Greatest performance of defense against a pretty good darn team last night. Of note, Leaky covered Clark like a second skin, and their offense sputtered to only 13 points in the first half. So much for the best defensive player of the year in my book. Manek was an offensive machine, and I applaud our guards for their aggressiveness and mostly under control. Wahoos don't normally get their rear ends handed to them, especially on the defensive end of the floor, but a terrific floor game planned by Hubert and executed out there last night. Black led the way , and Manek and Bacot were the inside dominance all night, making them uncomfortable the entire 40 minutes. Kudos to McKoy, thought he was inspirational to the team with great play, and , when called , Puff comes in with high energy and floor burns where ever needed. Planning my afternoon nap for another evening, and glad of it. Go Heels !