To my fellow posters...

I still know no one who has tested positive. The death rates are real, of course, but they are no worse than a bad flu, and like any bad flu, Covid-19 seems to kill few people who do not have underlying health issues.

This is a bad virus, but far from a once a century horror.

What most intrigues me is whether it is yet another disease that sprang from Chinese eating and animal slaughtering and selling habits, or if it is a product of Chinese bio-weapons experimentation.
I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. And now that we’ve seen how how global the effects can be, it could be the weapon of the future. I don’t trust those bastages one iota. They’re a threat to everything I hold dear, just like Russia.
I still know no one who has tested positive. The death rates are real, of course, but they are no worse than a bad flu, and like any bad flu, Covid-19 seems to kill few people who do not have underlying health issues.

This is a bad virus, but far from a once a century horror.

What most intrigues me is whether it is yet another disease that sprang from Chinese eating and animal slaughtering and selling habits, or if it is a product of Chinese bio-weapons experimentation.
Less than 1
I still know no one who has tested positive. The death rates are real, of course, but they are no worse than a bad flu, and like any bad flu, Covid-19 seems to kill few people who do not have underlying health issues.

This is a bad virus, but far from a once a century horror.

What most intrigues me is whether it is yet another disease that sprang from Chinese eating and animal slaughtering and selling habits, or if it is a product of Chinese bio-weapons experimentation.
I don’t know anyone that has been tested. Less than 1% of the US population has received one. My dumb governor down here in Georgia just found out last week that an asymptomatic person can pass it on to others. A father of 5 with no underlying issues died from it last week, a baseball coach, a New York City area DJ as well. Heck, I could have it and not know it, but I can’t get a freakin test because I have no symptoms. On top of that , I don’t want to go visit my 82 year old mother in North Carolina because I could unknowingly kill her.

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