To My OOTB Brothers and Sisters . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Your support and kind words posted in the threads and the personal messages sent to me this past week are greatly appreciated.

To my friend, UNC71-00, I want to say thank you for taking over and managing the prediction contest. You did an unbelievably fantastic job, good sir . . ! Anyone that can slow down the Hook-man to a 2-5 week deserves a tip of the cap . .

Your support and kind words posted in the threads and the personal messages sent to me this past week are greatly appreciated.

To my friend, UNC71-00, I want to say thank you for taking over and managing the prediction contest. You did an unbelievably fantastic job, good sir . . ! Anyone that can slow down the Hook-man to a 2-5 week deserves a tip of the cap . .

Welcome back Billy. Care to give your side of the story or would you rather forget about it?
Welcome back Billy. Care to give your side of the story or would you rather forget about it?

I'll send you a PM later today. I've got a Dr's and Dental appointments this morning and early afternoon, and then hopefully get my haircut.

Thanks PR . . !
Thank goodness you're back! Now on to my normal 5-2 and 6-1 records.:)