AJ/anyone else connected - have you heard any rumors or talk of Roy retiring? I was reading this article from Pat Forde, and when it got down to off-season coaching movement possibilities, he threw this in, when discussing possible replacements for GT Coach Brian Gregory (where he included Jerod Haase and King Rice as possibilities): "The X-factor in all this: Roy Williams and North Carolina. If Williams decides to retire, that changes the pecking order rather substantially."
I thought about this line, and then thought about the vertigo incident, his very bad knees, and some other ongoing issues, and thought, "yeah, it could happen."
Has anyone have any insight or thoughts on leaks? Has anyone covering Roy in press conferences for a while noticed any changes? Any gathering of high-powered Ram's Club folks whispering about this over cocktails and cigars (at least that is how I imagine it!)?
Or, is Forde just thinking Roy is getting old (although Rat Face is older, but not mentioned) and knows the health issues and make a blind stab?
I thought about this line, and then thought about the vertigo incident, his very bad knees, and some other ongoing issues, and thought, "yeah, it could happen."
Has anyone have any insight or thoughts on leaks? Has anyone covering Roy in press conferences for a while noticed any changes? Any gathering of high-powered Ram's Club folks whispering about this over cocktails and cigars (at least that is how I imagine it!)?
Or, is Forde just thinking Roy is getting old (although Rat Face is older, but not mentioned) and knows the health issues and make a blind stab?