Week #9 Results / Standings . . . 5 Players Go 5-2


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Congrats to Cory, Wayno, JuleZ, Strummy and UNC'92 for taking this week's honors with 5-2 predictions.

Please verify my math as we are all scorekeepers and alert me to any mistake(s) . . . gracias.

This Week's Results

Coryfly ...................... 5-2

UNCWayno ............... 5-2

JuleZ ......................... 5-2

Strummy ................... 5-2

UNC'92 ..................... 5-2

UNC71-00 ................. 4-3

HookUNC75 .............. 4-3

GTeeItUp ................... 4-3

Billy ............................ 4-3

Raising Heel ............... 4-3

'Slinger ........................ 3-4

THMark ...................... 3-4

THN11 ........................No Picks

UNCBoy10 ................ No Picks

Overall Standings

HookUNC75 .................42-22

StrummingRam ............ 37-27

JuleZ ............................35-29

Raising Heel ................ 35-29

UNC'92 ........................ 35-29

UNCWayno .................. 32-32

GTeeItUp ...................... 31-33

TarHeelNation ............... 30-27

GunSlingerDick ............. 29-35

Coryfly ........................... 29-35

UNC71-00 ..................... 28-36

TarHeelMark .................. 27-37

Billy ................................ 27-37

UNCBoy10 .................... 26-31
This being the hare ain't is much fun as it started out to be....All you tortoises seem to be catching up.:mad:
This being the hare ain't is much fun as it started out to be....All you tortoises seem to be catching up.:mad:

We're at the point where with just 4 weeks left, its basically a 5 player race.

I got a ball-buster week coming up this weekend . .
I'm pulling hard for Hook. I don't think I could stomach watching a meltdown of epic proportions - which is what it will be if he were to lose. It would be akin to Jean Van de Velde teeing off on 18 at the Open Championship with a 3 stroke lead or the Houston Oilers letting a 35-3 lead in the 3rd quarter slip away.

Not to add to your sleepless nights, @HookUNC75
Yeah, that was brutal to watch. I've seen similar (though not nearly as high stakes of course) happenings in some of the amateur tournaments I've played in and I'm always uncomfortable when it goes down.