Roy gets political

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Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2004
I love him as our Head Coach, but it stops there --- and I've felt that way for a long time, not just after these comments. I know Dean would get political from time to time but I'm really disappointed that Roy would say something like this. And I'll give you 10 to 1 that, at some point, he says he's sorry for what he said.

Oh, and I would love for Trump to Tweet something about Roy at this point ... would be TOO funny.

I love him as our Head Coach, but it stops there --- and I've felt that way for a long time, not just after these comments. I know Dean would get political from time to time but I'm really disappointed that Roy would say something like this. And I'll give you 10 to 1 that, at some point, he says he's sorry for what he said.

Oh, and I would love for Trump to Tweet something about Roy at this point ... would be TOO funny.

C'mon bleed... Your avatar is, um, political.
Roy --- who is not the crusader Dean was --- is merely stating (painfully obvious) facts, however inconvenent those facts may be.
C'mon bleed... Your avatar is, um, political.
Roy --- who is not the crusader Dean was --- is merely stating (painfully obvious) facts, however inconvenent those facts may be.
uhhhh, i'm not the Head Coach, Gary.
Well obviously...
but as for me I'm damned proud of the things Dean did as Head Coach (like integrating Chapel Hill), or that his father before him did as a HS coach in Kansas (that was part of Brown v Board of Ed), that today sadly would be denounced as "political". And I'll just leave it at that...
Well obviously...
but as for me I'm damned proud of the things Dean did as Head Coach (like integrating Chapel Hill), or that his father before him did as a HS coach in Kansas (that was part of Brown v Board of Ed), that today sadly would be denounced as "political". And I'll just leave it at that...
You just moved the goalposts so far it's mind-boggling. Like you moved the goalposts from Jordan-Hare all the way to Sanford Stadium.
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Well..... its not like somebody asked Roy about DJT. I mean - Roy had to go WAYYYY off the path - I think something about newspapers and social media in big cities - to go out of his way to take a gratuitous cheap shot at DJT........
wonder if Roy would / did go out of his way to comment on some of the similar gaffes, etc that Barry or any liberal made or did in the last 8 years. Ha ha just kidding - I don't have to wonder at all. I know the answer. The Heels playing pickup with Barry was a sickening slurp fest, like a junior high snowball dance.

If someone asks Roy about DJT (but why would they?) - I'm fine with him commenting. Otherwise, what purpose does it serve, except to bring over half of Heels fans judgment down on Roy?
Frickin Roy NOT using his timeouts a timeout and THINK before you I am soon tired of him leaving them out there.......really ticks me off!!!! Think man think........get a TO baby........
You just moved the goalposts so far it's mind-boggling. Like you moved the goalposts from Jordan-Hare all the way to Sanford Stadium.
I moved nothing, and there are no "goal posts" to move.

When someone complains that a mere off-hand factual reference (and it is factual, like it or not) is somehow "political", then the problem lies with the one doing the complaining.
I moved nothing, and there are no "goal posts" to move.

When someone complains that a mere off-hand factual reference (and it is factual, like it or not) is somehow "political", then the problem lies with the one doing the complaining.
Opinions =/= facts, like it or not.

And yes, you did move the goalpost. Referencing Dean and his dad's involvement in Brown is so not even relevant to this discussion on modern day coaches commenting on politics.
Opinions =/= facts, like it or not.

And yes, you did move the goalpost. Referencing Dean and his dad's involvement in Brown is so not even relevant to this discussion on modern day coaches commenting on politics.
Huh? How the hell is it NOT relevant? Seriously? Dean (and his dad) not only made political commentary, what they said and did was WAY more poilitical than Roy making some off-hand throw-away remark --- I mean, get real, maybe the NYTimes should be offended by Roy, too? Good grief.

Dean took serious, bold stands that were (by definition) political, and unlike Roy's comment, were intended to be political, and the country and UNC are both better off for them. Meanwhile in the bizarro-world of 2017, Roy merely makes some snarky cultural reference --- and news-flash, yes, Trump regularly tweets junk that is demonstrably BS --- and people cry like stuck pigs.
I just wish all celebrities, coaches, players, billionaires, and most of all my neighbor would stop telling me what they believe in politically - like I care. If the topic is politics by all means if I am stupid enough to be in the room at that time talk all you want about Trump/Bush/Obama/whatever. But please if the topic is sports, weather, etc. please keep your opinions to yourself. I just don't care about your opinion.
He was making an example of how New York City is not the news capital like it used to be. Our cell phones, twitter and other social media is the news driving force, which takes a bit away from playing the tourney in NYC. He then provided the example by describing what POTUS is know for. Don't blow this out of around the one line sentence.
I think coaches should be allowed to discuss politics if they want. I'd prefer they not do it too often, and to focus more on the sport they're involved with. If I think what they say is stupid I'll be sure to call them out on it though, and they absolutely should be fair game for that from the fans and media if they want to step into the political arena.

I don't have an issue with what Roy said, per se. However I would like to point out how much of a fraud he is saying his dadgums, frickins, dickens, and all that aww sucks garbage then he drops a "bullshit" in passing when discussing something not even basketball related.
He was making an example of how New York City is not the news capital like it used to be. Our cell phones, twitter and other social media is the news driving force, which takes a bit away from playing the tourney in NYC. He then provided the example by describing what POTUS is know for. Don't blow this out of around the one line sentence.
Roy's comments were in no way shape or form political. No commentary on fiscal policy, foreign policy, marriage equality, gun laws or any of the hundreds of issues you'd call political.... he made an off-the-cuff remark about the president tweeting!
Storm in a teacup stuff.
I'm glad he said what he said. Wish he would get political much more often if that's how he feels. One with such a platform has an obligation to use their voice, and not just remain silent. I never watched Dean coach, but reading about him nothing makes me prouder than how willing he was to stand up for what's right. Silence? Screw that.
Roy was asked about the tournament being held in NYC. That's a far cry from Trump's use of Twitter. Roy would never make a disparaging remark about Obama in public. His political bias is showing.

I guess it's impossible to live in Chapel Hill and work at UNC without succumbing to the liberal mindset that is all our so prevalent at almost all our major universities.
Roy was asked about the tournament being held in NYC. That's a far cry from Trump's use of Twitter. Roy would never make a disparaging remark about Obama in public. His political bias is showing.

I guess it's impossible to live in Chapel Hill and work at UNC without succumbing to the liberal mindset that is all our so prevalent at almost all our major universities.

Oh, Roy sure wasn't trying to hide his political bias. I can guarantee you that.
I'm glad he said what he said. Wish he would get political much more often if that's how he feels. One with such a platform has an obligation to use their voice, and not just remain silent. I never watched Dean coach, but reading about him nothing makes me prouder than how willing he was to stand up for what's right. Silence? Screw that.
Yep, just as long as he agrees with you. If he had made a statement supporting DJT you'd be raising hell. You can go back to your hole now.
If you want to make the point that with the widespread use of social media, NYC's impact as the "media capital of the world" has been reduced, fine. Use the POTUS as an example of how prevalent Twitter use has become. But saying that President Trump tweets out more BS than anybody you've ever seen makes it a political statement. To think otherwise is being naive.
This thread is a pretty good illustration as to why Roy's comments were not appropriate. The only thing comments like that do is cause more divisiveness, even among people that come to a website because we share a common interest.. He didn't offer up a problem or a solution, just an off the cuff criticism of an individual that he apparently does not like nor respect. Back to UNC basketball for me....
Roy was asked about the tournament being held in NYC. That's a far cry from Trump's use of Twitter. Roy would never make a disparaging remark about Obama in public. His political bias is showing.

I guess it's impossible to live in Chapel Hill and work at UNC without succumbing to the liberal mindset that is all our so prevalent at almost all our major universities.

Or the racist, homophobic, neo-Nazi, fascist group that has invaded the White House. If you feel that way Arch, stay the hell put of CH or the University, in fact don't support the athletic programs in any way.
Some folks have avatars that are offensive, like the OP.
I'm not the Head Coach of a major basketball program ... weak response to the topic. I was not "offended" by what Roy said --- Trump DOES Tweet BS sometimes, that is not the issue.

And only a snowflake would actually be OFFENDED by an AVATAR. Need some play doh?
I love him as our Head Coach, but it stops there --- and I've felt that way for a long time, not just after these comments. I know Dean would get political from time to time but I'm really disappointed that Roy would say something like this. And I'll give you 10 to 1 that, at some point, he says he's sorry for what he said.

Oh, and I would love for Trump to Tweet something about Roy at this point ... would be TOO funny.


Like or not, first amendment rights just like you using your avatar. Quit whining. A lot people do not like Trumps tweets just like they don't like your avatar. I come here to talk sports not politics and prefer not to see your political avatars.
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Or the racist, homophobic, neo-Nazi, fascist group that has invaded the White House. If you feel that way Arch, stay the hell put of CH or the University, in fact don't support the athletic programs in any way.

Wow. Umm. Ok. "You can't support the athletic programs if you don't agree with me politically". Who's the fascist again?

You can have your safe space, it just can't be the Dean Dome.
Use the POTUS as an example of how prevalent Twitter use has become. But saying that President Trump tweets out more BS than anybody you've ever seen makes it a political statement.
Agreed. If Roy would have just said Trump uses twitter a lot no one would have cared. The problem was he called them bullshit. That's why a lot of people got upset. I think it was one of those off the cuff moments and he probably wishes he didn't say it and probably wouldn't have in a more formal setting. All that being said I think it's being blown out of proportion.

Calling Trump a neo-Nazi is intellectually lazy and shows you have no understanding of history. It's also borderline insulting to the victims and families who were actually harmed by true Nazis.
I love him as our Head Coach, but it stops there --- and I've felt that way for a long time, not just after these comments. I know Dean would get political from time to time but I'm really disappointed that Roy would say something like this. And I'll give you 10 to 1 that, at some point, he says he's sorry for what he said.

Oh, and I would love for Trump to Tweet something about Roy at this point ... would be TOO funny.


To be fair, what did he say that was wrong? Our president tweets as much as a highschool gossiping chick
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