Tripson at it again


Hall of Famer
Dec 2, 2002
Wow, blatant attempt to trip UVa player.....
From LB Sports/Yard barker...

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Yep NO doubt about it. Of course NOTHING will happen. The lemmings at DI and the rest of that Gawd awful cult will excuse yet ANOTHER blatant dirty play by this royal ahole.

I guess that slap on the wrist by Vader last year has been forgotten. Anything to win right??? What a bunch of colossal jerks and LOSERS these dbags are ... fans, players, coaches, and the LOM is the cause of all of it

WTF is it with this kid??? I wonder how often he attempts it and the cameras don't catch it? He seems hard-wired for this crap when he gets beat.
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WTF is it with this kid??? I wonder how often he attempts it and the cameras don't catch it? He seems hard-wired for this crap when he gets beat.
In all seriousness, I really think he’s got some mental issues. He was likely driven to this win-at-all-costs mentality by a previous coach (or possibly a parent)?

Playing for the rat obviously doesn’t help the kid, as we know vader loves his assholes, and encourages the BS.
In all seriousness, I really think he’s got some mental issues. He was likely driven to this win-at-all-costs mentality by a previous coach (or possibly a parent)?

Playing for the rat obviously doesn’t help the kid, as we know vader loves his assholes, and encourages the BS.
I absolutely believe he has mental issues. I have never seen that type of behavior in a half century of watching basketball. And instead of helping him deal with his issues, the LOM has condoned them and made excuses for them. Very sad, really.

He is going to do that in the pros and get knocked out.
I absolutely believe he has mental issues. I have never seen that type of behavior in a half century of watching basketball. And instead of helping him deal with his issues, the LOM has condoned them and made excuses for them. Very sad, really.

He is going to do that in the pros and get knocked out.
You just hit it. He's still doing this garbage as a damned senior. That makes it as much on K condoning it as it is on him. That "culture" is poison.
Punkson and the NBA??/ well look the jerk has a decent shot but man oh man he is SLOW, cannot create and relies on 6 dookie screens to get open. IF and it is a BIG IF, he does make an NBA roster, I would pay a HUGE amount of $$ to see a real NBA player just knock the ish out of this punk, because you know he is gonna try and pull one of his dirty stunt/trips in the league .Unlike his enablers and shills at UK East, no one is gonna protect this whiny little female dog..
I truly hope he does make an NBA roster so he could try to trip Demarcus Cousins or Zach Randolph.
I have come to terms with this that K is just as much of a you know what as Tripper and actually encourages him to do it. It's terrible to believe, but sadly it has to be true, this is going on way to long. After the first incident any coach would sit his player down and get him to stop it, that is not basketball and even more so it is not the way you act, you are clearly trying to harm someone. He could only do this so many times before it has you wondering what in the world is K teaching his players and what is wrong with K. And people in the media have the audacity to say that this man is a molder of young men, I mean c'mon it's right in front of you. I am happy though that K gave him that indefinite suspension last year, he really clamped down on him and it really helped the kid, NOTTTTTT.

When these incidents happen all I can think of is how thankful we should be to have had Dean and Roy, they would never allow any of that to happen under no circumstances, it is not in what the preach to their players and who they are as people. They have so much more character than him and aside from all their coaching achievements they deserve all the credit in the world for that part of who they are.
This one is more obvious. Just think that Tripper was a OAD as a freshman and a second rounder as a senior? This sh$$$t is ridiculous.

This one is more obvious. Just think that Tripper was a OAD as a freshman and a second rounder as a senior? This sh$$$t is ridiculous.


The bad thing is, I’m sure the punk got the foul call, even though 21 got all ball and the other dude lightly grazed his arm.

I can understand a guy “selling” a foul but the BS from Allen is beyond ridiculous.
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Wow, blatant attempt to trip UVa player.....
From LB Sports/Yard barker...

link would not attach.

Seriously, can't wait for some GM to draft him in the league and see him pull some crap like that against a Russell Westbrook type player.
Apparently, you guys don't know any Duke fans. Grayson is the most meek person you will ever meet. He's shy, polite & totally misunderstood. He doesn't do anything that other players don't do. Everyone has a problem with him, because he plays for Duke. If he played for anyone else, no one would have a problem with the way he plays. Now, you all know the truth. Stop blaming this poor victim that no one gives a fair chance. :rolleyes:

Having family members who are Duke fans has also taught me that Draymond Green is a much dirtier player than Grayson is & no one has a problem with him. Yes, I've had Duke fans use this a defense for him. They obviously didn't realize how embarrassing it is for their team that they could only think of one player in college or pro basketball that plays as dirty as Grayson does.o_O

K won't give him a meaningful punishment & Duke fans see him as a victim. We all know the NCAA won't step in to punish a Duke player. I'll be glad for college basketball in general, when he's gone. I just hope it happens, before he gives someone a career ending injury.
Trippy McWhiplash is who he is. He ain't gonna change and neither is Rat. IMHO, Rat not only lets this crap slide, I think he encourages it. I think he has a "keep doing it until the make you stop" mentality. Same with the flops. If it works, keep doing it until they make you stop. As much as I despise it, until/unless someone DOES make them stop, it won't end.

So, here's my issue with all of this: Saturday the officials stopped and reviewed footage of JB's elbow to the moo player (sorry, I don't care enough about them to know who they are individually). Fair enough. Check to make sure it wasn't intentional or a blatant attempt to cause harm. That is their job.

So, why didn't they do this on EITHER of those instances in dook's game? The one video of him trying to trip a guy wasn't one that would stop the play since there was no foul, but I believe the whiplash antics and the phantom "elbow" were, so they could have been reviewed and something done then. In the case of the late game "elbow", it was obvious he ran into the UVa player, so there shouldn't have been a foul. The officials should have waved off the foul, given UVa the ball and gone on, at least IMO. And why isn't the ACC head of officials coming down on them to be consistent?

To me, they should reviews these plays and, if they see he wasn't fouled or was trying to trip someone, then he should be assessed a technical foul and, in the case of a trip, ejected. I freely admit that my bias towards him skews that, but at the very least they could reverse the call when a foul is called because of his antics. If he is seen trying to trip someone, at the very least it should be treated no less than a flagrant foul as would an elbow to the chin that was intentional.
Trippy McWhiplash is who he is. He ain't gonna change and neither is Rat. IMHO, Rat not only lets this crap slide, I think he encourages it. I think he has a "keep doing it until the make you stop" mentality. Same with the flops. If it works, keep doing it until they make you stop. As much as I despise it, until/unless someone DOES make them stop, it won't end.

So, here's my issue with all of this: Saturday the officials stopped and reviewed footage of JB's elbow to the moo player (sorry, I don't care enough about them to know who they are individually). Fair enough. Check to make sure it wasn't intentional or a blatant attempt to cause harm. That is their job.

So, why didn't they do this on EITHER of those instances in dook's game? The one video of him trying to trip a guy wasn't one that would stop the play since there was no foul, but I believe the whiplash antics and the phantom "elbow" were, so they could have been reviewed and something done then. In the case of the late game "elbow", it was obvious he ran into the UVa player, so there shouldn't have been a foul. The officials should have waved off the foul, given UVa the ball and gone on, at least IMO. And why isn't the ACC head of officials coming down on them to be consistent?

To me, they should reviews these plays and, if they see he wasn't fouled or was trying to trip someone, then he should be assessed a technical foul and, in the case of a trip, ejected. I freely admit that my bias towards him skews that, but at the very least they could reverse the call when a foul is called because of his antics. If he is seen trying to trip someone, at the very least it should be treated no less than a flagrant foul as would an elbow to the chin that was intentional.

It would help if rival coaches would spend 2-3 minutes with referees before the game and show them footage of Tripper's recent antics. Then perhaps this will give them some increased awareness to watch for the antics in the game. Roy met will Valentine before a recent game and showed him some footage of the Florida State game.
Jack the Tripper will never change because it has nothing to do with basketball. He clearly has social or psychological issues. He has never been taught appropriate outlets for his frustration and has been coddled his entire life!

The absolute worst place on Earth for someone like him is puke and the worst mentor he could possibly have is ratty! This is the perfect storm of damaged individual meets win at all cost environment.....I hope the season ends before he does something catastrophic to someone!
They’re once again bemoaning d00k’s lack of a bench over at DI. And imagine the audacity of one poster who mentioned that four 5* players were sitting ont the bench.
What a competitor! What a warrior! Dook fans luv the guy. That says all you need to know about the whole program ... fans included (and I've got a few fans in my extended family). I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THEY CAN CHEER FOR THESE GUYS ???!!!! I SIMPLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND !!!

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