Rank 'em -- political issues and their importance to you


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
Feel free to expound upon why a particular issue is important to you, if you wish.


Foreign policy

National defense

Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)

Gun ownership/control

Government expenditure / revenue collection

Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)


Government expenditure / revenue collection


National defense

Foreign policy


Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)

Gun ownership/control


Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)
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Feel free to expound upon why a particular issue is important to you, if you wish.

I'm going to add economy to the list since I feel it is the most important issue. I don't have the time I would need to expound further on the issues right now. If I get some time later I might come back to it. I'll also say that I'm basing my importance on the federal level. My list would look different for the state level.

National defense
Foreign policy
Government expenditure / revenue collection
Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)
Gun ownership/control
3,782 other things, then...
Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)
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Education - Plain and simple, this is our future. If we want America to remain great, we have to ensure that we're the ones innovating, that we're the ones solving problems, we're the ones making groundbreaking discoveries. Keep neglecting education, and Japan, China, India, and others will be glad to step into that role.

Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.) - Again, looking to the future, we have to stop sh*tting in our own bed and think realistically about the symbiotic relationship we need to have with the planet we rely on for our very existence. The following isn't really a policy issue but more of a mindset - one of the things that disappoints me most about humanity is that litter along our highways is a thing. It boggles my mind that some (apparently quite significant percentage of) people just chuck their garbage out the window and don't think twice about it. Don't get me started on cigarette butts. And that method of thinking seems to carry on right to the top. Oh, we'll just pump this toxic sludge into a pit or under the surface where we can't see it, and call it a day.

Government expenditure / revenue collection - Has become way too convoluted, and we need to find a way to address income inequality while maintaining the incentive to work hard.

Foreign policy - Can't ignore what's going on in the rest of the world but have got to scale back these long-term, catch-22 military involvements.

National defense - It's not at all that this isn't important, just that we are already so far ahead militarily that we can maintain current levels or scale back and still have more firepower than the rest of the world combined.

Social issues / civil rights - This speaks to quality of life. Live and let live. You do you, let me do me, and we've got no problems.

Immigration - Again, all of these are important, so just because this is lower on the list doesn't mean it isn't important. We need to both improve the legal immigration process and more effectively discourage illegal immigration.

Gun ownership/control - Background checks.

Healthcare - This industry is completely out of control in terms of ridiculous costs and disparities in costs, liabilities, all of it. How to fix it, haven't a clue. Medical innovation and ensuring that treatments are as safe and effective as possible, is extremely expensive, and the companies willing to do it have to be able to recoup their investment. But we also have to find a way to ensure that everyone can get some basic level of care, because without preventive care they just become an even bigger drain/expense on the system.
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Feel free to expound upon why a particular issue is important to you, if you wish.


Foreign policy

National defense

Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)

Gun ownership/control

Government expenditure / revenue collection

Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)



1. Education- In order to get people off government assistance programs we need to invest in education more than we have ever invested. Pay teachers better so we get quality educators to teach from elementary all the way through high school. Give our schools money to teach them properly, more hands on educating, technical skills type education early on, make it interesting so kids WANT to learn instead of feeling they HAVE to learn and are bored.

2. Healthcare- We need someone to get control of the high cost of healthcare, get it grounded a whole lot more than it is now (i.e., one NSAID in the hospital should not cost $250 when you can get it OTC for $2). Put some control on insurance companies who are currently running the show and deciding how to treat patient's more than the doctors are. Pharmaceutical cost nearly nothing in other countries but the same meds here in America are outrageously over-priced! That should not be, EVER in this country!

3. Social issues- I am not even sure why this is even consider a political issue. If someone wants to marry someone they love, let them... the government should not be involved in that. It is a spiritual/personal issue, not to be governed. Abortion is killing a baby but anyone that thinks making it illegal will stop all abortions, needs to think again, it will create even worse problems. Get to the root of the problem, unwanted pregnancies, and you will see less abortions and less babies tossed in the dumpster or creek to die.

4. Government expenditure- Do away with the IRS since so many cheat or don't bother to file/pay anyway. We apparently have a lot of illegals who aren't paying so do a flat sales tax nationally, then everyone pays, period. No more people working and making $10,000 a year and collecting a $6000 income tax return for earned income credit. If they buy beer, cigarettes, tattoos, hair dye, or fish sticks, they will pay taxes, period! Tax food stamps too, that way they will still pay taxes.

5. Immigration- Put in realistic ways for people to become legal if they want to be citizens and if they are paying sales taxes like the rest of us, oh well. A wall won't work but maybe not offering services that they apparently come here to get for free would deter them. I have yet to figure out how anyone can get anything from the government without a social security card but apparently it happens.

6. Guns- Well, not really a problem. I don't think anyone will ever take my guns but I don't mind having better screening and background checks. It still will not stop people from going on shooting sprees anyway. That is an entirely different issue, not the gun's fault.

7. National defense- Bring our soldiers home and let them protect us right here. We don't have to be over in every other country setting up camp. No one comes here to do that, why should we. If those other countries want to blow themselves up, we won't be stopping them by being there, we will only make it worse. I don't know... just seems to me like we create more problems than we help but I could be wrong. It just does not make sense.

8. Foreign policy- We just need to mind our business over here for a while first.
Feel free to expound upon why a particular issue is important to you, if you wish.


Foreign policy

National defense

Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)

Gun ownership/control

Government expenditure / revenue collection

Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)



So I see people are game to participate in a Rank 'em when it's meaningless shit like this but when I take on something important like which Billy Idol song is the best, no one wants to play. I see. Y'all are just a bunch of goof offs.

Anyway, I'm always up to rank something.

Govt expenditure/revenue - big deal. But it's still kind of hard to rank it #1 because all the other things listed have an impact here.

Immigration - many of our financial troubles are based on this problem. We have too few people legitimately working and putting in and too many people not working and taking out. I'm not saying single out muslims. I'm saying shut it down completely. Until we can figure out how to manage what we have. Congress has voted at least 4 separate times to increase legal immigration numbers. Why? At some point, the resources we have cannot withstand the people we have. Simple, really.

Social issues - but here's the deal: I'm not saying the issues themselves would rank third on my list. I'm saying the way we currently address these issues is a big problem for me. You be who you want to be. Be gay. Abort your baby. Black lives do matter. Just shut the f**k up about it. Your cause is no more important than the last or the next. You don't get to stop life as we know it for us to listen to your shit. We have to send the message that all people are valued...until you start talking about how you haven't been.

National defense - I'm classic republican in this way - "Build a military so big and strong that we never have to use it." Hell yeah, 'Murica.

Education - not for me personally because as most of you know, I said goodbye to public education for my kids. But obviously, we need to be competitive on a global scale. I don't think we'll ever be the top again simply because we've created a culture that doesn't respect the opportunities they've been given. But we can be better than we currently are. But people are going to have to face some harsh truths about certain people in this country.

Gun ownership - big in the sense that severely limiting ownership is one of the first steps to control, but on a personal basis, if guns were to become outlawed, they'd pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Foreign policy - see National defense. I'm tired of the pussyfootin'. We need to get our world persona back. That persona was once, "don't f**k with America. Them dudes is badass." That's who we need to be. Obviously we need friends around the world and in key places. But those friendships have a hierarchy. And that hierarchy needs to be that we're the top dog and you're fortunate to be friends with us.

Environmental issues - Ok, so here's the deal. I don't get too worked up about this because I'm pretty sure that the private sector will eventually find a way to make things better. The human mind is too sharp when applied correctly. I don't see immediate danger and I just feel that I can put this one off on my grandchildren's great grandchildren. If not for me, they wouldn't even be here. Soooo, rake the leaves, kid.

Healthcare - It's fun to tear apart the disaster that is Obamacare. But truth be told, this issue isn't all that important to me outside of the effect it has on my issue ranked #1 - govt expenses/revenue.
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Oh yeah, I forgot, SHOULDA BEEN A POLL!
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Government expenditure / revenue collection - both are too high. There is so much fat that can be trimmed from the expenditure lines that would make the revenue generation not need to be as high

- very important to maintain global dominance, and also with educated people you have a better shot at fixing all the other problems listed here (unless they were educated by morons which is very plausible nowadays)

Foreign policy
- I'm including ISIS in this, otherwise the rest of foreign policy would be down on the list. We need to figure out how to stomp out ISIS and similar organizations sooner rather than later. We need to do a better job about not giving away resources to other countries when we don't properly take care of our own first, but other than that foreign policy seems fine.

Immigration - If we get a better grasp on this, #1 becomes a lot easier

Healthcare - The only reason this isn't last on the list is because the situation has been screwed up enough that it now kinda does need to be addressed, whereas it didn't need to be addressed about a decade ago.

Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.) - Making the planet sustainable for future generations is definitely important - as is making the world cleaner for today's generation. But some of the subsidies and government programs to promote clean energy, etc. seem to be a little over the top.

National defense
- gotta protect everything we've built, but I think we're in good shape here so nothing new really needs to be done on this front

Gun ownership/control
- the way things are now, this seems to be in an alright state. Once the left eventually succeeds in taking the guns out of everyone's hands other than the criminals, this will creep up on the list.

Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)
- Again, as things are now - I think we're in pretty good shape. For the most part, discrimination is being curbed, and people seem to be respecting each other for the most part regardless of race/gender/etc. I'm afraid if this is made higher on the priority list - that we'll begin to move towards a discriminatory society again - but in the opposite direction as before.
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