. Following the aforementioned Williams flop --- something that could've easily changed the game --- our guys instead got PISSED and went on a run to grab a lead, serving notice to the arrogant dookies that they weren't stealing this one without a fight. And with all due respect to our friend Adam Lucas in his column earlier this week, that run was indeed triggered by a burst of aggression in TRANSITION -- something we'd damned well better be ready to play Monday.

- There is no overstating how big Caleb's drives and finishes AT THE RIM were in the second half (as was playing more inside-out in general), but look, I'd be lying if I denied the fact that we've lived on the edge all season --- even during our March/April run --- as in needing to make tough and sometimes gasp-inducing shot attempts, and between him and Birdy Manek welp, we did it again. OK then. Speaking of Manek, he made some big-time defensive plays down the stretch (which helped make up for those missed FTs).

- While I'm on the positives, Leaky had another defensive gem and knocked down some timely shots, and Puff gave us a quietly important few minutes in both halves (especially those 2 key FTs while Mando was out).

- And finally, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about Mando. All modern sports medicine aside, that's gonna hurt tomorrow. There was a critical sequence late on a dook miss when the rebound would've normally been all his, but Mando just had no elevation, and thus dook got a tip-out and a 3. We're gonna need the big fella at least somewhere near full strength Monday.

Anyway, following up on a joke someone started earlier, with dook eliminated, ESPN will likely air a 48-hour tribute to the Rat in protest... and to all the national "pundits" who assumed a dook win, I fart in your general direction. But seriously, this season is house money for us at this point. Cinderalla? Oh hell no -- we're a blue blood, but... this run could be fitted for a proverbial glass slipper if we're being honest. KU will be favored, and should be --- they're a legit #1 seed and easily handled nova (albeit a nova team that had no business being in the FF). But it ain't midnight yet... so shit, lessee what happens...:cool:
Wrong Gary, us ending that ****ing clowns career is the only and the proper way for it to be handled.

Also I still don't believe his ego will let him retire, with Carolina ruining his last 2 biggest nights in his career!
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I didnt think we had a chance last night. We have one true big man against a huge team, we have basically a 5 man rotation that leaves very little margin of error, and we had the BS mystique of the farewell tour. At no point did you see that from our guys though. They played like they expected to win. At some point at the end of the 1st half Love realized he was the best player on the floor and not one of the overhyped freshman and he decided we werent going home. Up 1 on the last possession I knew it didnt matter where on the court he shot it from he was making it and icing the game. Doing it right in the eye balls of Mark Williams and his mickey mouse ACCDPOY award was the cherry on top
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I was concerned about the many bad-pass turnovers. There were at least 5 turnovers from bad, errant passes.
I counted 6, which basically gave those turds 10 - 12 points. And we were lazy on 3 or 4 rebounds which led to another 6 - 7 points. We absolutely have to clean that up Monday night.
Amazing season, run, game, with the Natty on deck...Amazing.

Caleb with 22 in the 2nd half again, he has a set of stones on him that you just cannot teach. One underlooked play to me was on Keels missed 2nd free-throw, Puff had to box out Banchero and got walked under. It was Caleb who crashed hard from the 3rd spot to save the rebound and possibly the game.

They stayed home on Brady, but some enormous 3's in CLUTCH moments. He seemed to pout a bit in the 1st half, frustrated, but it also seemed like Hubert got his attention at half to ratchet up some intensity in other areas.

RJ was massive scoring early, kept us from playing from behind and running the show late. 1 turnover 4 assists 18 points.

Mando another 20+ glass game, hope the treatment on that ankle is effective. Big task with McCormick & Lightfoot as big big bodies ahead.

Leaky incredible dee as always, 9 rebounds, 6 offensive, knocked down a couple 3's. Just a wonderful winning type ballplayer.

Hubert in control throughout, seemed prepared for every situation, especially late. I never felt really comfortable in this game, but Hubert seemed to be, and that resonates with his players. The answer when going down 7 after the half was strong and emphatic. Reeked of confidence.

So happy for this bunch. Rest, recover, study KU, and be ready in 48 hours to play for the crown !!!
I'm eager to see if he actually retires, myself. If he really wants to tarnish his legacy, he'll come back.
I've thought about this too, but he is starting to show some age. As much as I dislike him as dook's coach, I won't take cheap shots at his health, but he is hobbling around a bit these days (from the hip surgeries, I assume?), not to mention he's not as quick in his replies (at least in what I can tell). He missed a few games this year too due to health issues. I'd be surprised if he did pull a Brett Favre / Tom Brady on us.
Weird game. I thought for the whole first half, and maybe a good part of the first part of the second half that Duke just played harder and were more focused. The careless passes have been documented. But how many times did we get beat down court in the first half? And often when Duke was driving the ball, that the players would just almost get out of the way. Now this could have been by design by Hubert to keep folks out of foul trouble. But with no bench, we got in foul trouble anyway. But then when it got down to it in the end, we all knew that Caleb was going to try and take over and either he was going to win it, or lose it. Once again, he won it. And I hate to say it, but as much as I would like to win on Monday, I don't think any trophy can replace the feeling I got watching the Duke players showing their lack of class by not shaking hands as they cried on their way to the locker room, nor watching K have to congratulate Hubert as his final memory of walking off a court was UNC crushing his dreams. It will just never get any better than that. Or maybe even better than seeing K, was seeing Mickey walking to the court with a minute left confident that she would be walking off with K after another victory. Only to leave with that sour look on her face as a loser. Perfect ending. It just doesn't get any better than that.
One of the best games in my history of being a supporter. Did not play great but played as a team, countered every punch thrown. This is my championship. Hubert has done wonders with a team who not long ago people questioned if we were even tournament bound. Would be nice to see humble apologies from all the dolts on this board who called for him to be fired- you know who you are and IMO this victory isn't as sweet for you.
Oh but I disagree and think it’s even more sweeter than one imagines. As one of those who openly called for Coach Davis’s head for awhile at the season’s beginning, when it looked like no one knew how to play or coach basketball for some reason, this is even more sweeter to me. During the early season I was able to stop expecting and actually begin to watch this team come together like no other I have ever seen, and that’s in over 55 years of Carolina being “my” team. Some fans will always be positive and that’s fine. There are State fans who after all the crap they put on the floor year in and out are ardent fans who even when livid with their team, they simply refuse to call it like they see it. They don’t want to be seen as anything but loyal, regardless of how poor a team they put on the court.

I personally call out what I “perceive” to see as problems as I have always done since I was a kid. I still bemoan Coach Smith letting Mike O’Koren sit at the scorers table as we gave away the Ship to Marquette by keeping Buckley in the game. That’s another story altogether. No there are many fans who are just as die hard as those who “stay positive” as there are those who get bent out of shape when things look bad.
I can admit without reservation I was wrong about Hubert, that as a fan I was unaware that he had a plan which given time would work, with the team he had. They all just had to buy in and re learn his way, not Roy’s.
Many times what comes across on a message board as anger is actually fear. I was fearful after seeing the early product that the coach was wrong and my team would never be the same. Now I’ve been proven wrong, and I’m glad I was. I have enjoyed watching this team grow during this year because I lowered my expectations. Everyone sees through a different light. Those who now want to bring up those of us who were hard on the team, well that’s fine with me. I’ve eaten my crow and did it gladly. Just don’t make the mistake that we don’t care.
I was concerned about the many bad-pass turnovers. There were at least 5 turnovers from bad, errant passes.
Duke was well prepared for some of those bad passes. We like to do drives to the baseline with a player on the opposite wing fading to the corner, or some kind of action similar to that. Duke's weak-side defender often shadowed the fade or fade screen to the opposite corner. Those are usually available and really difficult to defend. Duke in general did a good job defending the weak-side shooters and it led to some turnover for us.

A few of them were bad decisions and lazy passes. I think Caleb had a couple of those. But that's Caleb. He's an imperfect player. He'll give the ball away a couple of times. He'll take maybe 5 terrible shots during a game. But he has the balls to make one or two of those terrible shots and can carry you for an entire half. And he's the most confident player on the court. For a few minutes, that works to your detriment, but for other periods of the game, it can be amazing the things he can do on the court. That's just part of the Caleb Love experience.

But my goodness, we just hit some big time, contested shots.
More fundamentally, even after getting 2 early fouls on Williams, we just eschewed pounding the rock indside, and our poor FG % and dearth of points in the paint resulted.
Love the writeup sir! But if I recall correctly, after Williams' 2nd foul, K took him out for the rest of the half, and we got 4 fouls called on his replacement Theo John, The Man With No Last Name. So it would seem that we DID keep going inside, just not scoring very effectively in there.

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Living in Indiana I don’t have the pleasure to have other UNC fans to talk to about their games accept family. But I have diehard PU friend who has adopted UNC as his team. He started liking them this year due to he loves watching Bacot play. He kinda made me realize how good Bacot really was because I think I just took him for granted.

Gary you mentioned this above but that rebound tip out at the end they got for 3, I texted my buddy at the timeout and said if Bacot is healthy he’s coming down with that rebound. With that Williams flop, they better cast Bacot in the next super hero movie. Never seen one guy fly out of the tv screen faster than the Hulk throwing a guy.

We had a stretch there I felt like I was watching the old UNC team with the lazy passes, Love trying to shoot himself on fire and taking dumb shots and his lazy D in some stretches. He always seems to get hot when he starts driving first. We didn’t take advantage of mismatches on Manek low in the post. HD had a good adjustment to pack the middle more to start the 2nd half instead of allowing easy paint attempts for dook. It was awesome to see them get back to what’s got them here down the stretch.

I will be the first one to admit I thought we were done when Bacot went down. I should have known we weren’t after watching the Baylor game going to OT. Puff played great in that little stretch. I’m assuming Puff will probably get some more time to spell Bacot and move Manek to the 5 on Monday if that ankle is bothering him.
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Living in Indiana I don’t have the pleasure to have other UNC fans to talk to about their games accept family. But I have diehard PU friend who has adopted UNC as his team. He started liking them this year due to he loves watching Bacot play. He kinda made me realize how good Bacot really was because I think I just took him for granted.

Gary you mentioned this above but that rebound tip out at the end they got for 3, I texted my buddy at the timeout and said if Bacot is healthy he’s coming down with that rebound. With that Williams flop, they better cast Bacot in the next super hero movie. Never seen one guy fly out of the tv screen faster than the Hulk throwing a guy.

We had a stretch there I felt like I was watching the old UNC team with the lazy passes, Love trying to shoot himself on fire and taking dumb shots and his lazy D in some stretches. He always seems to get hot when he starts driving first. We didn’t take advantage of mismatches on Manek low in the post. HD had a good adjustment to pack the middle more to start the 2nd half instead of allowing easy paint attempts for dook. It was awesome to see them get back to what’s got them here down the stretch.

I will be the first one to admit I thought we were done when Bacot went down. I should have known we weren’t after watching the Baylor game going to OT. Puff played great in that little stretch. I’m assuming Puff will probably get some more time to spell Bacot and move Manek to the 5 on Monday if that ankle is bothering him.
I was worried at all….5 minutes left in a tight game is when Love takes over
Oh but I disagree and think it’s even more sweeter than one imagines. As one of those who openly called for Coach Davis’s head for awhile at the season’s beginning, when it looked like no one knew how to play or coach basketball for some reason, this is even more sweeter to me. During the early season I was able to stop expecting and actually begin to watch this team come together like no other I have ever seen, and that’s in over 55 years of Carolina being “my” team. Some fans will always be positive and that’s fine. There are State fans who after all the crap they put on the floor year in and out are ardent fans who even when livid with their team, they simply refuse to call it like they see it. They don’t want to be seen as anything but loyal, regardless of how poor a team they put on the court.

I personally call out what I “perceive” to see as problems as I have always done since I was a kid. I still bemoan Coach Smith letting Mike O’Koren sit at the scorers table as we gave away the Ship to Marquette by keeping Buckley in the game. That’s another story altogether. No there are many fans who are just as die hard as those who “stay positive” as there are those who get bent out of shape when things look bad.
I can admit without reservation I was wrong about Hubert, that as a fan I was unaware that he had a plan which given time would work, with the team he had. They all just had to buy in and re learn his way, not Roy’s.
Many times what comes across on a message board as anger is actually fear. I was fearful after seeing the early product that the coach was wrong and my team would never be the same. Now I’ve been proven wrong, and I’m glad I was. I have enjoyed watching this team grow during this year because I lowered my expectations. Everyone sees through a different light. Those who now want to bring up those of us who were hard on the team, well that’s fine with me. I’ve eaten my crow and did it gladly. Just don’t make the mistake that we don’t care.
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20 rebound games don’t happen often… Bacot did it back to back
During the game, an announcer pointed out that Bacot was behind only Bill Walton in tournament rebounds.

I wonder what the numbers are, and how Bacot stands after another great effort.

Being second to Walton would be awesome. Beating him would be even better.

I sure hope Armando is healthy and ready to do that again. Kansas has a solid center, so I'm not expecting it to be so lopsided, but their guy probably hasn't faced anyone as good as Armando, either.
Oh but I disagree and think it’s even more sweeter than one imagines. As one of those who openly called for Coach Davis’s head for awhile at the season’s beginning, when it looked like no one knew how to play or coach basketball for some reason, this is even more sweeter to me. During the early season I was able to stop expecting and actually begin to watch this team come together like no other I have ever seen, and that’s in over 55 years of Carolina being “my” team. Some fans will always be positive and that’s fine. There are State fans who after all the crap they put on the floor year in and out are ardent fans who even when livid with their team, they simply refuse to call it like they see it. They don’t want to be seen as anything but loyal, regardless of how poor a team they put on the court.

I personally call out what I “perceive” to see as problems as I have always done since I was a kid. I still bemoan Coach Smith letting Mike O’Koren sit at the scorers table as we gave away the Ship to Marquette by keeping Buckley in the game. That’s another story altogether. No there are many fans who are just as die hard as those who “stay positive” as there are those who get bent out of shape when things look bad.
I can admit without reservation I was wrong about Hubert, that as a fan I was unaware that he had a plan which given time would work, with the team he had. They all just had to buy in and re learn his way, not Roy’s.
Many times what comes across on a message board as anger is actually fear. I was fearful after seeing the early product that the coach was wrong and my team would never be the same. Now I’ve been proven wrong, and I’m glad I was. I have enjoyed watching this team grow during this year because I lowered my expectations. Everyone sees through a different light. Those who now want to bring up those of us who were hard on the team, well that’s fine with me. I’ve eaten my crow and did it gladly. Just don’t make the mistake that we don’t care.
Well said.
Duke was well prepared for some of those bad passes. We like to do drives to the baseline with a player on the opposite wing fading to the corner, or some kind of action similar to that. Duke's weak-side defender often shadowed the fade or fade screen to the opposite corner. Those are usually available and really difficult to defend. Duke in general did a good job defending the weak-side shooters and it led to some turnover for us.

A few of them were bad decisions and lazy passes. I think Caleb had a couple of those. But that's Caleb. He's an imperfect player. He'll give the ball away a couple of times. He'll take maybe 5 terrible shots during a game. But he has the balls to make one or two of those terrible shots and can carry you for an entire half. And he's the most confident player on the court. For a few minutes, that works to your detriment, but for other periods of the game, it can be amazing the things he can do on the court. That's just part of the Caleb Love experience.

But my goodness, we just hit some big time, contested shots.
The "Celeb Love Experience". That is awesome and sums him up so well. Watching him play is a roller coaster ride. One thing's for sure, though.......he's got massive balls made of solid friggin steel!
During the game, an announcer pointed out that Bacot was behind only Bill Walton in tournament rebounds.

I wonder what the numbers are, and how Bacot stands after another great effort.

Being second to Walton would be awesome. Beating him would be even better.

I sure hope Armando is healthy and ready to do that again. Kansas has a solid center, so I'm not expecting it to be so lopsided, but their guy probably hasn't faced anyone as good as Armando, either.
McCormick is a hoss, very strong mature veteran, and Lightfoot spells him and is big and solid as well. Hopefully Mando is close to 100%, he has a very physical two headed matchup on deck for Monday.

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