Hats off to Cam and Joel for being able to bring our guys back into the game. They both were locked in and very much stepped up when we needed them to, they deserve a ton of credit. I really wanted to see us pull that one out for those 2.
I thought there was a nice moment between them at the end of the game after Cam's shot was blocked, Joel went over to Cam as he had his hands on his knees and gave him a pat on the back to pick him up. Joel was definitely upset as he knew that was a big play, but he knew how hard and well Cam had played as he was right beside him as they brought the team back.This was an important step in Joel being there for Cam and for himself as a leader for this team showing him that he knew how hard he played and wanted to let him know that he gave a great effort. This definitely goes a long way for the chemistry between the two, that’s what a team is all about right there having each other’s backs and picking the other guy up when he needs it.
Hopefully we can build off of that second half because there was a lot of good things that we did and turn things in the right direction, we need all hands on deck for the rest of the season. We need Joel to lead our guys, for Theo to be in Swiss army knife attack mode and for Luke to be Luuuuuuuuuuke. It’s time to dig deep into those "Heels" and grind out some wins!!
I think this should be the mantra for the rest of the year and Ol' Roy should put it all over the locker room : "We have a challenge in front of us," Berry said. "We either take it or we back down from it."