I don't even know what Paw Patrol is. My almost-10-year-old is past that stuff and my 5 year old absolutely refuses to watch anything on TV that isn't a sporting event. Seriously, he doesn't watch Disney movies, he doesn't watch cartoons, nothing. I DVR all the Carolina basketball and football games and some other big games in other sports. Just this morning, my 5 year old asked if I would turn on the UNC/Maryland National Championship lacrosse game...that he's watched at least 10 times all the way through. He's ridiculous. And he'll watch games I won't even watch - like a football game between a Sun Belt team and a MAC team. He'll ask who each team is and then declare to be a fan of one of them (usually whichever one is winning at the time we tune in). And then he'll stand in front of the TV for the duration and go wild every time that team does something good like he's a lifelong fan. It's pretty hilarious.