Feel free to expound upon why a particular issue is important to you, if you wish.
Foreign policy
National defense
Social issues / civil rights (including but not limited to abortion and LGBT rights)
Gun ownership/control
Government expenditure / revenue collection
Environment (conservation, "green" fuel alternatives, protecting wildlife, etc.)
1. Education- In order to get people off government assistance programs we need to invest in education more than we have ever invested. Pay teachers better so we get quality educators to teach from elementary all the way through high school. Give our schools money to teach them properly, more hands on educating, technical skills type education early on, make it interesting so kids WANT to learn instead of feeling they HAVE to learn and are bored.
2. Healthcare- We need someone to get control of the high cost of healthcare, get it grounded a whole lot more than it is now (i.e., one NSAID in the hospital should not cost $250 when you can get it OTC for $2). Put some control on insurance companies who are currently running the show and deciding how to treat patient's more than the doctors are. Pharmaceutical cost nearly nothing in other countries but the same meds here in America are outrageously over-priced! That should not be, EVER in this country!
3. Social issues- I am not even sure why this is even consider a political issue. If someone wants to marry someone they love, let them... the government should not be involved in that. It is a spiritual/personal issue, not to be governed. Abortion is killing a baby but anyone that thinks making it illegal will stop all abortions, needs to think again, it will create even worse problems. Get to the root of the problem, unwanted pregnancies, and you will see less abortions and less babies tossed in the dumpster or creek to die.
4. Government expenditure- Do away with the IRS since so many cheat or don't bother to file/pay anyway. We apparently have a lot of illegals who aren't paying so do a flat sales tax nationally, then everyone pays, period. No more people working and making $10,000 a year and collecting a $6000 income tax return for earned income credit. If they buy beer, cigarettes, tattoos, hair dye, or fish sticks, they will pay taxes, period! Tax food stamps too, that way they will still pay taxes.
5. Immigration- Put in realistic ways for people to become legal if they want to be citizens and if they are paying sales taxes like the rest of us, oh well. A wall won't work but maybe not offering services that they apparently come here to get for free would deter them. I have yet to figure out how anyone can get anything from the government without a social security card but apparently it happens.
6. Guns- Well, not really a problem. I don't think anyone will ever take my guns but I don't mind having better screening and background checks. It still will not stop people from going on shooting sprees anyway. That is an entirely different issue, not the gun's fault.
7. National defense- Bring our soldiers home and let them protect us right here. We don't have to be over in every other country setting up camp. No one comes here to do that, why should we. If those other countries want to blow themselves up, we won't be stopping them by being there, we will only make it worse. I don't know... just seems to me like we create more problems than we help but I could be wrong. It just does not make sense.
8. Foreign policy- We just need to mind our business over here for a while first.