We got our ass kicked by a storm with no name

Asheville got totally fukked. Swanannoa and Black Mtn are even worse. Chimney Rock has pretty much been wiped off the map. Haven’t had wifi or cell service since yesterday morning.

Finally bummed some wifi off the hospital and posted up in a camp chair to watch Carolina piss away the win. Watching them shit the bed from a FEMA disaster zone is definitely a new low.
Asheville got totally fukked. Swanannoa and Black Mtn are even worse. Chimney Rock has pretty much been wiped off the map. Haven’t had wifi or cell service since yesterday morning.

Finally bummed some wifi off the hospital and posted up in a camp chair to watch Carolina piss away the win. Watching them shit the bed from a FEMA disaster zone is definitely a new low.
Western NC is like New Orleans during Katrina. It's a mess all over this area too. Not as bad as Western NC, though... It's hard to believe how much damage was done there.
Western NC is like New Orleans during Katrina. It's a mess all over this area too. Not as bad as Western NC, though... It's hard to believe how much damage was done there.

A lot of people here still won’t realize how bad it is because cell and wifi is still mostly down. I’m lucky to have a spot where I can get wifi but most people are totally in the dark.

Helicopters and sirens are pretty much constantly in the background. It sounds like the beginning of an apocalypse movie.
A lot of people here still won’t realize how bad it is because cell and wifi is still mostly down. I’m lucky to have a spot where I can get wifi but most people are totally in the dark.

Helicopters and sirens are pretty much constantly in the background. It sounds like the beginning of an apocalypse movie.
This is one of the reasons I left the coast. Every fall is the same thing. This is the first one that's had a major impact this far inland since Hugo, I think.

I never knew Western NC was such a risk for flooding like that. I don't know if it's the placement of the escarpment or what. Stay safe.
This is one of the reasons I left the coast. Every fall is the same thing. This is the first one that's had a major impact this far inland since Hugo, I think.

I never knew Western NC was such a risk for flooding like that. I don't know if it's the placement of the escarpment or what. Stay safe.

Swanannoa is low and flat which I think is a big reason why it got crushed so bad. A lot of trailer parks which seem to have been totally destroyed. I’m guessing that’s where most of the fatalities will have been.

Biltmore has the French broad right behind it plus swannanoa river feeding into it. It’s basically right next to an intersection of two waterways. Swannanoa river floods during heavy rain anyways, so it crested the banks early.

They should’ve evacuated larger areas. They basically only suggested evacuation for historical flood zones but there’s a lot of people trapped in other areas because of the fallen trees and mudslides.

I know Old Fort got hit as well so I’m sure the Black Mountains got hammered. I don’t think I’ll be getting to make any pilgrimages up to Mt Mitchell until spring at the earliest. Idk how bad the parkway got hit but I won’t be surprised if chunks of it are missing.
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I guess they’re just now getting some phone service in some areas around Asheville so starting to hear horror stories. Old classmate of mine and his wife spent all day on their roof. Another friend when I texted him said he was walking out trying to find help and some food but had no cash. Both lived in swannanoa
I never knew Western NC was such a risk for flooding like that. I don't know if it's the placement of the escarpment or what. Stay safe.
City planning is based on what will logically happen because of money. It makes no sense from a planning perspective to prepare Texas for a snow storm or NYC for tornadoes. Same for preparing the mountains for a category four hurricane. That money needs to go to snow storm preparation. So, when crazy stuff happens, like a bad hurricane in the mountains, it has a huge impact.
30 people known dead in buncombe county (Asheville area) 60 “officially” missing with around 1000 unaccounted for as reported by friends and family. Prob just the tip of the iceberg since still with no cell or internet. I’m at my parents with no power still and a big tree down in their yard and they feel lucky.
City planning is based on what will logically happen because of money. It makes no sense from a planning perspective to prepare Texas for a snow storm or NYC for tornadoes. Same for preparing the mountains for a category four hurricane. That money needs to go to snow storm preparation. So, when crazy stuff happens, like a bad hurricane in the mountains, it has a huge impact.
many years ago when there were newsgroups instead of message boards, I would tangle with this typical yankee transplant who moved here to get away from whatever northern shithole he had escaped from, and immediately and mindlessly started bitching that things were not the same as they were in the shithole he had left.

His biggest gripe was about things shutting down for a small amount of ice and snow here. Why, back where he was from he said, they had a gazillion dollars worth of men and equipment staged to react and keep people working, etc. I had to point out to the dummy that there was little point in spending that kind of money on something that rarely occurred here, to do what nature would do in a day or two anyway..
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One of my oldest friends, we both lived in Myrtle Beach during Hugo, lives up in Boone North Carolina now. I talked to him today for about 10 or 15 minutes. He said man this is worse than you go, as far as the devastation he's having to deal with. From what I see, it looks just like New Orleans after Katrina and that's what he was saying.
The restaurants around here are making a huge profit, the ones that have power that is.
just got an ominous text from someone connected with the city of columbia…

“rivers are expected to crest near or above the 2015 1000 year flood levels…buy bottles of water now and fill bathtubs to flush toilets”