What's the hardest you've ever laughed?


Mar 31, 2002
It doesn't necessarily have to be the funniest thing you've seen or heard. It could have come during a moment when you were just more susceptible to breaking out in a breath-stealing, floor-rolling fit of laughter.

I can think of three times, all watching television, that stand out in my mind. They may or may not have been funny to you, but they just triggered me on that particular moment. Alcohol was not involved.

3) Spinal Tap - The Rock and Roll Creation Performance - Just Harry Shearer's character getting stuck in the pod and finally getting out when it was time to get back in. It just struck a chord.
2) Borat - The Naked Wrestling Match (I am really not sure why this made me laugh so much)
1) Tim Allen's Showtime Concert in the late 80s/early 90s when he had the "Men are Pigs" theme that would eventually spawn the Home Improvement television show.

I think the Tim Allen one was because I was watching it with a friend and we both just lost it. I believe it may have been exams time--I know it was in college.
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My buddy got shitfaced drunk at the rehearsal dinner of another buddy of ours about 12 years ago. People were making speeches and he thought he'd say something. He was slurring so bad and ended up taking his shirt off (for what reason we still don't know) and then fell down, taking out a table and a couple of chairs. His wife's reaction to it all was probably the best part.

My college roommate (from Long Island) singing karaoke at JP Looney's in Greensboro the night before he was going home after being kicked out of school. He sang Sinatra's "New York, New York" and did it with the flair and voice of Robert Goulet.

I got stoned and went to see Old School. When Will Ferrell shot himself in the neck with that tranq gun, I lost my shit.

Anytime I watch the Harvey Korman/Tim Conway dentist skit from the Carroll Burnett Show.
I got stoned and went to see Old School. When Will Ferrell shot himself in the neck with that tranq gun, I lost my shit.
I grew up in a small town, so small that the nearest mall was 30 minutes away (in another state). We used to drive there in high school to hang out and also because it had the only decent record store around.

One day, my older brother and I went to the mall with two other friends. My brother bought a cassette (!) of Sam Kinison's "Louder Than Hell." The four of us listened to it in the car on the way home. It was the raunchiest thing I'd ever heard and we all laughed so hard we were doubled over with tears pouring down our faces. My brother had to pull over to collect himself.

There have been other times but that's the one that came to mind first.
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I was stoned watching Half Baked. The scene where Thurgood went to the lab to get the municipal weed. The look on his face and reaction to the brick of weed the lady brings him put me over the top. I can’t remember but I may have wet myself. If I did I’m not even sorry about it.
Definitely the time dook lost to Lehigh in the first round of the 2012 NCAA Tournament. Or was it in 2014, also in the first round, when dook lost to Mercer? What a riot!
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The Debbie Downer where they are in disney and she goes "by the way, it's official, I can't have children".

Tears streaming down my face laughing so hard.
Hardest that I laughed was at a Ron White performance in Wash.,DC about three years back . . I paid a little extra (VIP tickets) and we had a chance to meet him backstage after the show, he truly is an average guy that loves folks.
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Carol burnett show. Tim conway and harvey korman doing a dry cleaner skit. Kormans moustache keeps coming off and they both break character.

We were at a popular pool shooting spot here in wilm. One of the girls thats a regular there is a bit of a floosie. Always rubbing her tits on u and flirting. I chalked up my hand good and grabbed her ass when she came around. Left a perfect white hand print on her ass. She didnt have a clue. We chuckled. About an hour later we’re sitting at a table and she walks by on the way to the restroom. She had a dz white handprints all over her ass and legs. I laughed so hard about hyperventilated.

Just this past weekend at azalea festival downtown. We’re in a large group eating at an outdoor patio. We’re next to the bar. A couple of young hotties were on bar stools. One kept flipping up the back of her skirt whenever she would sit down. (She was up and down a lot). Whenever she would flip up her skirt it revealed her bare ass. The side we were sitting on could see it all and we were dying. The other side didnt have a clue what was so funny.
I don't know. I'm not a big fan of standup so it wouldn't be that. SNL is a trainwreck these days but there have been some skits I thought were great in the past. I particularly enjoyed the Celebrity Jeopardy skits. I like some comedies but not sure would be a best ever type deal for me. Probably some instance with friends I don't remember. Drinks would have probably been involved.

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