Triplash Potentially at it again?

This was clearly an unnatural fall. Normally, a player would brace himself for the fall, which Allen didn't do. Instead he went out of his way to extend his arm perpendicular to the direction of the fall and push the assistant coach. Allen needs more than a one game token suspension to get his act together. He likely needs behavioral therapy and maybe some psychiatric medications.

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Only took one view, kid shoved the heck out of that person, very obvious, he just shoved the heck out of that person on the bench, very vigorous shove too.
Will the "boys" take any action? Perhaps a txt from the LOM with some emojis to help out?
He has now perfected the henderthug forearm elbow blow.
Amazing, and the FSU asst. called it a "hustle" play....being overly generous there coach.
The young man has no self-control! I think this incident is much less important than the others, but if he has even a modicum of intelligence he has to see that he must remain totally above reproach! He can't afford even the hint of scandal and he still can't control his emotions. Every time I watch him play, I am on edge just like the feeling of watching a train wreck while it is happening.

He did appear somewhat woozy as he left the floor. Did he hit his head?
He snuck some of the LOM's meds...
Buddy of mine asked if I saw Tripsons "action" in the first half, which I apparently missed, but he described Tripson as being a cutter, beat his man by a step and Tripson threw an elbow at the other player...and my buddy is a former player, he said it was obvious to him but it was a no call on the floor.
His coaches or the league may need to have a special meeting with that kid.