What Beverage Do You Start the Day With . . ?


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Coffee, tea, soda . . ?

What brand is your fav . . ?

How much of the day's first bev do you drink . . ?

I start the day with a 16 oz. cup of Yuban coffee and I drink probably at least 14 ounces if I don't finish it.

Whatja got OOTB . . ?
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Coffee. Usually with a splish of milk but otherwise black. I used to keep it to just one travel mug's worth, but it has crept up to where I usually top it up once or twice.
I don't know how or when it started, but my weekday "breakfast" is a pack of Lance Toasty Crackers and a 12-oz. can of Coke. The rest of the day I just drink water, or an adult beverage in the evening. On weekends I just drink water or maybe OJ in the morning.
Black coffee- 2 to 3 mugs. From there it goes to water, maybe a diet coke if out to lunch, and from there red wine or beer or the occasional liquor drink.
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Usually water or tea. My tea has 1/2 cup of sugar to a gallon. Its also decaffinated. Only soda I drink is gingerale. It may only be one glass a week. Lemonade some rare time as well

I used to be a Diet Coke girl, I mean guy, in the mornings. But I rarely drink cokes anymore. I've never been a coffee drinker - probably less than 10 cups in my life. I don't get coffee. I drink to be refreshed. How is something hot going to be refreshing. I've tried ice coffee and all that does is make me sh*t. So, for me, water is fine. Every now and then I'll have some crystal light tea.
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Diet soda (usually Diet Coke) unless we are at the beach for shagging. Then an 8:30 a.m. beer is not a bad thing.
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a giant tumbler of water, usually mixed with lemon juice & some electrolyte infused water(about 3-4 of these a day).

coffee is next, about 2 cups w/skim.

adult beverage at night, red wine or a beer.
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Water if I have had enough rest
ice tea -unsweet most days
coffee on days I am dragging (which is a lot more lately)