NUMBER ONE : We had a chance to make a huge turn in the season and propel this team toward the home stretch for the tourney and we flat out blew it.
SECOND : We can harp on NC State and Dook and their fanbase all we want . The fact that we didn't honor coach K in some way and our fans decide to chant F-U coach K is about as CLASSLESS as it gets in my book . I was actually ashamed of my Tar Heel fan base (and school) . I usually make sure I wear something Carolina after a game ( especially after a loss ) to show my support . That didn't happen this time and truthfully I'm not sure when I will ( if ever ) do it again .
I think that if I'm Dook that would put a fire in my butt like no other. In other words ....WE GOT WHAT WE DISERVED . And you don't know how hard that is for me to say. Especially it being Dook. It , in my opinion was NAGDTBATH ..Not A Good Day To Be A Tar Heel . 😥😎🥁
SECOND : We can harp on NC State and Dook and their fanbase all we want . The fact that we didn't honor coach K in some way and our fans decide to chant F-U coach K is about as CLASSLESS as it gets in my book . I was actually ashamed of my Tar Heel fan base (and school) . I usually make sure I wear something Carolina after a game ( especially after a loss ) to show my support . That didn't happen this time and truthfully I'm not sure when I will ( if ever ) do it again .
I think that if I'm Dook that would put a fire in my butt like no other. In other words ....WE GOT WHAT WE DISERVED . And you don't know how hard that is for me to say. Especially it being Dook. It , in my opinion was NAGDTBATH ..Not A Good Day To Be A Tar Heel . 😥😎🥁