UNC needs...

Fedora is going absolutely nowhere for a couple years . . . we're gonna haveta just deal with it.
Originally posted by UNCle1967:
UNC needs a new head coach. If that doesn't happen soon, then they need a new AD as well!!!
agree.fedora needs to be shown the door.when the football defense allows more points per game than the basketball team per game it's time for a change.
I am as frustrated as anyone, but who are you planning to hire to replace Fedora? Where are you going to get the money
To pay a "marquee" name coach? Fedora does need to get defensive coaches that can recruit talent though. Again though, UNC
Has to provide the funds to get coaching talent and the Alumni have to be willing to pay more as well. Tough quandary,
But job 1 is to get a DC's and then secure better players.
You can get all the DCs you want, but it all starts at the top. Not sure why everyone is complaining about the defense. It was bad, but that was expected. But Fedora is supposed to be some type of offensive guru, yet he can only scheme up 7 points with a month to prepare? Maybe under the current conditions UNC is stuck with Fedora for another couple of years. That is depressing. Someone above asked the question as to who you were going to get if you fired Fedora. My answer is that anybody would be worth the chance. A coach that leads a soft football team will never change. It is all about leadership, and Fedora leaves a huge void in that area.
UNC needs DT's ... bad .... all year you have lost it in the D trenches and at the point of attack .... of this years best DT's in NC, the tarheels will land zero ... they are all headed elsewhere .... Dalton is headed your way but is a DE .... simply put, UNC does not stop the run and that is the problem
The NCAA mess has finally caught up to UNC. This program is currently dead. The firing of Butch destroyed this program once and for all. There is no sleeping giant, there is no potential. It is what it is, mediocre and will always be that way. It hasn't changed much since 1980. Anyone that thinks differently needs to get their head examined. New coach will not make a difference anymore. UNC had a coach, Thorpe fired him to cover us his own mess, do you think any really good coach is coming to UNC. Forget about it.
I am a State fan and I can see why you all are discouraged. Fedora is an enigma. He seems like a really good guy and just look at your recruiting. It is SEC quality. That being said, if Fedora is fired you all can find and hire an outstanding coach though it may be an up and comer from a non Power 5 conference. There are plenty of talented coaches out there who would jump at the chance.
And this puts too much pressure on our secondary. Check the amount of tackles they have against the running game. Opposing QB's get big passing plays at will because there's no pressure. Rutgers was getting crazy pressure without blitzing. We were sending blitz but still no pressure.
I still wish Thorp/Baddour had heeded Butch's request - "Let us handle it internally." I believe we would have been spared a lot (maybe most?) of the mess we've had.
this year were there any players on the team that fedora did not recruit? i don't think it's fair to fire a guy if he has any players that were another guy's recruits.
I think every coach deserves at least 4 years and I'm fine with 5 myself. Give a guy a chance to recruit, redshirt and then have 4 years of his recruits playing.

Fedora has 2 problems- 1- the program see,a to be regressing. 2- he's not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Been saying all alone to my friends that letting Butch go was a mistake,regardless what some of his players did,he would've taken care of it had he had the chance.
UNC needs new fans. This thread is ridiculous.

First off, regardless of what you think about the Butch Davis situation, he's gone and he's not coming back. Get over it.

Meanwhile, Fedora is in the third year of scholarship limitations (and the ever-present black cloud hovering over the program). By design, the cumulative effect of the scholarship losses was most significant this season and the results on the field demonstrated that. UNC needs a serious infusion of depth and talent. Help is on the way, even faster if the NCAA rules quickly and favorably.

Does Fedora have shortcomings as a coach? Of course. But he has aggressively addressed the most obvious deficiency by hiring a top-flight defensive coordinator. Give him two more years to stabilize the program and then we can start having reasonable and fair discussions about his future here.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
UNC needs new fans. This thread is ridiculous.

First off, regardless of what you think about the Butch Davis situation, he's gone and he's not coming back. Get over it.

Meanwhile, Fedora is in the third year of scholarship limitations (and the ever-present black cloud hovering over the program). By design, the cumulative effect of the scholarship losses was most significant this season and the results on the field demonstrated that. UNC needs a serious infusion of depth and talent. Help is on the way, even faster if the NCAA rules quickly and favorably.

Does Fedora have shortcomings as a coach? Of course. But he has aggressively addressed the most obvious deficiency by hiring a top-flight defensive coordinator. Give him two more years to stabilize the program and then we can start having reasonable and fair discussions about his future here.
This. Everyone read this and take it to heart. I'm at my wit's end with all the whiners in our got damn fanbase. Over on the premium board on the Gene Chizik should be a thread full excited posts, celebratory posts, and brave attempts at prognosticating a double-digit win total for the Heels next fall.

Instead, it's turned into yet another d*ck measuring pissing match and on TOS, the Chizik thread has devolved into a "Fedora sucks, is GC the coach-in-waiting??" narrative. Seriously people, be happy. We just made a HOME RUN, SLAM DUNK hire at defensive coordinator. Like an absolute monster of a hire. Can we be happy for like 3 effing days before we start whining?
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:

Originally posted by Raising Heel:
UNC needs new fans. This thread is ridiculous.

First off, regardless of what you think about the Butch Davis situation, he's gone and he's not coming back. Get over it.

Meanwhile, Fedora is in the third year of scholarship limitations (and the ever-present black cloud hovering over the program). By design, the cumulative effect of the scholarship losses was most significant this season and the results on the field demonstrated that. UNC needs a serious infusion of depth and talent. Help is on the way, even faster if the NCAA rules quickly and favorably.

Does Fedora have shortcomings as a coach? Of course. But he has aggressively addressed the most obvious deficiency by hiring a top-flight defensive coordinator. Give him two more years to stabilize the program and then we can start having reasonable and fair discussions about his future here.
This. Everyone read this and take it to heart. I'm at my wit's end with all the whiners in our got damn fanbase. Over on the premium board on the Gene Chizik should be a thread full excited posts, celebratory posts, and brave attempts at prognosticating a double-digit win total for the Heels next fall.

Instead, it's turned into yet another d*ck measuring pissing match and on TOS, the Chizik thread has devolved into a "Fedora sucks, is GC the coach-in-waiting??" narrative. Seriously people, be happy. We just made a HOME RUN, SLAM DUNK hire at defensive coordinator. Like an absolute monster of a hire. Can we be happy for like 3 effing days before we start whining?
Great post RH and great follow-up THN11. I am pleasantly surprised at the big name hire in Chizik and I can't wait until next season.

In fairness, most of the posts in this thread came immediately after the ugly bowl loss. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry, disappointed, and confused watching that debacle play out. That's why I stay away from the message boards for a few days...everyone's perspective goes out the window. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water.
RH and THN- I stand by my earlier comment ITT. Do y'all disagree?

And before anyone thinks I'm being belligerent- these 2 know I am not, so don't anyone take it that way.

I'm not convinced (yet) that the program is regressing. Obviously the amount of wins has dropped from 2012 to 2013 to 2014. But there are a lot of variables in play. Am I happy with how we played most of this season and specifically how we ended the season? HELL No. But I'm not ready yet to say that the program, overall, is regressing.

I mostly disagree with your second point that Fedora isn't likable. He's positive to a fault, which the head coach of Carolina Football has to be. Does he make stupid in-game decisions, especially on when to go for it vs. kicking a field goal? Yes. Fedora certainly has question marks and hasn't always made the best decisions, but I really don't think that, as a person, he isn't likable.

He and his staff need to work on pumping up the team for every single game though......that's for sure. Fed needs to step up his game (which he obviously knows, he isn't dumb) but I don't view 2015 as do or die for him. He needs the full-term of his contract IMO. I said in a thread on premium -- and I really do believe this -- that I think Fedora can absolutely win in the "Roy Williams way" where he stockpiles so much amazing talent that the talent carries the day and the talented players win a lot of games, in spite of the occasional poor in-game decision, adjustment, gameplan, or lackthereof. And Fedora is certainly bringing in talent. So we'll see how things progress when the likes of Hatton, Sweet, A. Smith, Dalton, Britt, etc., develop into starters.
Well UNC certainly wasn't going to get better as the number of recruited, scholarship players decreased each of the last three years. If that's your definition of regressing, then okay. I happen to think Fedora has done a pretty damn good job holding the team together despite that handcuff and the shadow the NCAA uncertainty has cast on recruiting. I do have significant concern about player development. I don't know that any players under Fedora have shown remarkable improvement. On the other hand, we've had a very young team so next season should be telling in that regard.

Likeable? Don't care. I don't need warm fuzzies from my football coach. I just need him to win. Paul Johnson, Nick Saban, and Urban Meyer are all pricks IMO but they get the job done.
i'm very concerned about the locker room. Those player tweets were full of inuendo about division after the rutgers game.

1. Keep your ass off twitter unless you're posting puppies, kittens and bible scripts

C. If there is a prob keep it in house
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by heelmanwilm:
i'm very concerned about the locker room. Those player tweets were full of inuendo about division after the rutgers game.
Me too -- probably my biggest concern along with player development like RH pointed out.
Originally posted by Heels Noir:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

[Fedora is] not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Speak for yourself. I love Fedora.
+1. Love the energy the guy brings. Love the spread. Love Gene Chizik being hired as the new DC.
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by Heels Noir:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

[Fedora is] not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Speak for yourself. I love Fedora.
+1. Love the energy the guy brings. Love the spread. Love Gene Chizik being hired as the new DC.
Originally posted by UNC_Blue:
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by Heels Noir:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

[Fedora is] not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Speak for yourself. I love Fedora.
+1. Love the energy the guy brings. Love the spread. Love Gene Chizik being hired as the new DC.
i like the guy, but that's irrelevent. it's about winning..period. but i won't judge a guy when he still has players he didn't even recruit. coaches recruit kids to match their own system or philosophy -- not some other guy's. also, kids generally commit to a school because they've developed a strong relationship with those coaches. some residual loyalty feelings among kids who were recruited by the previous administration are almost inevitable. among fans as well? (just look at this message board, and tos is even worse.)
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by UNC_Blue:
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by Heels Noir:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

[Fedora is] not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Speak for yourself. I love Fedora.
+1. Love the energy the guy brings. Love the spread. Love Gene Chizik being hired as the new DC.
i like the guy, but that's irrelevent. it's about winning..period. but i won't judge a guy when he still has players he didn't even recruit. coaches recruit kids to match their own system or philosophy -- not some other guy's. also, kids generally commit to a school because they've developed a strong relationship with those coaches. some residual loyalty feelings among kids who were recruited by the previous administration are almost inevitable. among fans as well? (just look at this message board, and tos is even worse.)
I go with Jimmy on winning being far more important than being likable. I have called for Fedora to make the big move to try to right the D that has been awful. He's made such a move. He has earned our loyalty for another year.

As for players loyalty - any who cause even the slightest trouble for Chizik and the new D staff should be punished swiftly. The hope for 2015 is that the D gets turned around. Player dissention out of loyalty to Koenning and staff will harm us.
Originally posted by WoadBlue:
Originally posted by JimmyinVA:

Originally posted by UNC_Blue:
Originally posted by uncboy10:
Originally posted by Heels Noir:

Originally posted by UNC71-00:

[Fedora is] not very likable from a fan's perspective.
Speak for yourself. I love Fedora.
+1. Love the energy the guy brings. Love the spread. Love Gene Chizik being hired as the new DC.
i like the guy, but that's irrelevent. it's about winning..period. but i won't judge a guy when he still has players he didn't even recruit. coaches recruit kids to match their own system or philosophy -- not some other guy's. also, kids generally commit to a school because they've developed a strong relationship with those coaches. some residual loyalty feelings among kids who were recruited by the previous administration are almost inevitable. among fans as well? (just look at this message board, and tos is even worse.)
I go with Jimmy on winning being far more important than being likable. I have called for Fedora to make the big move to try to right the D that has been awful. He's made such a move. He has earned our loyalty for another year.

As for players loyalty - any who cause even the slightest trouble for Chizik and the new D staff should be punished swiftly. The hope for 2015 is that the D gets turned around. Player dissention out of loyalty to Koenning and staff will harm us.
Well for the record I never said being likable is more important than winning. I was just responding to the comment that he isn't likable.

I don't see player dissention out of loyalty to Koenning being a problem. There was dissention under Koenning, which tells me that Chizik is more likely to unify the D. Maybe some guys that lose playing time will be pissed off but they can sulk away on the bench as far as I'm concerned.

A D in the 70's or 80's will be good enough to win a lot of football games if the offense consistently shows up to play. I think Chizik can accomplish that next year. Recruiting and player development take time, but X's and O's come a lot more quickly.

This year's offense was significantly slowed down by the O-line. That's no secret to anyone that knows anything about football. But the O-line should be significantly improved next year. Experience, another off-season bulking up and some big time recruits should help in a big way. If that is the case I expect them to establish the run the way they did against dook week after week. With good blocking Hood and Logan will be unstoppable.

A lot of critisism has been leveled at Fed/Littrell for calling too many QB draws, but I'd say at least half of the time when Quise runs its a designed pass with broken down protection.

Regardless I bet you he seems a lot more likable after we beat USuCk in Charlotte.

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