They seem to be slowly getting it. Manek is working into the system nicely. Anyway you put it Bacot is a beast even when the defenses are collapsing on him (throw it out more like you did to RJ last night, Montross has been pleading). Leaky Black plays D, does the little things and is becoming a scoring threat or at least not a liability. The problem is the guards and I have to remember both are sophomores. RJ seems to be starting understand playing guard at this level within a team offense. Caleb not so much. Too much dribbling. Too much one on one. When he does get inside and look to pass it is a thing of beauty. He had some nice assists last night. I sure hope the coaches are talking to him about all this.
Speaking of Sophomores, how many dang posts does it take me to get out of my sophomore rating?
Speaking of Sophomores, how many dang posts does it take me to get out of my sophomore rating?