Below is a snippet of my dream plan. Please feel free to ask questions or pay homage to my powerful brain.
- move to a consumption tax. models show a huge increase in revenue. most fair methodology. get out of picking winners and losers by the government.
- corporate tax rate reduced to 0-5%. close loopholes. 2 year to repatriate money.
- cut military spending by 10%. let them figure it out. the budget is bloated
- move social security retirement age back to 68/70 for anyone under 55.
- healthcare becomes single-payer system funded by new taxes from consumption tax and reduction in spending listed above. we have to make our country healthier. Tired of seeing cancer wreck families emotionally and financially.
- immigration. Scrap the wall unless solar panels are viable. Amnesty for Dreamers and a path to legal status for anyone proven to be here and contributing. Cost to deport 11M+ ppl is unrealistic. Make the immigration process smoother and more targeted. Bring in people depending on our needs. Right now HB1 needs a shot in the arm. We need more STEM backgrounds as well.
- Bring back Glass-Stegall. Limit size and exposure of banks. De-regulate those smaller banks.
- create a task force to understand and hopefully fix our out of control higher education costs. limit who gets student loans. part-time public work/volunteer programs to help those buried under student debt get relief.
- revamp public education. Renew focus on alternative paths to college such as trades. Not every prince/princess needs to go to college.
- police standards have to increase. raise educational requirements. stricter testing. much higher pay. reduce numbers. we have too many shitty cops.
- public teachers - see above re: police
- no minimum wage. let companies compete without a floor
- create work programs for welfare/unemployment recipients who are able-bodied.
- decriminalize drugs. legalize weed everywhere
- more investment in mental health screenings/treatment. we have to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Promote early childhood intervention. This would help with all sorts of issues including gun violence.
- create a 'DMV' of sorts for guns. they must be registered and tracked. must pass basic training course in order to own a gun. training renewed every few years. severe penalties for anyone owning illegal guns.
- you must show ID to vote.
- legalize prostitution and gmabling
- find a way to to greatly improve our public transit system. Massive overhaul to our infrastructure. Let high speed rail in specific areas, especially the Northeast corridor down through the south. [/QUOTE]
- move to a consumption tax. models show a huge increase in revenue. most fair methodology. get out of picking winners and losers by the government.
- corporate tax rate reduced to 0-5%. close loopholes. 2 year to repatriate money.
- cut military spending by 10%. let them figure it out. the budget is bloated
- move social security retirement age back to 68/70 for anyone under 55.
- healthcare becomes single-payer system funded by new taxes from consumption tax and reduction in spending listed above. we have to make our country healthier. Tired of seeing cancer wreck families emotionally and financially.
- immigration. Scrap the wall unless solar panels are viable. Amnesty for Dreamers and a path to legal status for anyone proven to be here and contributing. Cost to deport 11M+ ppl is unrealistic. Make the immigration process smoother and more targeted. Bring in people depending on our needs. Right now HB1 needs a shot in the arm. We need more STEM backgrounds as well.
- Bring back Glass-Stegall. Limit size and exposure of banks. De-regulate those smaller banks.
- create a task force to understand and hopefully fix our out of control higher education costs. limit who gets student loans. part-time public work/volunteer programs to help those buried under student debt get relief.
- revamp public education. Renew focus on alternative paths to college such as trades. Not every prince/princess needs to go to college.
- police standards have to increase. raise educational requirements. stricter testing. much higher pay. reduce numbers. we have too many shitty cops.
- public teachers - see above re: police
- no minimum wage. let companies compete without a floor
- create work programs for welfare/unemployment recipients who are able-bodied.
- decriminalize drugs. legalize weed everywhere
- more investment in mental health screenings/treatment. we have to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Promote early childhood intervention. This would help with all sorts of issues including gun violence.
- create a 'DMV' of sorts for guns. they must be registered and tracked. must pass basic training course in order to own a gun. training renewed every few years. severe penalties for anyone owning illegal guns.
- you must show ID to vote.
- legalize prostitution and gmabling
- find a way to to greatly improve our public transit system. Massive overhaul to our infrastructure. Let high speed rail in specific areas, especially the Northeast corridor down through the south. [/QUOTE]
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