Unless you guys...


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2001
Columbia, SC
know of an opening or have an idea who you want, i suggest you follow thn11 and just quit buying the product...i want changes for sure, but unless vic and/or disch quit, i don't see fedora making a move...doesn't he seem rather loyal to you guys?

i can come up with names just like anyone, but until there's an opening, it's a moot point.

how bout those uni's though?
It will be interesting to see what transpires in the off season.

If Fedora doesnt make significant changes in the off season, he better win and win big next year.
Loyalty is great, unless you are loyal to assistants who are not getting the job done. That means you place loyalty over comptence and productiuon, and evebntually that means you become a liability.

Fedora needs a new DC who has the right to hire a totally new staff on D.

Of course, as we have 3 guys who are either named Associate HC for D or Co-DC, replacing the DCs will almost totally repalce the D staff.

If Fedora keeps the D staff and there is not significant improvement on D next year, he will have so alienated most of the fan base that he might never get it back.
Correct Woad. Next few months will tell us all we need to know.

Will Bubba lay down an ultimatum?
Along the lines of Fedora losing the fan base - there are people claiming to be UNC fans who were at the game today saying that no more than 40,000 of the people in attendance were UNC fans.

We just beat Dook to become bowl eligible and are facing Moou. If we can't put 55,000 of our own fans in Kenan, then Fedora has already lost a good part of the fan base.
I have a feeling they are going to blame a lot of the crappy product on lack of scholarship players. If they stink-it-up with a full scholly load (which I believe they will, sorry), then it's time to start again. I have a feeling next season will be 6-6 again... if that. The inconsistency is glaringly obvious with this entire team.
Woad the only problem with your last post is that it is Thanksgiving weekend. A lot of the people that are there every week didn't show today because they spent time with there family. I think that is more why they didn't show.
Originally posted by southie wake heel:
Turkey Day Weekend or not, play today in Carter Stadium and there are zero empty seats.
Yup. No need to sugar coat it...Carolina fans are lousy when it comes to attendance
i prefer to think that we'd rather beat liberty, sdsu et al than nc state.
that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
I understand that to. But as far as NC State fans. Y'all on here before even said the reason they have a pack stadium. Was most of there fan base lives in the state of NC. And the ones complaining about attendance again. We're yall at the game today. If not why. Live to far away which helps my argument that people were out of town. Heels fans our all over the country.
Behind the body of work we have seen from our D staff this year and then giving up as many points as we did to a team yesterday that no one anywhere will say is even a decent offensive unit, we have to make changes. There is no debate. There is no more time. With the exception of the Duke game, there has been zero defensive consistency. And it has been like this under this staff since they got here. I mean when in the world have you ever felt that during what normally would be awesome down and distance odds for this D, such as let's say 3rd and 25, that we will definitely get that stop? I never feel comfortable because I'm all too familiar with the deep ball right over the top for 50+ yards or the 45 yard run right up the middle in these situations. And we know it's coming and still refuse to stop it. And it never matters who it is, whether Liberty or Ga Tech. SMDH! I've seen this rerun for 3 years, I'm ready to watch something else.