Trump already creating jobs


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2003
The Loving Liberal Left just can't accept their new CinC.

I'm devastated.
Yet on the surface they talk about coming together to work with him. You want to talk about deplorables.
Yet on the surface they talk about coming together to work with him. You want to talk about deplorables.

I think they should build a wall around themselves and declare a siege. Let'em starve us out.
The Loving Liberal Left just can't accept their new CinC.

I'm devastated.
Well, DUMs only have themselves to blame. They implemented a "Pied Piper" strategy that backfired spectacularly that intentionally cultivated extreme right-wing presidential candidates and that would turn the Republicans away from their more moderate candidates. This enlisted mainstream media who then focused to Trump and raise him above all others assuming that would help Hillary for who would vote for Trump. This was a deliberate strategy all designed to propel Hillary to the White House.

The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee along with mainstream media all called for using far-right candidates “as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton’s camp insisted that Trump should be “elevated” to “leaders of the pack” and media outlets should be told to “take them seriously.”

If we look back on April 23, 2015, just two weeks after Hillary Clinton officially declared her presidential campaign, her staff sent out a message on straregy to manipulate the Republicans into selecting the worse candidate. They included this attachment a “memo for the DNC discussion.”


The memo was addressed to the Democratic National Committee and stated bluntly, “the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field.” Here we find that the real conspiracy was Clinton manipulating the Republicans. “Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise is intended to put those ideas to paper.”

“Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate.”

The Clinton strategy was all about manipulating the Republicans to nominate the worst candidate Clinton called for forcing “all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election.”

It was not Putin trying to rig the elections, it was Hillary. Clinton saw the Republican field as crowded and she viewed as “positive” for her. “Many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton then took the strategic position saying “we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party.”

Her manipulative strategy was to have the press build up Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. “We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to take them seriously.”

This conspiracy has emerged from the Podesta emails. It was Clinton conspiring with mainstream media to elevate Trump and then tear him down. We have to now look at all the media who endorsed Hillary as simply corrupt. Simultaneously, Hillary said that Bernie had to be ground down to the pulp. Further leaked emails showed how the Democratic National Committee sabotaged Sanders’ presidential campaign. It was Hillary manipulating the entire media for her personal gain. She obviously did not want a fair election because she was too corrupt.

What is very clear putting all the emails together, the rise of Donald Trump was orchestrated by Hillary herself conspiring with mainstream media, and they they sought to burn him to the ground. Their strategy backfired and now this is why she has not come out to to speak against the violence she has manipulated and inspired.

This is by far the WORST campaign in history and it was all orchestrated by Hillary to be intentionally divisive for the nation all to win the presidency at all costs. She has torched the constitution and the country. No wonder Hillary could not go to the stage to thank her supporters. She never counted on them and saw the people as fools. The entire strategy was to take the White House with a manipulation of the entire election process. Just unbelievable. Any Democrat who is not angry at this is clearly just a biased fool. Wake up and smell the roses. You just got what you deserve.
Well, DUMs only have themselves to blame. They implemented a "Pied Piper" strategy that backfired spectacularly that intentionally cultivated extreme right-wing presidential candidates and that would turn the Republicans away from their more moderate candidates. This enlisted mainstream media who then focused to Trump and raise him above all others assuming that would help Hillary for who would vote for Trump. This was a deliberate strategy all designed to propel Hillary to the White House.

The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee along with mainstream media all called for using far-right candidates “as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton’s camp insisted that Trump should be “elevated” to “leaders of the pack” and media outlets should be told to “take them seriously.”

If we look back on April 23, 2015, just two weeks after Hillary Clinton officially declared her presidential campaign, her staff sent out a message on straregy to manipulate the Republicans into selecting the worse candidate. They included this attachment a “memo for the DNC discussion.”


The memo was addressed to the Democratic National Committee and stated bluntly, “the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field.” Here we find that the real conspiracy was Clinton manipulating the Republicans. “Clearly most of what is contained in this memo is work the DNC is already doing. This exercise is intended to put those ideas to paper.”

“Our hope is that the goal of a potential HRC campaign and the DNC would be one-in-the-same: to make whomever the Republicans nominate unpalatable to a majority of the electorate.”

The Clinton strategy was all about manipulating the Republicans to nominate the worst candidate Clinton called for forcing “all Republican candidates to lock themselves into extreme conservative positions that will hurt them in a general election.”

It was not Putin trying to rig the elections, it was Hillary. Clinton saw the Republican field as crowded and she viewed as “positive” for her. “Many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.” Clinton then took the strategic position saying “we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party.”

Her manipulative strategy was to have the press build up Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. “We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to take them seriously.”

This conspiracy has emerged from the Podesta emails. It was Clinton conspiring with mainstream media to elevate Trump and then tear him down. We have to now look at all the media who endorsed Hillary as simply corrupt. Simultaneously, Hillary said that Bernie had to be ground down to the pulp. Further leaked emails showed how the Democratic National Committee sabotaged Sanders’ presidential campaign. It was Hillary manipulating the entire media for her personal gain. She obviously did not want a fair election because she was too corrupt.

What is very clear putting all the emails together, the rise of Donald Trump was orchestrated by Hillary herself conspiring with mainstream media, and they they sought to burn him to the ground. Their strategy backfired and now this is why she has not come out to to speak against the violence she has manipulated and inspired.

This is by far the WORST campaign in history and it was all orchestrated by Hillary to be intentionally divisive for the nation all to win the presidency at all costs. She has torched the constitution and the country. No wonder Hillary could not go to the stage to thank her supporters. She never counted on them and saw the people as fools. The entire strategy was to take the White House with a manipulation of the entire election process. Just unbelievable. Any Democrat who is not angry at this is clearly just a biased fool. Wake up and smell the roses. You just got what you deserve.

You call it a conspiracy, but it went to the entire DNC, that's a pretty public group.

As for the actual strategy, I think every political campaign is full of this type of thing. It is a type of muckraking without slinging mud (which comes later).

Anyway, it is super ironic that the strategy worked in getting Trump to the top of the list, then he won enough votes to get the electoral college.

I've said before that our system is broken when people like Trump and Hillary are the best we can come up (and given that congress ratings are at all time lows). This type of strategy just kinda confirms that politics is BS. I just wish a legit anti-establishment candidate could win then do SOMETHING anti-establishment (like get money out politics)
You call it a conspiracy, but it went to the entire DNC, that's a pretty public group.

As for the actual strategy, I think every political campaign is full of this type of thing. It is a type of muckraking without slinging mud (which comes later).

Anyway, it is super ironic that the strategy worked in getting Trump to the top of the list, then he won enough votes to get the electoral college.

I've said before that our system is broken when people like Trump and Hillary are the best we can come up (and given that congress ratings are at all time lows). This type of strategy just kinda confirms that politics is BS. I just wish a legit anti-establishment candidate could win then do SOMETHING anti-establishment (like get money out politics)
I think it really speaks to the fact that karma is a bitch, and that results in a bitch not being elected. $RC threw and absolute hissy-fit as the results came in demonstrating in glorious irony how karma really is a bitch:

The mystery of Hillary Clinton, milk-carton missing on election night, appears solved.
A Tuesday of catharsis for Donald Trump voters turned into an evening of rage for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic presidential nominee, anticipating the postelection reaction of many of her supporters, began shouting profanities, banging tables, and turning objects not nailed down into projectiles.

“Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage,” R. Emmett Tyrrell reports. “Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage.”

The appearance of campaign chairman John Podesta at Manhattan’s Javitz Center, and the dematerialization of his heretofore ubiquitous charge, perplexed in the first hours of Wednesday.

“They’re still counting votes, and every vote should count,” Podesta declared to a sad and stunned hall. “Several states are too close to call, so we’re not going to have anything more to say tonight.”

As Podesta recalcitrantly refused to recognize reality early Wednesday morning, Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump to offer congratulations. The juxtaposition of the campaign chairman publicly vowing to fight around the time the candidate privately conceded the election left observers scratching their heads.

Tyrrell’s reporting indicates that Mrs. Clinton’s mental state made it impossible for her to address her supporters on election night as custom requests. So, instead, Podesta gave a rah-rah speech on a boo-hoo night to cover for the absence of the first woman president, her fireworks, and her victory speech shout-outs to the mothers of the Black Lives Matter martyrs.

“She is not done yet,” Podesta claimed. Tyrrell’s reporting indicates that, indeed, Clinton remained far from done.

“Her aides could not allow her to come out in public,” he writes. “It would take her hours to calm down. So Podesta went out and gave his aimless speech. I wish we could report on Bill’s whereabouts but we cannot.”

Bill appeared the following day at Hillary’s belated concession speech wearing a purple tie but, thankfully, no purple marks about his face, suggesting experience dictated avoidance the previous evening.

“People say they’re amazed Bill’s marriage survived,” Tyrrell noted to Breitbart. “I’m amazed Bill survived his marriage.”

Tyrrell’s reporting remains a thorn in the side of the Clintons more than two decades after the American Spectator published its Troopergate stories detailing Bill Clinton’s escapades as told by his Arkansas security detail, stories that first referenced Paula Jones and pushed the president on the road to impeachment. Nearly 19 years after Hillary Clinton imagined a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” out to get her husband, the cabal’s charter member again relies on the accounts of the Clintons’ long-suffering security to unmask the public faces worn by the power couple now out of power.

“In the ’90s, we published several pieces that documented her throwing lamps and books,” Tyrrell tells Breitbart. “This happened pretty often. She has such a foul mouth that the Arkansas state troopers learned a thing or two from her. She has a foul mouth and a good throwing arm.”

Karma really is a bitch.
I don't think it speaks to anything about karma, because almost all politicians seem a little dirty, too much game playing. Instead it shows that you need to be careful what you ask for.

Trumps a dirt-bag, we can all agree on that, if anyone needs to watch out for karma it's him.

Their strategy worked - kudos to that, too bad the strategy itself backfired due to so many people being sick of DC (or being stuck on issues like abortion and immigration)

I just hope the people sick of DC pay attention to real new, not fabricated news (like Infowars , etc... )
I don't think it speaks to anything about karma, because almost all politicians seem a little dirty, too much game playing. Instead it shows that you need to be careful what you ask for.

Trumps a dirt-bag, we can all agree on that, if anyone needs to watch out for karma it's him.

Their strategy worked - kudos to that, too bad the strategy itself backfired due to so many people being sick of DC (or being stuck on issues like abortion and immigration)

I just hope the people sick of DC pay attention to real new, not fabricated news (like Infowars , etc... )

No, we don't all agree that Trump is a dirt bag.
^ sorry, by dirt bag I meant slightly racist misogynistic, islam-hater. Better? I don't believe in karma, but he's lost some points for getting into heaven.
I don't think it speaks to anything about karma, because almost all politicians seem a little dirty, too much game playing. Instead it shows that you need to be careful what you ask for.

Trumps a dirt-bag, we can all agree on that, if anyone needs to watch out for karma it's him.

Their strategy worked - kudos to that, too bad the strategy itself backfired due to so many people being sick of DC (or being stuck on issues like abortion and immigration)

I just hope the people sick of DC pay attention to real new, not fabricated news (like Infowars , etc... )
"I just hope the people sick of DC pay attention to real new, not fabricated news..."

If any news has been fabricated, it has been by the media elites, who were completely repudiated in this election. Alternative media will prevail over STATE RUN MEDIA every time... If the elite media really pro-1st Amendment, then why are they trying to take away the news feeds featured on Facebook and Google related to alternative media sources? Answer - the elite media are really a propaganda arm of the DEM party and in the finest tradition of STATE RUN MEDIA throughout history they are trying to silence critics, promote the ruling party, and eliminate political opponents.
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^ sorry, by dirt bag I meant slightly racist misogynistic, islam-hater. Better? I don't believe in karma, but he's lost some points for getting into heaven.
How old are you? Have you had a chance for your balls to drop yet?
How old are you? Have you had a chance for your balls to drop yet?
You mad that I feel trump is racist or misogynistic? How do you know i have balls?

I don't vote based on someone's character or personality, but somebody above mentioned Clinton being due some karma payback....
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You mad that I feel trump is racist or misogynistic? How do you know i have balls?

I don't vote based on someone's character or personality, but somebody above mentioned Clinton being due some karma payback....
Not mad at all, but are you saying you have no balls? And, $RC is due some SERIOUS karma payback; trust me, it's coming...
Not mad at all, but are you saying you have no balls? And, $RC is due some SERIOUS karma payback; trust me, it's coming...
Trust me... You sound like trump when he promised me a wall.

And please don't tell me you get your news from Facebook or e-mails your crazy cousin feds you.
Trust me... You sound like trump when he promised me a wall.

And please don't tell me you get your news from Facebook or e-mails your crazy cousin feds you.
So snowflake, you have no balls literally, figuratively, or perhaps both? Don't forget, little snowflake, that there are FIVE FBI Field Offices investigating $RC and the Clinton Foundation as their TOP PUBLIC CORRUPTION case, the Clinton classified email investigation will likely be reopened, and the Clintons and a good number of Clinton lackeys will probably be in jail within a couple of years... Just sayin'...
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^ sorry, by dirt bag I meant slightly racist misogynistic, islam-hater. Better? I don't believe in karma, but he's lost some points for getting into heaven.

We don't agree that he is a racist misogynistic Islam hater.

Need to check your assumptions at the door.
and what's the snowflake stuff? i don't get it. I'd love to see your source of info regarding the FIVE FBI Field Offices investigating $RC and the Clinton Foundation
Trust me... You sound like trump when he promised me a wall.

And please don't tell me you get your news from Facebook or e-mails your crazy cousin feds you.
Nuke'em is a genuine alt-right neocon who gets his news from Breitbart and Fox. Everything else is "state run media", and not trustworthy for him.
You mad that I feel trump is racist or misogynistic?

I don't think anyone is mad over this. It just shows that you may not be the best judge of:

I just hope the people sick of DC pay attention to real new, not fabricated news (like Infowars , etc... )

because it seems obvious that you consider any news source that isn't catering to your confirmation bias to be fabricated.
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