The Condiment Tournament - Grater Region Sweet 16

Raising Heel

Hall of Famer
Aug 31, 2008
A van down by the river
You know what to do. Voting opens now and closes early next week or whenever I get around to it.


Copy/paste for easy voting:

1. Salsa
12. Peanut Butter

14. Mayonnaise
10. Franks Red Hot
1. Salsa
12. Peanut Butter

14. Mayonnaise
10. Franks Red Hot

Both of these condiments were seeded absurdly low. It's not at all surprising to see this 12 and 14 seed make it this far.
Mr. Peanut Butter, from out of nowhere, upsets one of the tourney favorites Salsa. Condiment Stars and Celebrities. What do they know? Do they know things? Let's find out. Meanwhile, @TarHeelNation11 casts the deciding vote for Mayo.

We're down to the Elite 8 and the remaining tournament seeds are 1, 1, 6, 8, 10, 10, 12, and 14. As if there were any doubt, this definitely proves that OOTBers are a bunch of angry malcontents who will vote against the very condiments they themselves nominated. #leghumpers

More voting is coming soon.

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Have you watched the whole series? I finished it a couple months ago. It was ... different. I think *good* different, but damn it got dark and very real in places.
Yeah I'm a big fan. It can definitely get dark, and a lot of places have praised it for being one of the most real looks at depression on television, which is crazy considering it's a cartoon about a talking horse. There is at least one or two episodes each season that are just like "damn, man, just...damn" kind of episodes. Will Arnett is a pretty consistently underrated guy imo, but he brings a lot to the show, as do the rest of the main voice cast.
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