The Hamburgler is back


From the comments:

"Creeper is right! A run in with this guy hanging around would have scared the pants off my kids."

Probably a poor choice of words there.

Hahahaha. Poor choice of words indeed. But that creepy looking Hamburgler looks like he'd like to scare the pants off of a child.

The Hamburgler costume is what they should have brought back if they were tied to the idea of bringing back an old marketing campaign (which can be good sometimes). But why would you change it to a real dude? First of all, it definitely is creepy. Secondly, the Hamburgler is a theif; a criminal. It's one thing for a little fictional character of a guy in a costume to portray that. It's entirely different to have a real man portraying a criminal. It just presents a weird feeling. "Hey kids, go give that weird, creepy man dressed up as a criminal a big hug and then come right back to finish"