Trumpers can't get it up

I'm trying to figure out why someone would spend hours of their life researching this. I guess it's better than when republicans were talking about what Bill Clinton's member looks like.
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That was interesting. They definitely put a lot of time and effort, as well as serious detail, into that study.

Men and their dicks have been the culprits for more fugged up outcomes in history than I care to imagine.
Oh, look...another story about Trump's penis. CNN Has some real competition now! Lulz!
"Fragile Masculinity"... that's actually an interesting term and concept.

Trump is just as responsible for keeping his dick in the news as CNN. He's like a textbook case of "fragile masculinity." He's not patient zero, of course. It goes back to the cavemen.

"Research shows that many men feel pressure to look and behave in stereotypically masculine ways — or risk losing their status as “real men.” Masculine expectations are socialized from early childhood and can motivate men to embrace traditional male behaviors while avoiding even the hint of femininity. This unforgiving standard of maleness makes some men worry that they’re falling short. These men are said to experience “fragile masculinity.”"
Fragile Masculinity sounds like nothing more than beta males trying to come to grips with themselves.
Absolutely phallic, old boy!

I didn't open the link. But let me guess, the term "toxic masculinity" (newest buzzword used in liberal ideology) was used.

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"But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood."

That likely explains the elevated estrogen levels around here.
"But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood.".

I wonder what the blowback would have been had a research study concluded that the previous president appeared to appeal to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood.
I wonder what the blowback would have been had a research study concluded that the previous president appeared to appeal to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood.
I don't recall Obama feeling the need to point-out his dick size.

I'm not sure when the content of the video in the article occurred, but Donald feels the need to remind everyone that in spite of his doll hands, his dick is big, even though an eyewitness has a different account...

... of course, who would take her word for it?
I don't recall Obama feeling the need to point-out his dick size.

I'm not sure when the content of the video in the article occurred, but Donald feels the need to remind everyone that in spite of his doll hands, his dick is big, even though an eyewitness has a different account...

... of course, who would take her word for it?

I didn’t realize you had to point out your dick size to appeal to guys insecure about theirs.

I didn’t read the whole article though, were they making the case that there are guys out there that say “Trump probably has a small dick, therefore I love that guy”?
I didn’t realize you had to point out your dick size to appeal to guys insecure about theirs.

I didn’t read the whole article though, were they making the case that there are guys out there that say “Trump probably has a small dick, therefore I love that guy”?

All you had to do is read the first few paragraphs to get the gist of it.