Results/Leaders Week 2 .. SC TarHeel & 1984 .. 6-1


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Congrats to HEELS1984 and SCTarHeel for those 6-1 predictions . . !

JuleZ'02Heel is still holding the lead after the 2nd week.

If you see a mistake(s) please alert me . . . gracias.

This Week's Results

SCTarHeel ................... 6-1

HEELS1984 ................. 6-1

Raising Heel ................ 5-2

Hark_the_Sound.......... 5-2

BillyL ........................... 5-2

Jules'02Heel ............... 5-2

UNCBoy10 .................. 5-2

CarolinaBlue34 ............ 5-2

Coryfly ......................... 4-3

StrummingRam ........... 4-3

TarHeel0910 ................ 4-3

HookUNC75 ................ 4-3

GTeeItUp ..................... 3-4

TarHeelNation .............. 3-4

Toophly1124 ................ 3-4

Heelz2345 .................... 3-4

Ohio TarHeels ............... 3-4

Ticket2Ride .................. 3-4

TarHeelMark ................. 3-4

'Slinger . . . no picks rec'd

UNC'92 . . . no picks rec'd

Overall Records

Jules'02Heel .............. 11-3

HEELS1984 ................ 10-4

uncboy10 ................... 10-4

SCTarHeel .................. 10-4

Raising Heel ................ 9-5

Coryfly ......................... 8-6

StrummingRam ........... 8-6

Hark_the_Sound .......... 8-6

BillyL ............................. 8-6

Ticket2Ride ................... 8-6

TarHeel0910 .................. 7-7

TarHeelMark .................. 7-7

Heelz2345 ..................... 7-7

Toophly1124 ................. 6-8

GTeeItUp ....................... 6-8

TarHeelNation ............... 6-8

HookUNC75 ................. 6-8

Ohio TarHeels ............... 6-8

CarolinaBlue34 ............. 5-2

UNC'92 ......................... 3-4

'Slinger ......................... 1-6
Damn it, I thought all weekend that I picked USC, so when they kept scoring, I was very happy. Crap