It has been rumored this kid has decided and about to announce for three weeks now.....Mike said the longer he waits, the better for Heels....we will see. Personally I think he has decided....but he is such a good kid he just can't bring himself to break the hearts of the other coaches and all his friends at FSU....this is volital now...I get worried the longer it goes because I was told it was UNC for sure and he had even hinted to staff....then I heard all his homeys at FSU found out he was leaning UNC and stepped in calling him and texting him saying don't do it.....then the decision didn't I'm worried now. I think Udoka is the type MAN we have lacked at UNC....he has toughness to go with it. He will be a drastic physical presence change for us. We won't be able to see it (Ingram OAD) but I wanted him here so I could see him bulldoze the skinny Ingram trader.