What i just witnessed.......


Hall of Famer
Aug 9, 2004
I just stopped at the store to get a morning snack and a drink for breakfast, i walked to the counter with my pack of little debbie donuts and a coke and wait in line behind a lady who is buying what appears to be enought junk food and 20oz drinks to feed an army and pulls out her EBT card to pay for it.

I then pull out the last $ 20 i have to my name until i get paid tonight at midnight then walk outside to my truck to see the lady from line sitting in a brand new Cadillac Escalade.

Damn that drives me crazy knowing part of the money that i earn that will be taken out of my check tonight will be going to pay for her EBT card!

Yup, seems like there are people who have mastered gaming the system everywhere. You'd be amazed how many Mercedes/BMWs/etc. are parked in the driveways of Section 8 housing up here. And how many people try to buy things like cigarettes and scratch tickets on their EBT cards.

Some people have a soft spot for these programs and people though, so refuse to have sufficient checks on the system, which only enables it more.
That's part of your weight problem...

I see what you did there.......

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